Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: March 2019 (Page 8 of 10)

Pain Lab pummel…

So it was my first pain lab Q and I wanted to reminisce about all the fun times that I have had there so I took my least favorite things and combined them all for some Saturday morning fun. Here’s how it went…

Linus with the warmup…


Burpees/mountain climbers

Overhead press/curls

Least favorite Ab exercise (your choice)

”The little green band” – Rhomboid Rows


Kettlebell swings

Forearm Rope (crowd pleasers)


We did the first round and then went to the parking lot for some bear crawls and Mike Tyson’s for 10 parking spaces increasing each line to 10.  Then we lunge walked and did squats each line.  Round 2 of the circuit (super fun) then back to the parking spaces for lunge walks and squats again.  On the way back we did crab walk between spaces and Clavin called for crab thrusters so we did them increasing fashion.   We started round three of the circuit but ran out of time.  Great work men.  I appreciate the opportunity to lead.


Linus took us out


Howl like a Monkey…

19 for a pleasant weather morning showed for some work.


The Thang:

25 SSh

10 Merkins (It was at this point that Whoopee said something about in position and that I was not calling the workout correctly) Good point

Howl like a Monkey, everyone in Monkey Humper position with one guy at a time doing 20 Monkey humpers while the rest of us hold position. Howling did happen and some by me.

10 Burpee’s

25 Imperial Walkers

Mosey to the bridge.

Nest on a Bridge. Partner Up, While one guy does Burpee’s the other Bear Crawls to the other side then runs back to switch. Rinse and repeat.

LBC’s while you wait.

3 Sets of Dips, Derkins, and Up-Erkins. 20 first set, 15 second, and then 10 Dips, 12, Derkins, and 13 Up-Erkins.

Mosey across the street to the grass. Watch out for ants.

Joe Webb up to 7 and back down.

Mosey back across the street.

Have a seat on the wall.

25 in cadence marching with hands in the air while in seated position.

50 Sumo Squat Jumps

Mosey across the steet and then weave through all the poles. About 20, touch the wall and then come back.

Wall Sit March to 20.

50 Monkey Humpers

Pole Weave and back.

Wall sit March to 15.

50 Squats

Weave and back.

(Train) 5 Burpee’s

Shoulder Tap to 20 counting your right shoulder.

20 Diamond Merkins

Shoulder Tap to 15

Staggered Merkin right arm back

Shoulder Tap to 10

Staggered Merkin left arm back

Mosey back to start. Some collected the six and some did LBC’s.

Done, just like that.

The Moleskin:

Good fun this morning with some humor. Got to meet Big Country, honor.

Convergence on the 30th.

Lattini Run the same day.

April 13th Community Run, sign up now and it’s only $20.

May 5th is The Summit, from base camp to the top of Mt. Mitchell and back down. 11 miles.


Thanks for the opportunity, it is always and honor to be Q.

Gastone, until another day.




3rd Birthday

18 was the number at Midoriyama Thursday night for a little celebration. Friday 3/8 is Midoriyama’s 3rd birthday!


ssh x 3ic

merkins x 3ic

low slow squat x 3ic

morroccan nightclubs x 3ic


Let’s mosey. We ran around to the shelter near the lake.

The Thang:

We did 3 exercises(dips, derkins, box jumps, 20 each) then ran halfway down the lake hill and backup, back down to the bottom and all the way backup to the shelter. Since we have a 3 theme going on we did this 3 times. Man that hill is tough but everyone pushed hard on it!

Let’s mosey back down the road. We stopped at the hill near the 1st ball field for a little Joe Hendricks. Guess what? We did it three times!

Mosey over to the parking lot for some type of dirty 11’s. Start with Tiger Squats(10) run across the parking lot and at the median to a burpee. Run to the other side for CDD’s(1)(your welcome Leppard). Everytime you cross the median stop for a burpee. That’s time head back to the flag.


Announcements-Nomads going to Metro Saturday, SFN/Community Run coming up, Convergence coming up

Prayer Request- Swimmer looking at a new Job, A few health concerns


Having this workout in the evening for those that can’t make the morning due to work or whatever your reason has been a blessing. I could never fully explain what it has meant to me. Thank you to all the regular PAX that have made this work over the last few years and all of you that come to visit. I hope to see more of you come the Summer when Midoriyama really shines!

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Pulling into Folsom I see a couple HIMS waiting for time to start. One of those guys was an FNG that had been trying to meet up with us since Tuesday.  An Army veteran and motivational speaker known as Big Country.

Warmarama: SSH, MN, Gravel Pickers, x15 IC and Hillbilly’s till Lion King joins the circle

Thang:  Yesterday afternoon I hit up Sparky to use his blocks. I wanted to do something a little different than my usual Q.  20 to 1 a  well known Sparky beatdown was in order.  Most of the Folsom regulars are familiar with this routine, but  there are several new guys that needed to be introduced to it.  Grab a block lets get at it.

20 overhead press, curls, triceps, and squats.  From here count down to 1 without putting the block down. 5 burpee penalty if you do. Hacksaw pushing hard as usual, keep it up!

The PAX worked hard and finished with a little time to spare.

Partner up for some Dora 123.  100 merkins, 200 lbc’s, 300 squats.  Time was running out with the squats, so it was stopped around the 200ish rep as we had an FNG to name. Pledge

Circle up and take a knee and let our FNG talk for a few minutes about himself.  He is known by Big Country to his Army buds and now known in F3 as such.  Glad to have you brother.

Prayer request: Allen Tate, Rockabilly’s mom, Tater Hole’s mom, Allen Tate’s mom, Frank and Medicine Woman with a death in the family, I think one more I can’t recall.  Sorry.

Announcements: Nomads for this Saturday, meet behind Dunkin Donuts at Eastridge Mall not sure what time check, twitter or slack, Mt Mitchell hike May 5th. Covergence at Folsom March 30th.

YHC took us out.

The PAX worked hard and only a couple decided the burpee penalty was worth it. Rockabilly got to check his progress as this was the very same workout he did as a FNG.  Great to see 12 HIMs out on a cold March morning in the gloom.  As always a pleasure and an honor to lead you guys.


Tour of Cramerton

Cold morning at the Goat, but not as cold as we thought. We warmed up quickly, and some of us found we had overdressed. A lot of moseying ensued, though Strava said we only did 1.6 miles..hmm.



Stretching: Hang; Right hand to Right foot, hand high; Left



Mosey across bridge to far parking lot

7 of Diamonds:

Round 1: 7 Burpees; mosey between

Round 2: 14 4-count flutter kicks; NUR between

Round 3: 21 CDD’s; Mosey between

Round 4: 28 Squats; NUR between


Mosey to lower lot by Rader Center


Round 1: 7 Merkins ; mosey between

Round 2: 14  American Hammers-count 1 side; NUR between

Round 3: 21 Lunges; Mosey between

Round 4: 28 LBC’s; NUR between


Mosey to lot at top of stairs.


Round 1: 7 Hand Release Merkins ; mosey between

Round 2: 14 Parker Peters; NUR between

Round 3: 21 SSH; Mosey between

Round 4: 28 Mountain Climbers; NUR between (Omaha’d)


Romans 8:28 And we know that for those who live God all things work together for good for those who are called according to His purpose.


Nomads to Metro on Saturday

Convergence, March 30 Folsom 7:00 am

Prayer Requests:

Tesla’ son..National Honor Society

Tatorhole’s daughter having a procedure


Thanks for coming out! Fun to lead!





Diablo Sammich is probably one of my favorite places to visit. I feel like there is such a great opportunity for the 2nd F of F3.   I think this is in part because I am not sucking wind like I do at other workouts and can actually speak.   So after the last meeting at the Sammich, Gastone asked for a Q, and I gladly volunteered.



SSH x 10 IC (with packs…lol)

Let’s roll…

We did a little mosey to Gastone’s hill and did number of squats, merkins and LBCs/ flutter kicks as we NURed to the top.  We then left and did some wall squats at food lion and then again at Harris teeter. These were super fun as our quads were on fire by that point. On the way back we had a few minutes and HIPAA and WattsUp told me what they sometimes do on the short wall on the way back so we did some step ups and some dips.  Made it back to snowballs and did some Mary to finish up.  Great work men.  It was a pleasure leading y’all today.

Annoucements- Mt Mitchell and Convergence

Prayer Requests- WattsUp’s son as he is undergoing some neurological testing.

YHC took us out…







Runner’s High

So the temps were low but the spirits were high as 9 men showed up for what was to be an epic morning run.

JJ placed the American Flag at about 0528 as the remaining PAX assembled beside the numerous Ford trucks in the lot.

At 0529 the Q took over and announced the route.  Gaston Day School Road, left on that road before New Hope (right after the row of Arborvitaes), right on Lee, left on New Hope, Right on Armstrong Park Drive, right on Armstrong Park Road which turns into Gaston Day School Road again.

We started at 0530 with a brisk pace.  YHC had the holeshot at the start but Diva, Gastone, Sister Act, and Monk put an end to that and started the breakaway.

Monk was being chased by YHC and Stroganoff.  At Armstrong Park Drive and New Hope there was someone waking and baking in their car and it took about 100 yards to get the putrid stench out of the air. (Where is Defib’s great smelling laundered clothes when you need them?)  Stroganoff was tired of running slow and passed YHC and Monk.

Clavin was pushing the rock and styling in his custom USPS running vest.

When we got back to start, Sister Act was already changed and ready for work.  When everyone returned we finished up with the Pledge, announcements, and prayer requests and the flock of men gave great praise to the Q for coming up with such an original route to run.

Announcements:  Gashouse Convergeance/4 year Anniversary at Folsom March 30th.
Mount Mitchell Hike in May (Gastone QIC)

Community Foundation Run April 13th

Prayer Requests:  Blades and Stones, each other (the PAX)

Always a pleasure.  Keep getting in that P200 training!


4 corners.

15 showed on a warm winter afternoon.

Warm up


Don Quixote’s  And a few more that I forgot. mosey to the small soccer field.

Dora. With 4 corners. 10 rounds. OYO. 

SSH 100 

Squat 200 

 LBC 300

Pretzel Crunch first, then switch to Overhead clap 400. 

On laps 3 and 9 give 5 Burpees at the start.

Several fast guys getting done we all stopped and got 5 Burpees in together. Head to the parking lot.

Route 66 called out by several of the PAX.

We had Squats, Merkins, Calf Raises and maybe a couple others. Mosey back to the start to finish up.

Announcements And prayer request.


I told the men, that I wanted to brag on them for a minute. It is always fun at every workout. You men are always there, making someone smile, listening to each other before you speak.  Thank you all for caring, for listening, and most of all for your prayers.   Keep up the good work. Keep pushing each other. Keep holding each other accountable.

Thank you for another great workout!!!

Bulldog Blast..


As I have said before, and as some of y’all experienced last Saturday at the Gashouse, Montross and Whoopie delivered the epitome of what a F3 workout is.  When I began to put together my game plan for Bulldog I took some pages from their playbook and added a few other terrible things in order to challenge myself and hopefully my fellow F3 brothers. So it went something like this:




Princpals of F3- Whoopie Style (lots of burpees) #crowdpleaser

The Beatdown:

5 cones approximately 10-15 yards apart

Bearcrawl between for round 1, Lunge walk for round 2 rinse and repeat as needed for a total of 6 I think. We did both exercises at each cone. There was a fair amount of mumble chatter, but everyone pushed hard.

1) Mike Tysons 15/ LBCs 25 OYO

2) Kettlebell swings 25/ 25 curls

3) Reverse American hammers 25 OYO / 25 Rosalitas 

4) 4×4 10 OYO/ SSH 25 IC 

5) 20 Reverse lunges/ 20 Squats

Thanks to all you guys for coming out and helping me get better.  Till next time SYITG

Announcements – Mt Mitchell Ruck and Convergence.

Pryaer Requests: Voodoo’s co workers daughter and Tornado victims and families. Yhc took us out.



Midoriyama Math?

13 in the  Beautiful afternoon at Midoriyama.  Being that I have a short memory, I am so thankful to have been reminded that I had the Q.  I have a work out that I had done at another AO.  I thought that it would work well for this evening. With a few adjustments, adding in some Burpee‘s for my man Slaw,  I knew that this would suck, so I decided this was the wenkie for us! Time nearing as I pull up. I see plenty of Pax getting their EC on.  With that we began.



1 mile mosey.  5 Burpees at every 1/4 mile mark also we had a train close by, so an extra 5 were added. 


SSH x 10

Toy Soldiers x 10

Goof balls x 10

Hill Billies x 10 

Imperial walkers x 10 

Squats x 10 



Merkins  x 10

Nolan Ryan x 10 each arm. 

Mnt Climbers x 10 

CDD x 10 

Hand release Merkins x 10 

Peter Parker x 10 

Parker Peter x 10 



Crunchy Frog x 10 

WW1 x 10 

V up- Roll up x 10 

Pretzel Crunch x 10 

American Hammers x 10 

LBC x 10 

Dying Cockroaches x 10 

Flutter Kicks x 10 


Mosey to the ball field hill

Triple nickel up hill. 

SSH & Squats – legs

Merkins & CDD – arms 

WW1 &  Crunchy Frog – core.


5 minutes left. Mosey back to the start for some Mary.



Nomades saturday. Meet at dunkin doughnuts on new hope or Roses in Belmont. Let Freight  know.

Community foundation run sign up.


Prayer request.

Each other.  Many request, spoken and unspoken. Remember we are each other’s brother in Christ. Reach out if you need help or just want to vent.


I shared  with the men  about traveling through life. There are HOV lanes in our cities today to encourage each other to travel together to stay out of the clutter of the highway.  To get to your destinations quicker and safer. The Lord wants The same thing for us. He wants us to travel together in life, encouraging one another, praying with one another, helping one another, and most of all loving one another.  Remember to keep Christ centered in your life, and if you need help; we your brothers are here for you.


Thank you you guys for another afternoon delight. It’s always fun listening to the mumblechatter.

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