Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: August 2022 (Page 4 of 12)

Folsom 8/25

Rolling in and setting up the flags this am you can feel it won’t be much longer for cool mornings at Folsom, skunks we’re out in full force as the PAX rolled in.  5:30 and it’s time to get it on.

The Warmup

10 Gravel pickers IC

10 Moroccan Night clubs IC

20 Side straddle Hops IC

5 Burpees

Mosey to bottom of parking lot

Catch me if you can

Partner up, first partner does 10 merkins while the other partner NURS, when you complete your merkins sprint and catch your partner to release them from the NUR now they drop and do merkins. We’ll do this to the triangle past the upper park bathrooms.

At the triangle first corner 10 big boys, second corner 20 flutters (count one leg), 30 Jungle boys squats

Mosey to the Flag pole at AG center for pledge but on the way 2 burpees at the remaining light poles

Circle up and do 22 merkins in cadence for the vets

Mosey to AG center parking lot for a round of Dirty 11’s. The work is Mike Tysons and lunges with a burpee each time you pass the median.

Indian run back to the starting point. Man in the back does two burpees before over taking the line.

When we go back to the lower parking lot I felt the men did so good I’d take them on a little vacation to the BEARMUDA TRIANGLE. Three cones roughly 30 yards apart, 1 burpee at first cone with a bear crawl to cone #2 where we do 2 burpees and bear crawl to cone #3 and you guessed it 3 burpees. To round it all out a final bear crawl to cone 4 and the final 4 burpees of the workout.

Slow mosey to COT for some Mary and we knocked out some dying cockroaches, LBC’s, and leg lift spreads then TIME.

Paul Bearer sent us out with a Prayer



PT test Saturday GasHouse

Prayer requests

Jessica Beetle Baileys friend

Stripers Brother


Wire nuts family.

Bedpans wife

Give em what they want

YHC showed up about 10 minutes before start time with the early guys already in the shade by the turd shack. We shot the breeze for a few minutes until it was time to go. We had a cotter out today, Billy Ray who is Quiche’s son. I knew he was coming so I put together a music focused beatdown. This is what happened…

Pledge of Allegiance

Circle up for a warmup of 5 burpees because there was already some complaining going on and asking for this and that. It was at this point that the decision was made. Give em what they want. Ultimate!

Wojo was asked to retrieve the frisbee and we moseyed toward the soccer fields. Catch the 6 before we got into some music number trivia. There was a claim that all of my facts were wrong and all I could do is blame it on the correctness of the Google search.

Triple Nickel – On one side of the field we did 5 burpees, run to the other side and do 5 big boy situps. We did this 5 times.

When we finished this, it was back to the music number facts and questions, mainly directed at Billy Ray. He didn’t know any of the numbers so we did some more exercises to make sure we were properly warmed up before we got to The Thang.

Ultimate Frisbee!!!

We counted off and split up the teams. Basically, team Sargento dominated the momentum and scoring but there was some great hustle put forth by everyone. The fresh out of college whippersnapper Billy Ray really surprised the guys by showing off some prolific Ultimate skills despite his assumed out of shapedness. Goes to show, don’t judge a book by it’s cover. In the end the scoreboard showed this result.

Team Sargento – at least 10

Team Other Guys – not as many as Team Sargento

We moseyed back to start, did the namorama and hung out chatting some more because that’s what we do.

Announcements – PT Test Saturday, 50 mile relay 9/10, skating with Mayor 9/17, JJ5k 9/24, Convergence 10/8

Prayer Requests – BOS, Huck, Oompa’s injury & healing, Billy Ray’s visa approval

Thanks for playing guys. Aye!

Folsom 8/6/2022

Nice to have a large crowd at Folsom this morning. Lots of work was performed, and here is a sample of things we did.

Triple Nickel on the hill on walking trail.   That stupid hill is terrible!,

Killer “Bs” routine on tennis courts!  This was an Iron Pax Challenge workout from several years ago, and it’s terrible.  The IPC version was for 5 rounds, but this one was for 3 Rounds!  Still sucked.

11s on the tennis court!

Route 66 Bear Crawl Mike Tyson’s.  This is my go to routine at Folsom and it never disappoints!!

Appreciate the chance to Q!


Midoriyama 8/4/2022

10 on typical hot summers day at Midoriyama!

Warm Up:  The usual

The Thang:

Mosey up main road towards soccer field. Stop at first light pole for 2 Mike Tyson’s.  Mosey to next light pole for 4 Mike Tyson’s. Continue stopping at each pole on right adding 2 rep at each pole. Finished last pole with 10 Mike Tyson’s.  Head to small soccer field on right.

4 corner escalator on the soccer field. First corner 5 Burpees.  Second corner 5 Burpees, 10 Hand Release Merkins.  3rd corner 5 Burpees, 10 HR Merkins, 20 Mountain Climbers.  Last corner 5 Burpees, 10 HR Merkins, 20 MC, 40 Seal Jacks.

Stay at the corner we just finished and next exercise routine is called on the hill behind soccer field.  Triple Nickel.  5 Big Boys at bottom, Nur up hill for 5 Jump Lunges, back down.  Do this for a total of 5 Rounds.

Next it’s time to go back down the 4 Corners.  Start with 40 Seal Jacks, 20 MC, 10 HR Merkins, 5 Burpees.  Next corner 20 MC, 10 HR Merkins, 5 Burpees.  Next is 10 HR Merkins, 5 Burpees.  Last corner is 5 Burpees.

Head back towards flag stopping at light pole on left for 10 Mike Tyson’s.  Next pole is 8 Mike Tyson’s.  Continue this dropping 2 reps each pole to finish with  2 Mike Tyson’s at last pole.  Mosey over to bleachers at horseshoe pit.  3 rounds of exercises called here;

Round 1: 10 Dips, 10 Step Ups, 10 Derkins

Round 2: 15 Dips, 15 Step Ups, 15 Derkins

Round 3: 20 Dips, 20 Step Ups, 20 Derkins

Finish with some Mary!  Time

It was a hot one today, nice push men.  Midoriyama is a rare post with my work schedule, so I appreciated the opportunity to Q!





Track Time at Ricky Bobby

9 PAX in total at The Ricky Bobby this morning. Since the AO is named after a racing movie, we might as well spend our time on the track. Two PAX took off on a Whetstone run and the rest headed to the track after a quick warmup.


4 rounds of the following

50 LBC’s

40 Squats

30 Merkins

20 American Hammers

10 Burpee’s

Run a lap


Next up was some Dora 1-2-3-4

One partner runs the field while the other works.

100 Step Ups

200 Dips

300 Mountain Climbers

400 SSH


Just enough time left for another lap around the track followed by 3 minutes of Mary.



PT test this Saturday at Gashouse

Iron PAX next month (workouts on Thursday at Folsom and Saturday at Gashouse)

50 mile relay 9/10 – preblast and sign up are on Slack

Skating 9/17

JJ5K 9/24


Prayer Request



Tesla and family

BOS and family


YHC took us out.

I’m Broke

Painlab Fun

It was good to be out today.  Beautiful morning for some fun with heavy things. Here’s how it went… Whoopee was solo for boot camp side so he did some PT test training up on the track. Tube, Castle Rock, FNG, and my self. Headed over for some timed station work.
50 seconds of work 20 second test/transition

Round 1

KB swings


Slam ball

Battle rope

Man makers


Sandbag overhead toss to burpee (crowd pleaser) 


Break = fellowship mosey around parking lot

Rd 2

Pull overs


American hammers

Battle rope


Big boys

Throw over burpees

Fellowship mosey

Round 3



Little Green Band (if you know you know)

Slam ball American hammers

Lateral Raises

Flutter Kicks

Sandbag burpees

That was a wrap. It was great to have an FNG today. I think he enjoyed it.

Yank Inspired Bunker

The Yank was closed do to F3 Dads.  The PAX began to show up, some knew The Yank was closed others did not.  Gather up the PAX and headed down to the Bunker.  While on our way to the Bunker I pulsed them about having some running in the workout.  They were up to the task.



15 Imperial Walkers IC

10 Merkins IC

20 Squats OYO

5 Burpess

We left the Bunker via the stairs and we were off on a mosey to Myrtle Street.  At Myrtle Street we used the telephone poles on the left side to complete Route 66.  We did Merkins on the way up and Monkey Humpers on the way back.   Back the bottom of Myrtle Street we took off on a mosey toward Hawthorne and took a left on street behind Sammy’s.  Once we got to the hill we nurned up it then mosey back to the Bunker down the stairs.

Next up wall work.  2 rounds of

45 sec wall sit

10 Hookups

20 Hip Slappers

30 Shoulder taps

25 sec wall sit

With our shoulders on fire we mosey down to the park.  5 burpees for the train.  Partner up for DORA 123




Moseyed back to the Bunker for some more work

Each parking space we performed one of the following exercises

5 Burpees

20 Squats

5 Burpees

20 CDD

5 Burpees

20 Lungers (count 1 leg)

5 Burpees

20 V-Ups

Time starting to run low, but still time for brick work. Each PAX grabbed brick from back of truck.  We held brick above our head and walked around the edge of the Bunker.  We repeated holding brick in front and then farmer carry, right hand first then switch to left hand half way through.  Secured bricks back in the truck then we moseyed back to The Yank.

Core work until the end.  25 of each of the following ab excercises




Heals to Heaven

Big Boys

Time 8:00 am



Prayer Request


I took us out in prayer.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead. SYITG


This morning it was humid and foggy, time to get some sweat on.

No Disclaimer

warm ups included some monkey humpers as spackle pulled up and horrible form squats to greet Wire nut and to give him something to chew on for a minute.

pretty straight forward today 10 exercises 30 seconds of werk and 30 seconds of rest.

nur up the hill and karoke back.

Oh we did 5 burpees before each round.

3 Rounds.

High Knee(not hiney) flutters, merkins, crunchie frogs, CDD, High PLank, ski jacks, LBCs Overhead claps, Cork Screws,  We finished with some 11’s of squats and Star fish I omaha’d the 11s for time and called 5 more burpees at the end.

Thanks to all the men who posted this morning.


CSAUP 50 miler coming up. Sign up even if you dont run you will be a runner by the end.

F3 skate night coming up.

Prayer request, several.


The Bed Pan is full…

Are you “working out” or Training? CSAUP’s can make a difference.

As the current 1FQ, I thought it would be a good idea to remind the PAX of F3 Gastonia of a few opportunities coming up that can and will influence your training over the next six or seven months.  Are you tracking your workouts?  Are you trying to be younger next year?  Are you going through the motions or do you train with intention?  Here are some events to consider doing and get your mind on actually training for a purpose.

First and foremost is the PT Test this Saturday at the Gashouse.  Whether you have done one or not, it is good to memorialize your times and see how your fitness stacks up.

Second, the Iron Pax Challenge is out there for September.  Although it isn’t a CSAUP per se, I would argue that if you do each week’s workout it truly is a CSAUP.  Gastonia so far has a weak showing on the sign ups…Sign up here….

Register for the IronPAX Challenge

Third, the local 50 Mile relay is almost here.  Defib is the Q for this event.  It begins in Dallas at 0400.  You should be home for lunch.  This is a running relay with four man teams.  Each leg is roughly 4 miles in length so  every fitness level can do it.  The sign up is here…..

Next, you have seen the cool hi viz yellow tshirts at many AO’s over the years.  The Dam to Dam relay was started by two F3 guys and runs from Lexington, SC to Greenwood, SC from one dam to another for a total of about 60 miles.   The race is well organized and is a one day event.  Last year JJ ran it and came home and went to a concert in Charlotte with his M and posted at the Coconut Horse the next day. YHC has run it as a four man team and a six man team.  The race sells out in an hour.  Registration opens on Friday, September 2nd at 0659.  Get your teams together now and start training.  Here is the sign up link.

Lastly, the Mortimer 100 is in March and is a 100+ mile relay from Granite Falls to the top of Howard’s Knob in Boone.  It is an asskicker.  You should always be training for this one and HTFU.






Spies at the The Storm

Big crowd on a humid morning at the Storm.  0530, lead with the mission of F3.  Pledge.  Warmup of SSH, IW, Arm Circles, Gravel Pickers, and some stretching.  Mosey.

Go to round about in front of school.  Simple weinke today.  Feels like a good day for some Bo Derek’s, slight modification.  Two burpees and run the hill.  Ten hand release merkins at top.  Rinse and repeat 10 times.

Bat flippers completed 10, the rest of got 8 or 9.  Close to time, but one more thing.  Reach deep and sprint to the flag.  All you got.

Recounted the story from Numbers of the Israelites sending 12 spies to scope out the their promised land.  The spies found the land occupied by GIANTS.  Ten spies reported that taking the land was not possible.  Two said it can be done, and wanted to do it immediately.  Be the man that finds a way.  No excuses.

Lots of chances coming up to do some hard things.  Iron Pax, CSAUPS, relays, Grow Rucks.  Pick at least one and find a way.

Announcements:  Pt test at Gashouse 8/27, Iron Pax begins Sunday with Thursday at Folsom dedicated to that workout each week, CSAUP 9/10, Skating with Mayor, JJ5K 9/24, other CSAUPs later in the year

Prayers: Breaker Breaker uncle , Bubba Sparxx friend with terminal cancer, Tiger and his family, Tesla and family, Huck, Turtleman, Bos and family

YHC took us out

Always an honor


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