Always be training for something…I heard that somewhere from someone….Good Advise! So I got wind last year of Gumby and Purple Haze, doing Triathlons, I decided I wanted to try one too. But with no bike and no where to swim. It was goanna be difficult to train. Purple Haze was telling me about the Lake Lure Triathlon sprint and it seamed as good a one as any to start with so I signed up. Gumby was training last year of the Lake Hickory Tri and it got cancelled so he was raring to go try it too. The wildcard was Roundup who i talked into signing up on yeah…2 days before the race, this dude didn’t own a bike till 24 hours before the race! I rode bikes a couple Sundays and swam with Gumby a few times..i felt like I could have done more. Oh well time to go get it
Race day me and Haze had stayed at the night up there, and got up bright and early to go get a good parking spot at Rambling Bald Resort (really nice place), and get our bikes and cloths/shoes set up for the transitions. Haze also ran a 10k on Friday evening and finished 2nd in his age group! Gumby and Roundup drove up that morning. Roundup made it with about 20 mins to spare!
Its go time!! The old pro Haze was in the medium old guy category he left in the 2nd group, and the rest of us signed up as Novice so we started in the last of 4 groups with cute pink swim caps! As a cool bonus there was a guy playing the theme from rocky on the trumpet as we started the swim! the swim was supposed to be 750 yards total about 400 yards out to a big triangle buoy and hang a right to the boat landing where the bikes were set up. Haze knocked the swim out of the park with a 16 min time, me and gumby were in the 18-19 range and ole Roundup was doggie paddling his heart out trying not to drown. I heard that he told one of the lady’s on the Kayaks he loved her for saving his life while he took a break hanging on the side of the boat.
After the Swim into the transition area to put on shoes/socks/shirt/helmet and jump on the bike! 14 mile through the rolling hills around Lake Lure. I averaged 16 mph and finished the bike ride in 53 mins.
After the bike ride back into the transition area and throw the bike on the rack and try to run. Legs are kind of wobbly after all that pedaling for an hour! after about 3/4 of a mile start to get back to normal. The run part was a 5k and basically an out and back all up hill to the turn around and back down to the beach for the finish. A little after mile 1 my left calf locked up, and I had to start walking. Purple Haze was having issues with his leg also at this point. I saw him starting his run as I came in from the bike. It hurt to run up hill, but once I made it to the top, I could run downhill pain free. i caught up to Haze with about 1/2 mile to go and also saw Gumby headed up the hill (no one had seen Round UP since the start at this point). I pushed through to the finish line and ended up finishing 6 in the novice class and 68th overall. Purple Haze was right behind me, and a few minutes later gumby crossed the finish line. We were all concerned about Roundup! there were no dive teams or rescue boats in the water so I figured he made it out of the water LOL! I walked over to grab my stuff at the exchange zone and saw Roundup coming in HOT on the bike! He took off on the 5k..he said he passed like 58 people on the run!
Everyone finished! Kudos to Roundup for never swimming or biking prior to this race..dude wasn’t scared to sign up and he did awesome! Cant wait for the next one!
Find something to train for and get outside your comfort zone! If you are not accelerating you are going backwards!