Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: January 28, 2023

Roundups 24hr run

I want to start off by thanking everyone that came out. We raised right around $3000.00 for Angel Bows by Raemy and had a haul of can goods to deliver to the Dallas Christian Ministry.  We had someone there from F3 supporting almost all hours of the night except two. Can’t wait to see how much we can accomplish next year.

Mileage completed
Round UP 67 miles
Gearwrench 55 miles
Hacksaw 51 miles
Auto 50 miles
Striper 38 miles
Mayor 32 miles with a ruck
Wikileaks 32 miles

Nasty Sammich

Lookin to sling my sack around a bit, and 5 other PAX joined me.  No leisurely meandering today, and don’t bother strapping those rucks on.  There’s work to be done.

Ruck across the street to the Urgent Care.

3 Pain Stations in the parking lot

  • 10 x Chest Press / Pullovers
  • Ruck to next station
  • 10 x Squat Thrusters
  • Ruck to next station
  • 10 x Upright Rows
  • Ruck back to start

Rinse & Repeat 2x for a total of 3 rounds.

Ruck down Duke Street and back up to the start for another set.

Next 3 Pain Stations

  • 10 x Double Crunches
  • 10 x American Hammers
  • 10 x Flutter Kicks
  • 3 rounds total

That was all we had time for.  Scurry back to the flag to join the Pubbers.

Everyone pushed it & had a Yabba Dabba Doo time.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead.

Folsom 1/21 Freight Inspired Q


6:30 hits and we have a small number of PAX and 1 FNG. Let’s get going. I had the privilege of attending one of Freight’s Q’s and decided to re-use it. He is a PAX that I’ve always looked up to.

The WarmUP:
SSH IC x 3
That’s enough, let’s get to work.

The Thang:
Using my cones and the light poles, 15 stops were in place from the bottom parking lot to the entrance to the park.
The work: grab a coupon out of YHC’s truck and head to bottom of lot and first light pole. Do 10 kettle bell swings with block, run to next light pole for 10 V-up’s. Run back to block and riffle care to next light pole or cone. Repeat for all 15 spots. Arrive at entrance to park and say the pledge. Now time to go back, however this time exercise was 5 chest press with block and 5 hand release merkins. Running out of time and had to Omaha. Time for COT and name FNG.
I shared a little more about Freight and shared my word for the year: Fearless.
Shared a short devotional on Fearless.

Named FNG: Welcome Abu!!

2nd F lunch this Wednesday – Hillbillies
Feb 11 – Convergence – Folsom
Prayer Request: Big Pappy, Mayor, Huck and his dad, Wirenut’s family.

Loftin Park

6 runners and 2 ruckers on a morning that promised to be cold and wet, but was mostly nice, at least til the very end.  Starting 30 minutes earlier has helped us dodge some weather a couple times already.  Regardless, it’s F3.  We run anyways.

Route was the Loftin Park route.  Seuss and Quiche got out fast, with Jane Fonda and Virus not that far behind.  Fannie Mae and YHC stayed back with the Ghost Six.

Tiger and Paperback Writer showed up for COT.

Better was got.

Yabba Dabba Doo

The Dumb-o-Lympics at The Yank

It was a great day for doing dumb stuff, and dumb stuff was done.

12 PAX for BootCamp, 3 PAX Rucked

Good-Morning Burpees (Alarm Clock w/ one burpee)
Air Presses
Slow & Low Squats, in cadence
Plank, in cadence
Low Plank, Saw


THE THANG———————–
Mosey with Blocks, swap with another PAX
Wall Sit at Belmont Specialty
Mosey with Blocks, swap with another PAX

At the pavilion:
Burpees, in cadence (6-count)
Ski Abs, in cadence, (4-count)
Carry blocks up hill, other PAX lunged up hill

On the field at the old Middle School for:

The Dumb-o-Lympics !

Relay Races!
-3 teams of 4 PAX each
-Out to the cone and back (~30yds per each PAX)   One PAX goes, the other 3 PAX do Side-Straddle-Hops while they wait for their turn

Relay Race #1———
“The Animals” Integrated Medley Relay
-BearCrawl, FrogJump, BunnyHop, CrabWalk

Races #2, #3, and #4——-
-Repeat above Relay Race, rotating exercises thru the team members

Relay Race #5——-
-Overhead Rifle Carry Relay

Relay Race #6——–
-Murder Bunny Relay

Mosey with the blocks

Team Mission Race #1——-
(2 Teams of 6 PAX each)
Get you team’s pile of heavy crap (Blocks and Logs) down the full length of the field and back.
~10 seconds to figure out your team’s plan, then
On your mark, set, GO!

Team Mission Race #2——-
(2 Teams of 6 PAX each)
Teams switch to the other, different pile of heavy crap
~10 seconds to figure out your team’s plan, then,
On your mark, set, GO!

Team Mission Race #3——–
(2 Teams of 6 PAX each)
Instructions: Full team must go down the full length of the field and back. Two PAX must be off the ground at all times.
~10 seconds to figure out your team’s plan, then
On your mark, set, GO!

Race “Double Applesauce”:  Two teams of 6 PAX race each other, Indian-Run style, around the track

Block carry back to StartEx

Mary and her Ab work—-
Crunchy Frogs
American Hammers


Extinction Run – March 4

Folsom Winter Nationals  Feb 11th

QSource @ Members-Only – Topic – Leadership Development Process

Members Only – 6:15am ruck, Run 6:30am, QSource 7:25-ish to 8am

TAPs (Thoughts and Prayers), Gratitude——
Breaker – job offer for daughter in law
BOS got a job offer
Orangemen friend dealing health issues
Watts Up – niece ovary issue
Tiger’s Mom. Growth on kidney
Jane Fonda, ex-M
Tesla, ex-M
Tooth Fairy’ daughter
Bubba Sparxxx’  grandmother and parents.
Coffeteria today


Glad to lead today.

Hope you got the work you were looking for, and had some fun!

-Bubba Sparxxx

Discipline Equals Freedom

Crisp morning in big D with a few guys rolling in from EC who obviously saw the Q list and said “I’ll probably need to get in a little extra”. 7:00 am, Wirenut rolls in “almost” on time so now we can start.
Warmup… typical stuff with a few stretches. Let’s Pledge.
Quotes for the day from noted Navy Seal and Motivational speaker Jocko Willink.

Quote #1 – “Don’t just think. Don’t just talk. Don’t just dream. None of that matters. The only thing that matters is that you actually Do. So: DO.”

Mosey around town a little to a newish parking lot for Sidewalk Chalk. 7 spaces with exercises. Perform the exercises to the reps listed and take a lap around the outside of the parking lot then move to the next parking spot. The exercises listed were:
10 Burpees
20 Merkins
30 CDD’s
40 Squats
50 Plank Jacks
60 LBC’s
70 SSH

Quote #2 – “Discipline Equals Freedom.” The name of his book and a hard truth.

Mosey around town through an alley around the Town Square to the entrance where the 24 lb. smaller blocks had been strategically placed.
30 Curls run the courthouse steps to the other entrance for 15 Big Boy Sit Ups and return to the first entrance running the steps again.
Repeat with 30 Overhead presses then American Hammers.
Repeat with 30 Tricep Extensions then Flutter Kicks.
Repeat with Curls and Big Boys.
A certain grandfather may have been using a block in each hand. It blesses my heart to see the active grandparents.

Quote #3 – “We all have a tendency to avoid our weaknesses. When we do that, we never progress or get any better.”

Mosey around the square again only to wind up at the Gazebo for some Ab work picking up a stray wanderer moseying through town alone obviously longing for days gone by when he was a high level town administrator so we decided to take him into our fold. Come on in Mayor. There was a discussion about whether Mayor was trying to double dip on the points for the Pushing Rocks challenge but not gonna happen on my watch. Glad to have you join but, No Rep!
Hammers x 15 IC
Flutter Kicks x 15 IC
LBC’s x 15 IC
Dying Cockroaches x 15 IC
Penguins x 15 IC
WWII’s x 10 OYO
Low Plank for what was seemingly the longest 1 minute ever recorded.

Quote #4 – “Good leaders don’t make excuses. Instead, they figure out a way to get things done.”

Mosey back to the start rolling by Kotter’s Korner and then since several minutes remained we took a lap around the track to finish up.

Quote #5 – “Don’t expect to be motivated every day to get out there and make things happen. You won’t be. Don’t count on motivation. Count on Discipline.” – Jocko Willink

Announcements: Convergence 2/11 at Folsom at 6:30 am, be there.
Extinction Run on 3/4 at Primal Brewery at 9:00 am in Belmont. A fun event for most abilities. Come on out and be a part of this with a great group.

Prayer Requests: Wirenut’s family, Gumby’s family, Mayor, Anchorman, Freight, Huck, Turtleman and Tonka’s praise report was great to hear.

Pallbearer took us out as only he can!

Thanks to all who came out. One last Jocko Quote from the back of Mayor’s truck. “Stand by to: GET SOME.”

A Little Mosey

Since some of you won’t read past the first paragraph, let’s go ahead and get the important stuff out of the way. Next Saturday at Gashouse, Dr. Defib will be doing a heart and overall health focused Q. Come on out and join in what I’m sure will be a physical beat down along with a lesson on how to Get Right and Live Right.


YHC led a quick warmup and then the Pain Lab went with Tube and the rest joined the bootcamp. Due to some back issues, today would be a simple workout with low reps and YHC’s interpretation of low impact. We ran a 4 mile loop stopping 7 times to complete the following:

5 PF Merkins

10 Big Boys

15 Mike Tysons

20 LBC’s

25 Plank Jacks


Returned to the start just in time and met back up with Pain Lab for COT.

2/11 Convergence at Folsom, all other AO’s closed, 0630 start

3/4 Extinctin Run at Primal, 0900 start


Be praying for – Huck, Turtleman, Clavin’s M, Defib travel and passing of his friend and mentor, Boudin son

Happy Bday to Nutria’s M!


Sargento took us out.
I’m Broke

No weinke needed

Five counting the Q.
We deviated from the written words.
None were in red.

Stogie aunt
Mayor daughter’s friend
Montross mom
Others not mentioned

Need a replacement runner P200
Extinction Run

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