Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: May 2022 (Page 8 of 12)

Share the Load

3 of F3 Gastonia’s finest ruckers got some work in holding each other’s sacks.  Here’s what I remember:

Tube’s been leading the charge, EHing guys to get back out in the Gloom, and doin a great job of it.  Nobody took the bait this week though, and it was just YHC and Tube at 0530.  Castle Rock rolled in hot, and we skipped a warm up and got after it.

The Thang:

Ruck to the parking lot of the Dollar General and stop and unstrap the rucks for some work:

  • 10 x Overhead Presses (IC)
  • 10 x Double Crunches (IC)
  • Circle up hold your rucks out straight.  YHC put down his ruck, so we had 2 rucks being held, and we just held the rucks in front of us with straight arms, then turned clockwise to pass the ruck to the guy with empty arms.  Complete 10 passes, then flapjack and go counterclockwise for 10 passes.  Let’s call this “Hot Potato” so YHC doesn’t have to describe it over and over again.
  • 6 inches (Count down from 30)
  • 10 x Squats (IC – Pack on)

Ruck back to Riverwood, and down Plantation Trail to the back entrance to Martha’s.  After passing through the woods to the park, we did it again:

  • 10 x Overhead Presses (IC)
  • 10 x Double Crunches (IC)
  • 10 x Hot Potatoes CW
  • 10 x Hot Potatoes CCW
  • 6 inches (Count down from 30)
  • 10 x Squats (IC – Pack on)

Ruck through the park, up the gravel entrance, and back to the bank besides Snoballs for some Group Work:

  • 1 person in the group keeps their pack on and grabs another group member’s pack and rucks around the bank, carrying both however they choose
  • 2 of the group members do Wall Sits until the other partner gets back
    • If they have to break the Wall Sit, stop for
    • 10 x Dwight Howards (OYO)
  • Each partner takes 1 turn carrying 2 rucks

Wrapping that up, we were close to time, and finished a little more work before heading back to the flag

  • 10 x Overhead Presses (IC)
  • 10 x Double Crunches (IC)

45 minutes on the nose!


  • Memorial Day Murph – The Sandlot @ 0700
  • 5/21 – CSAUP

Prayer Requests:

  • Turtleman
  • PAX Traveling & on IR

Always a good time and good mumblechatter at Diablo.  It really is a fun place to Q.  If you haven’t, you should.

Yabba Dabba Doo

Core group of HIMs

Warmup at the flag.
18ish Seal jacks IC, disclaimer given
18 overhead claps IC
18 toy soldiers IC

A good group of regulars so this didn’t go as planned but we did it anyway. Test on core principles as listed on our website. A wrong answer = 5 burpees for the group. Correct answer = 10 squats for the group. They were solid on the order once it was clear what my instructions were so only 5 burpees and 40 squats.

  1. Free of charge
  2. Open to all men
  3. Outdoors, rain or shine
  4. Peer led
  5. Ends in COT

No bunker crew so we stuck together.

The thang:
Route 66 hand release merkins.

Mosey to the parking lot behind the station for 11’s – big boys and CDD’s

Mosey to the track through the park and partner up for booya merkins starting at 10 counting down to 1 but needed to Omaha stopping at 5.

Fellowship mosey to old middle school for Dora 100 shoulder taps, 200 calf raises, 300 LBCs. Partner one runs while #2 does the work then switch.

Mosey to The Fighting Yank for a little Mary.


Lunch May 18th noon at Sammy’s in Dallas.
F3 Dads this summer see posts from Mayor.
CSAUP next Saturday at 0630. Yank will be open at 0700 for those of us that need it.
New F3 shirts are in the works, lookout for them and support.

Prayer requests:
Marathoners running and traveling.
Turtle man
EOG tests for kids and teachers giving them.
Growing families Buckshot and Pillager’s M’s and babies.

YHC took us out in prayer.

Pleasure to lead this group, thanks.

Gavel out.

Almost missed this one!

YHC was scrolling though the TeamUp app one evening and noticed that Sargento was listed to Q The Labryinth on the 11th. Funny, I don’t recall signing up for that but I’m also sure that mild mannered site Q Dirt wouldn’t make a mistake so the preparation was on. A totally unique weinke was created for the occasion. Lets Go! This is what happened…

5 HIM showed to make themselves better.


Pledge of Allegiance

Mosey down to the gate into Martha’s House. Line up for an Indian Run. Do a few progressions of this until we reach the lower parking area.

Triple Nickel – Do 5 CDD’s and run to the other end to do 5 Lunges each leg. Do this 5 times. Q fail, I didn’t read my weinke correctly and forgot to request a NUR in between. Better luck next time.

Mosey down to between the soccer fields and stop for a couple sequences of Duck & Weave. The PAX lined and duck walked while the rear PAX ran to the front by weaving in between the others. It was great.

Now that we’re down at the lush green and dewey soccer fields, lets put them to use!

The Thang – Four Corners Escalator!!!

Corner 1 – 10 Merkins

Corner 2 – 10 Merkins & 20 Heels to Heaven

Corner 3 – 10 Merkins, 20 H2H & 30 Squats

Corner 4 – 10 Merkins, 20 H2H, 30 Squats & 40 Goofballs

That was wet. That was cold. That was awesome!!! It was so good we (YHC) decided to de-escalate the routine. Even more fun…

Mosey toward the start, stopping on the way for some Dora 123. We only had time for 100 Dips and less than 200 Step Ups before we needed to leave for home base. We made it there just in time and we wrapped with the usual. Thanks for the surprising opportunity to lead today men. Be Prepared!!!

Annoucements: 2nd F lunch next Wednesday at Sammy’s in Dallas, CSAUP the 21st at the Storm

Prayer Requests: Turtleman, Huckleberry, Chad McGhee, Dirt travelling to Detroit and back, end of school tests & exams for kids

Lil Mountain Side

Warm up
Mo ROckin Night Clubs, Imperial Walkers, 5Burpees, SSH
Mosey to a hill
triple nickel big boys and Merkins.

11’s Mike tyson’s American Hammers

Line Up 10 mountain climbers at each light post back to the beginning.

Stupid circles
10 HR merkins, lap 20 squats 2 laps, 30 ssh 3 laps, 40 raise the roof 4 laps.
Rack em and stack em.

time with about 1 lap left.

Prayer request:
spoken and unspoken
Announcements csaup, 2nd f lunch,

the Bed Pan is Full

Some Suggestions Are Better Than Others

YHC arrived a few early to do a little recon to make sure all was remembered.  Been a while since YHC had darkened TRB, much lead Q’d.

PAX coming rolling, including a FNG!  He was EH’d by Orangeman, who was also EH’d to attend this AM.  Bonus!

8 was the total, with another showing part the way through,

A semi complete disclaimer was given.

We did a warmup.  It involved some exercises and some burpees.  YHC doesn’t recall what is was (probably really need to start to write these down).

After the warmup, we covered the 5 principles of F3 before we took off heading for New Hope Presbyterian.

Dodging two cars Stowe and waiting for one on New Hope, stopping at the front of the church.

YHC called 55’s  (like 11’s but the total is 55 and counts are by 5 (5/50, 10/45, …. 50/5))

SSH on one of the horseshoe, LBCs on the other.  Every time you go past the stairs of the church, do 1 Squat.

This took a good bit of time.

Taking a page from Dirt, we went up and down the 3 stairs multiple time @ 10 calf raises per step.

After this the group did a recovery meander over to the parking lot.

Given we had 9, separate into groups of 3.

Dora 1(00) Merkins , 2(00) Squats, 3(00) LBCs

Partner 1 Runs

Partner 2 Planks

Partner 3 Exercises


This continued until time was getting short, so LBCs were revised to 200.

Another recovery meander to the front of the church before upgrading to a mosey to get back to the flag.

We had a few mins let, so a little PAX-let Mary until time.  (And a couple burpees)


FNG was named…. Welcome Klinger (who has already posted again at the Goat this AM and says he will be at TS tomorrow)

Announcements were covered.  Prayer requests noted out loud and in our hearts.

YHC took us out.

The Pledge of Allegiance was caught at the end (Thanks Cinderella).


Good to see everyone in the gloom

Until next time….


Watts Up Powering Down.

Put a Title Here

Bondo reached out on Thursday asking if there was going to be much running.  YHC said there would be some, but lots of partner work.


Boy was YHC wrong…

Here is what can be recalled…

0530, YHC started a timer and announced when the timer goes off (every 2 mins), 2 burpees unless the PAX are moseying (either as a group or as part of the partner work).  Either this was difficult for some or they really enjoyed burpees.

A brief disclaimer and then off we went to the parking lot of Foursquare Church adjacent to Eagle Rd.

Here we did some warmup.  YHC doesn’t recall what is was, but the timer went off, so it included 2 burpees.

Mosey again around the church to the other parking lot adjacent to Park Dr.


Partner Up.

1 does exercises, the other runs around the edge of the parking lot.

The piece of paper with the exercises as since grown legs.


The counts were

50, 100, 200, 250.  What happened to 150 you ask, well it was step-ups and there wasn’t spot for this, so it was skipped.

When we got 250, the intent was to continue with additional exercises to proceed backward (200, 150, 100, 50), but the lightning was a little intense.  YHC gathered the flock to head back to the flag.

Although the storm never materialized, the partner work continued, including the 150 skipped step-ups.  When time was running short, the teams were modified to be groups of three.

And that was time.

I think The Pledge of Allegiance was done, maybe.

Announcements were made.

Prayer Requests made know verbally and in our hearts.


Breaker took us out.


Sorry for the delay in the BB and the memory of the facts.


Honor to be out with you men and given the opportunity to lead.


Watts Up Powering Down.


Blocks!!!! At Folsom

Trucks started rolling in right at time to get started, good group at Folsom “the best AO in all the land” this morning! We did have a proper warmup


Toy soldiers ic

gravel pickers ic

Time to get started!
Route66 / Thrusters

20 to 1 – shoulder press, curls, triceps, squats we finished this and had some time to spare so… triple nickel, Blockies at the bottom of the hill and burpee’s at the top!

All the men pushed the rock this morning and got it done!!

Prayer request- Thompson family, Big Pappy, Roundup, construction accident, family, each other, Huckleberry, Montross mom

Announcements- CSAUP next Saturday, Memorial Day murph

Thanks for letting me lead!

That was a lot longer than expected

Word was sent out from the Site Q that the President of F3 Dark Helmet wouldn’t be joining us today and that a sub was needed. YHC answered the bell. This is what happened…

Gavel planted his Site flag for us to give our Pledge of Allegiance to. Way to be prepared Gavel! We said that pledge.

Warmup of some stuff.

Mosey down and around the parking and drop off areas of the school to arrive at the knobs near the side entrance.

Triple Nickle – Do 5 Derkins, bear crawl to a wall a fur piece away from where you are and do 5 Donkey Kicks. Rinse and repeat 5 times.

Mosey across the lot and up the way to the condemned baseball field area for The Thang!


Do 10 Burpees at the top, mosey down to the gate at do 1 Big Boy Sit Up. Flapjack the numbers until it’s 1 Burpee and 10 Big Boys. This took forever and gobbled up  all the available time we had. My weinke still had stuff left on it too! Oh well, next time. By my calculations we ran almost 3 miles today. Thanks for the opportunity to lead.

Prayer requests: Turtleman, Huckleberry, PAX on IR, school ending and kids taking test/exams; praise – Breaker is done paying for college!

Annoucements: 2nd F lunch at Sammy’s in Dallas Wednesday the 18th, CSAUP Saturday the 21st at The Storm (read Roscoe’s preblast for deets)

Moleskin: As always, we need to be prepared for the unexpected. Even though YHC fouund out ahead of time that Dark Helmet wasn’t going to make it and I was able to come up with a workout, we should expect plans to not go as planned. Life has a way of throwing curve balls at you when you least expect it! We must be prepared!!!



9 PAX posted at Midoriyama on Tuesday. Several went shirtless. It was noted one of them who may or may not do some spray tan was looking like he was somewhere between an english chestnut and dark walnut stain. One was a visitor from that city we are the gateway to. I met Forge, who’s shop is right next to mine, through the Growruck in Charlotte back in August. He made some cool souvenirs for the participants and made some torture equipment for the ruck as well. I’m glad he came over and worked out with us. Hopefully he reports back to headquarters we are doing it right in the Gashouse! Anyway I’m struggling with some severe sinus pressure so I wasn’t looking to run so we did another block beatdown.


We did a few SSH’s and Don Q’s but again if you aren’t warmed up by this time of the day what have you been doing?

The Thang:

This is a simple one but a grinder. Set a timer for 2 minutes. Do the 5 exercises going from 5 reps down to1 then do step ups the remainder of the time. We did 10 rounds of each of the below. It was also suggested that you hold your block while doing the step ups. Most did.

5 thrusters

4 alpos

3 swings

2 overhead press

1 blockee

The next round consisted of the below

5 avalanche

4 standing chest press

3 goblet squats

2 french curls

1 blockee

There was a lot of step ups involved in this but we pushed through!



Announcements-CSAUP at the storm 5/21 see the preblast

Prayer Request-family members ill, unspoken


My boss just came in so I’m going to wrap this up!




Rolled in to a few HIM’s putting in some EC like the main attraction wasn’t going to be enough, but little did they know what was about to go down! We also had some thangs to celebrate: 1: Volts B-day! Happy birthday Volt, we finally figured it out! 2: It was Slaw’s 1,000 post!! Congrats Slaw I was an honored  to Q it! That’s serious dedication and a lot of hard work and early mornings! Way to go! With all that out of the way it was time to Pay the Man!

Started w/ a proper Warm Up:


Don Q’s

Gravel Pickers

1 Deconstructed Burpee


100 Burpee’s in 10 min.

Moseyed to the hill on Sportsman Dr.

11’s – Mike Tyson’s and Row Merkins: count both merkins as 1

Moseyed  to the flag and said the pledge

I noticed the horse arena was occupied so we kept going to the pond with the walking track around it. On the way we heard a train and so like any seasoned Pax would do Sparky said “5 burpee’s for the train” so we stopped and did 5 burpee’s.

At the pond we did:


10 Merkins then took a lap

20 Squats then took 2 laps

30 LBC’s

we ran out of time and didn’t get to finish. To finish it was going to be 3 laps after the LBC’s then 40 CDD’s and 4 laps 50 Flutter Kicks and 5 laps

Prayer Request:

Westside’s grandma, Turtleman, Broke, Big Pappy, Huckleberry, all the teacher and staff, our country

Once again, thank you HIM’s for letting me lead!

Wichita out and on to the next one!

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