• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 05/06/2022
  • AO: Tequila Sunrise
  • QIC: Watts Up (R)
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: BOS (R), Gator, Gavel, Pilgrim's Progress, Nutria, Termite (R), Pillager, Tesla (H), Dr. Seuss (R), Radar, Dirt (H), Virus (R), Bouquet, Breaker Breaker (R),

Bondo reached out on Thursday asking if there was going to be much running.  YHC said there would be some, but lots of partner work.


Boy was YHC wrong…

Here is what can be recalled…

0530, YHC started a timer and announced when the timer goes off (every 2 mins), 2 burpees unless the PAX are moseying (either as a group or as part of the partner work).  Either this was difficult for some or they really enjoyed burpees.

A brief disclaimer and then off we went to the parking lot of Foursquare Church adjacent to Eagle Rd.

Here we did some warmup.  YHC doesn’t recall what is was, but the timer went off, so it included 2 burpees.

Mosey again around the church to the other parking lot adjacent to Park Dr.


Partner Up.

1 does exercises, the other runs around the edge of the parking lot.

The piece of paper with the exercises as since grown legs.


The counts were

50, 100, 200, 250.  What happened to 150 you ask, well it was step-ups and there wasn’t spot for this, so it was skipped.

When we got 250, the intent was to continue with additional exercises to proceed backward (200, 150, 100, 50), but the lightning was a little intense.  YHC gathered the flock to head back to the flag.

Although the storm never materialized, the partner work continued, including the 150 skipped step-ups.  When time was running short, the teams were modified to be groups of three.

And that was time.

I think The Pledge of Allegiance was done, maybe.

Announcements were made.

Prayer Requests made know verbally and in our hearts.


Breaker took us out.


Sorry for the delay in the BB and the memory of the facts.


Honor to be out with you men and given the opportunity to lead.


Watts Up Powering Down.