Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: May 5, 2022

Kettle bell relays

Today at Diablo we rucked as usual, but we also lugged 3 kettle bells up Gaston’s hill.  At each mailbox you did two overhead presses.  At each light post, two curls.
At the top of the hill we did 50 LBCs and planked for 5-15 counts, then 5-10 counts.
On the way back, we had one group do merkins while the other went ahead with kettle bells, then we did a kettle bell relay and reversed it.
A few complaints about my 30lb kettle but otherwise, a good workout.

Sword Fight

It was a perfect day to run after the SMR. Plenty of men with plenty of different paces and distances left and came back to listen to a short word from the Word. Thank you for the opportunity to lead men! AYE!!!

Announcements: 2nd F lunch on the 18th at Sammy’s Dallas, CSAUP on the 21st at the Storm

Prayer Requests: Pappy’s son, Turlteman, Broke, Oompa, Leppard, Huck, Striper’s brother, Haze’s mom


Pub Run

4 HIM met at the pub to discuss life and run 5 miles.  It was awesome!


Memorial Day murph at Martha’s at 7:00


Turtleman and those on IR

Mall Walkers, a few HIMS, and whatever Def Leppard is.

Again, I figured we would have a small crowd and those that would show would probably be sore from the relay.  Broke and Oompa showed despite being injured. They did some Mall Walking. The rest of us moseyed to the small soccer field and of course did some typical Wojo things. I freestyled it again with a lot of the drills and exercises carried over from my Q the thursday before. Leppard did his best with his “injury”. Finished up with about 10 mins of stretching and a easy mosey back to the flag.

3 amigos

With the SMR coming up and some on IR I knew it would be a light crowd. Around 5:25 or so Blart rolls in followed by Gumby. That was it, three. We moseyed on over to the small soccer field and did some typical Wojo things. I made it up as we went. Finished w/ about 10-15 mins of good stretching.

The Storm





10 Gravel Pickers IC

15 Imperial Walkers IC

10 Merkins IC

10 Reverse Lunge Count right leg

Mosey to the school the long way by the round a bout for a little Dora 123.  Partner up, 1 partner performs exercise while the other runs to end of walkway.

100 Derkins

200 Step Ups

300 Flutter count right leg

Next we used the 4 corners of the upper parking lot to perform the following exercises while moseying in between the corners.

100 Air Squats

90 LBC

80 Lunges

70 Merkins

60 Mtn Climbers

50 CDD

40 Jump Squats

30 Big Boys

Time running low moseyed back to start.

20 Burpees

10 Hand release Merkins

Time 6:15 am


Prayer Request

I took us out in Prayer.

Name O Rama I keep forgetting to do this before the Prayer.

Thank you for the opportunity to lead. SYITG


Folsom 5-May-22 (Cinco de Mayo)

It started like this…Ball Joint stole my thunder, trivia and closing line.


Warmup:  SSHx20 IC, Gravel Pickers x10IC, ROL/LOR, Moroccan Night Clubs x20IC, Arm circles

Mosey to flagpole for Pledge

22 for vets (daily suicide) and police (monthly losses in line of duty-wreck, cardiac, homicide)

Read History > May 5 1862 Mexico’s Army celebrated victory over France at the battle of Puebla during the Franco-Mexican War.  Mexico was in financial ruin due to internal struggles and had declared a moratorium on payments to other countries.  They were mad, but Napoleon III wanted to make a place in Mexico.  6,000 gathered troops under General Charles Latrille de Lorencez went to attack Puebla de Los Angeles.


Mosey back to start for partner work.  Wheelbarrow as much as one cans then do five merkins each, until the wheelbarrow gets to the bottom of the lot.   switch and go until we get back.

Read History > Mexicans led by Texas Born General Zaragoza fortified the town. While not a major win, it served as a symbolic victory which bolstered the resistance movement. The same year, Austrian Archduke Ferdinand Maximilian (Austrian), who had been installed as emperor of Mexico in 1864 by Napoleon, was captured and executed by Juarez’s forces. Puebla de Los Angeles was renamed for General Zaragoza, who died of typhoid fever months after his historic triumph there.

Read History > Many people outside Mexico mistakenly believe that Cinco de Mayo is a celebration of Mexican independence, which was declared more than 50 years before the Battle of Puebla.  They also confuse General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna with Cinco de Mayo based on his historic stature.  Santa Anna was involved with several wars (Mexican Independence, Alamo/Texas Revolution, Mexican/American War.  Independence Day in Mexico (Día de la Independencia) is commemorated on September 16, the anniversary of the revolutionary priest Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla’s famous “Grito de Dolores” (“Cry of Dolores,” referring to the city of Dolores Hidalgo, Mexico), a call to arms that amounted to a declaration of war against the Spanish colonial government in 1810.  Cinco de Mayo was made popular in America in the 60s as a way of encouraging pride in Mexican heritage.

More partner work. One works while one partner works, other partner runs halfway down and back.

  1. Curls
  2. Shrugs
  3. Rows
  4. Diego (Dora the explorer’s cousin) – Similar to Dora 1, 2, 3 but just tougher… Same partner situation, but the exercises are as follows: All numbers to 100 for time; Merkins, Overhead press w/ block, LBC with block, Squats w/ Block

Announcements: Murph Memorial Day Sandlot, Sword and Mt. Hollywood for double post, CSAUP??,  Thanks to Wire Nut for bringing the blocks

Prayers/Praise: Big Pappy, Turtleman, Broke, Bed Pan, Westside Grandma, Striper, Coworker Father in Law (cancer), 2.0 Music teacher (suicide), Teachers/Principles/School Staff.



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