Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: March 2019 (Page 6 of 10)

Four Corners

As the clock approached 7am we had a Gold Digger and a Tiger sighting as they ran by us…  Breaker Breaker was out running too, but he stayed with us to join the workout.


Side Straddle Hops, 20 IC
Don Quixotes, 15 IC
Cotton Pickers, 15 IC
Planking and stretching

The Thang

mosey to the parking lot behind Sammy’s

the four corners of the parking lot were marked with the following exercises

merkins, American hammers, Bobby Hurleys, big boy sit ups

Pax were divided into two groups and went to opposite corners, do 5 reps of marked exercise, run to next corner – 10 reps, next corner – 15 reps, next – 20… then run diagonally and start again doing 5-10-15-20…  keep doing this for four rounds, at then end you have done 50 reps of each exercise.  Second round, new exercises

shoulder taps, Freddie Mercurys, squats, LBCs


mosey to the bottom of the Hawthorne Hill for some Dora

while one partner does exercise the other runs up the hill to third lamp post, does five reps of current exercise and returns

100 mountain  climbers, 200 LBCs, 300 squats


mosey up to the Corner of Knowledge for 11s

Dips (1-10), Derkins (10-1)

Omaha as time was getting close, mosey back to the Yank

had two minutes left so did monkey humpers and squats

last minute disclaimer… DOH!

Pledge of Allegiance


March 30th :  Convergence, Folsom
April 13 :  Speed for Need – Community Foundation Run
May 5th :  Hike up Mt. Mitchell

Prayer Requests

Breaker Breaker :  praise – mother had successful surgery on little finger, continued recovery
Tesla : son driving back to Mississippi on Sunday
Anchorman :  read a Thank You note from his mother-in-law


Ended with COT

Corn Hole at The Goat

It was a great morning at The Goat… just a slight chill in the air… 5:30am hits and it is time to start!

Disclaimer given…


Side Straddle Hops, 20 IC
Imperial Walkers, 15 IC
Moroccan Nightclubs, 20 IC
Cotton Pickers, 15 IC

Pledge of Allegiance

The Thang

mosey to the bridge taking the long way around
crab walk across the bridge

fellowship mosey over to the park
point out the small picnic shelter – will be used for abyss merkins
go to the cornhole area
two pax run the path around the park, do five abyss merkins at the picnic shelter, while pax run the rest alternate between

inclined sit ups on cornhole platforms*
shoulder taps

*bit of a Q fail as doing inclined sit ups on the cornhole platforms was a bit of a challenge if you didn’t hook your feet in the opening at the back


after all the pax had made a lap, let’s mosey to the far parking lot
bear walk across the bridge

dirty 11’s –  courtesy of Roadie

American Hammers 1-10 (four count sets)
Merkins 10-1
the “dirty” part… do a burpee at midpoint of run


mosey back to the flag taking the long way back up the hill and around the back of the buildings


March 30th :  Convergence, Folsom
May 5th :  Hike up Mt. Mitchell

Prayer Requests

Breaker Breaker :  mother having surgery on little finger
Top Hat :  reminder to pray for and reach out to those we haven’t seen in a while
Get a Grip :  co-worker who took son to ER for asthma issues


Ended with COT

Ratchet VQ w/huck co Q

V day for me and man what a turn out! 27 rock pushers showed  up, which is greatly appreciated!

Started with disclaimer and a lil stretchy warm up!

10 Don Qs.   10 daisy pickers  10 toy soldiers  all in cadence

Up to the tennis courts, partner up!

partner 1 on the line for merkins x20 and squats x20

partner 2 mosey to far end court #6 for 10 crunches bear crawl to next court for 20 American hammers bear crawl next court 30 big boy sit ups bear crawl next  40 flutter kick beat crawl next court 50 lbcs bear crawl last court 60 imperial walkers. Then partner 1 takes off to court six and follow same sets back

Next back on the line partner 1 ssh

partner 2 mosey to far court for 10 burpees mosey back to partner 1 and he goes to far court for 10 burpees. We keep that up every other court till everyone is back to the line. And I must say it got a lot quieter during that set!

Then circle up tight as we can for 27 men and we mtn climb to the song ghostbusters with a merkin every time they say “I ain’t afraid of no ghost” and a burpee everytime they say “ghostbusters”

Hand off to huck and we circle up for wave merkins

Then a lil overloaded version of frisbee rules football which I’m pretty sure nobody knew who’s team they were on!

Back to the flag for 10 minutes of Mary

Pledge followed by announcements and prayer requests

named a fng and finish with cot

P200 Training

I reached out to Linus a few weeks ago to secure the Q for this weekend. It was the Saturday following my half marathon and ahead of the P200. I’ve missed being with the guys for Saturday bootcamps as that was my long training run for the past 8 weeks so here was an opportunity. As the Q, I could control the workout – well, attempt to control is more like it. I was transparent on my pre-tweet via twitter and slack, even offering the white flag of “no burpees.” Well that seemed to get in the crawl of a few who should remain nameless. Maybe they were irked over the historic ACC Tournament Semi-Final game and their team’s performance – hard to say. But the bear was poked and I revised my weinke a bit. With a few minutes before 7 am, the circle began to form and Sister Act surprisingly was not present. Hmm, the one that questioned my workout failed to show. One can only assume he’s currently in a high school auditorium in a small city suffering through15 hours of dance competition with loud women screaming “you go Britini…” (and that is with an “i” on the end – just to be different). Let’s get back to the men actually brave enough to post and accept the challenge. We had an FNG among us – welcome to Jonathan Baines – forever known among F3 as “Wax On.” I gave a high level disclaimer, we recited the Pledge and got into the warm-up.

The script changed a bit with Sister Act but I still felt a bit punchy so…

  • 5 Burpees OYO
  • Squat Merkins – the groans indicated this was enjoyable, especially when I said to hold for a count on the down part
  • Side to Side Lunge – HIPAA jumps in with some drivel about cadence, so I went to a silent count – amazing most still followed

With the chatter beginning and Whoopee needing to leave for AAU basketball – I followed his often lead to be tired of my own warm-up. See you guys – we’re going to run – 7 men followed me out of the parking lot, up Garrison to Grier Track. Other than Gold Digger, I’d say most of us that run probably could use some stretching before getting started to really get loose. I’m not talking about the running nerds that go on a 2 mile warm-up jog, but enough to get loose. Most of us begin with the static stretching – the basic right over left, left over right, pull your leg back on both sides for your hamstring, maybe push against the wall and then take off. Static stretching is worth considering if you haven’t tried it. On the track we began

Walking Toy Soldiers, wide leg swings, walking lunges, high knee pulls, side leg swings, ground sweeps, high knees, butt kickers, karaoke right, then left, and we finished the lap with a 200 m NUR. Lap 2 was a light jog; Laps 3 & 4 were 30 second intervals – begin with speed (400m pace) then recover for 30 seconds with a light jog or walk (you vs. you – modify as needed). With the trip up, we were at 1.5 miles at this point. Fellowship mosey to the Grier Gym.

Next up was a little more than a 2 mile run. Because we had various paces I needed to challenge the faster guys so with that – anyone that gets ahead of the pack by a decent margin (~50 yards or more) must turn around and run to the back of the line – a reverse Indian Run. This kept us together for most of the run with good conversation and fellowship. With 22 minutes to go, I had one other thing planned and shortened it a bit. We arrived at Marilyn Ave, a short incline of 0.07. The GPS indicated the elevation was 15 or so feet but it looked more. We did the Triple Nickel with 5 merkins at the top and 5 lbc’s at the bottom. We then covered the final mile back to base.

COT – Rudolph covered announcements and prayer requests – see his BB for that info. I will highlight the upcoming Convergence at Folsom 3/30 at 0700. Dark Helmet will make a guest appearance. Rudolph challenged to bring an FNG or a Kotter to that workout.

Moleskin – I’ve been working on this one for a while and wanted to try it. Many times these ideas appear to be good but difficult to execute. This actually turned out close to what I’d hoped to achieve. I’d set a goal for 4 miles on the run and ended up at 5 which is a testament to the PAX that followed along and their willingness to accept the challenge. Quiche did his standard amount of complaining – not enough upper body work – meaning he has to do extra credit at home today. Surprisingly he didn’t have an emergency and stayed the entire workout. Monk was steady and strong. Moses has been training not only for the P200 but a Half Marathon he’s running in Charlotte on 3/30 – he’s ready to beast both. Time Frame had new HOKA’s on – I believe he’s caught the fever. Linus pushed his rock once again – all that EC running is paying off. Fresh off an 8 mile EC run Stroganoff and Roscoe accepted the challenge though they noted a few ibuprohen and Epsom salt bath to get ahead of the soreness. For the rest of the P200’er’s and other PAX – you missed on the fun. Hopefully another time soon.

Short Sale


Casual Thursday

It was a very mild morning in which there was finally no rain on a Thursday. YHC pulled into The Pub parking lot to find Stroganoff taking part in a one-man LBC challenge. YHC was talking with a new PAX that had previously done F3 in Greenville when Roscoe and Gastone came running up after some EC.

As I was detailing the route (to Snoballs and back), Roscoe gave the word that is was 0530 and time to go.

The Pledge

We ran out and then ran back.

3/30 Convergence at Folsem (0700), Latini run, and 2nd F that evening
4/12 3rd F
4/13 Community Foundation Run
5/5 Mt Mitchell

Prayer Requests
Just Truett Baby due
Gastone’s dad
P200 runners


Just know that when you run, when you post, when you push the rock that someone may be watching. Just Truett had posted in Greenville so he was familiar with F3. Through Strava, he saw that there were other runners running in the area. There’s nothing like the encouragement from your brothers in the gloom to push you to be your best.

Until next time…

Pre-Blast – SFN – CFN

Pre-Blast for Speed For Need / Community Foundation Run


When: Saturday, April 13th, at 9:00 am

Where: Rotary Pavilion, Downtown Gastonia

What: Speed For Need 5K

Who: You!

Why: Because we are F3 and this is what we do

Sign-Up: Registration Link

Group Info for Registration: Select “Speed For Need – F3 Gastonia

Cost: $20 if you register by Midnight April 1st, $25 after


This year I have the honor and privilege to Q my very 1st Speed For Need event. Ever since I attended my 1st SFN race last year (CFN 2018 to be exact), I was hooked. SFN is such a great organization and it inspires so many. This year we will have 4 Track Commanders, 3 of which are from our new partnership with Camp Sertoma.

Let’s Meet our Track Commanders:

Evan and Colton



Gabby’s Story:

She was born with Spina Bifida-Myelomeningocele( a whole in her back from L5-S5) hydrocephalus, neurogenic bowel and bladder, and syringomyelia ( a large cyst in her spinal cord that causes a loss of sensation in her trunk and legs). She uses a wheelchair as her primary form of mobility, but can walk with bracing and a walker. She also has EOE, an autoimmune response to lots of foods. She cheers, takes piano lessons, loves playing with dolls, and wants to work in the NICU when she grows up. She’s full of spunk and has never met a stranger. Oh, and she LOVES to talk


These kids are awesome and have wonderful stories to share. We will have full Bio’s released for all of the Track Commander soon so you can get to know them.


At this time I am looking for at least 3 more volunteers to be drivers. If you want to team up with a few other PAX and switch out pushing during the race, you are more than welcome to do so. If you have never pushed before you are missing out on the greatest feeling and experience in your life. it WILL change you.

HC Drivers:

  1. Clavin – Gabby
  2. Gastone
  3. Broke
  4. Termite

Driver Information:

Safety Training



Please step up and be the HIM that you are. Sign up today to Run, Walk, Nur, Push/Drive or whatever. Just do it. See me or Pizza Man if you have any questions, concerns or comments.




Swimmer’s Q

18 PAX posted for another Tuesday afternoon boot camp at the ultimate F3 Nation afternoon  AO “Midoriyama”.  For some reason I thought that I was Q this day instead of Thursday.  With that being said, thanks to Swimmer for switching and taking my Thursday.  17:30 is here so let’s begin…disclaimer for FNG “Saban”(he’s a huge UGA fan)….it went like this



Don Q’s

10 Burpees OYO

Let’s mosey to soccer field for Dora 1-2-3…the exercises were:




Let’s mosey to my favorite hill(near the dog park)…we did triple nickle with X and O’s(thanks to GD for this) at the bottom, then American Get-ups at the top…strong work by all!!  That hill is NO joke…lol

Let’s keep it moving…we stopped at a parking lot for Route 66…hmmmm let me think…BURPEES…definitely not a crowd pleaser but the PAX pushed through and got them done

Now back to the flag for 22 for the VETS



P200 – March 22nd and 23rd

Convergence at Folsom – March 30th at 7am

2nd F Event – March 30th at Olde Dallas Brewery (Time to be announced)

3rd F Event – April 12th at 7pm New Covenant Church Gastonia

SpeedForNeed Event – Community Foundation Run April 13th at 9am  SIGN UP—>

Hike at Mt. Mitchell – May 5th (Get with Gastone)


Thanks again to Swimmer for switching Q’s with me…as always it’s a pleasure to get to post with my Midoriyama brothers!!!  Thanks for the opportunity to lead!!

Until next time…..Pizza Man is OOOOOUUUUUUTTTTTTT!!!!

South of the Border

A few weeks ago, I saw something HIPAA mentioned about Qing every site and decided that was a challenge I want to take on this year. Some sites are hard for my schedule, but I’m going to find a way to Q at every location this year….and what better time to Q Coconut Horse than as I’m hitting the homestretch of P200 training!

I like to try to stay north of 85 as much as possible. I have a reputation to uphold! Whenever I come south of the Gaston-Dixon line, I have to be careful not to let too much yuppie rub off on me LOL!!!!
I felt comfortable since I was more in my truck! The weather was beautiful, the birds were chirping (well, they were chirping somewhere, I didn’t hear them), the bees were…well they aren’t doing much yet either….but there were 12 men at the Teeter for a little mosey around lower Gastonia. Paces varied but everyone made it back safe and sound and remains to fight another day! Good work by all. Thanks Gastone for picking up the flag for me (Q fail) and also for hanging out until 6:30 so I could leave at “Clydesdale” time and be sure I made it back in time!

Announcements: P200 upcoming, Convergence at FOLSOM on 3/30 (Tool Time, Freight, and Woop-dee-dang-doo will be Qing), 2nd F events on Fridays at the Station in Belmont (contact Tiger for more info…these guys are consistent so get out there!), 3rd F at Allen Tate’s if anyone is interested (once monthly). (I may have missed one here, the note on my phone crashed). Prayer requests: F3 PAX from Hartsville who passed Saturday during a race, Whetstone, Breaker’s sister-in-law’s father in hospice, Gastone’s father, Nikki Bailey and family, and an unspoken request. YHC took us out in prayer.

Moleskin: I encourage everyone running at Crossroads to visit the Horse and vice versa. It is a great change of scenery and both offer different challenges. More important, it gives you a chance to mix up Q source and learn with some other guys you aren’t as used to discussing the weekly topic with.

On a personal note, I ran the entire loop without stopping, which I was unable to do last time I tried in Spring 2018. That was something I have been wanting to “check off my list” for a while now!

I Swear, I CAN count… I think… maybe.

After a BULLDOG , Hipaa made the announcement he was looking for people to Q for the month of March… I told him I would look at my work schedule and let him know.   A bit later several days as I’m scrolling through the Twitter Feed I see he is still asking for people to step up and Q so I remember I never let him know anything and said I would take a day.

Now I’m in a jam I gotta make a Weinke.  So I begin sorting it out.  Inspired by a prior Bulldog Q’d by Hipaa involving a 300 Challenge, I think to myself;  that was good, I can come up with something like that… So I looked at his back blast to get the rep counts to give me an Idea of where to go with it.

I make the list.  I count the reps multiple times,  it is done… the Bulldog 300 Challenge (Part 2).  Night before I make the list on a poster board so that It will be a little easier to read… it wasn’t much better, also its not 300 Reps… Its 320… so i count again and again and again its 320 … So its morphed into the Bulldog 300+ Challenge.

Day of… I explain the inability to count correctly and the creation of the 300+ Challenge…   Oh yeah, We celebrate St. Patricks Day a little early with the play list.

Pledge, NO FNG No Disclaimer.

WARM UP… SSH X 10 only, I miss the  expressive cadence letting everyone know were done,  Imperial Walkers X 15 was supposed to be 10 but I realized i missed the expressive cadence so i went to 15 and included it.  Moroccan night clubs X 10… I miss the expressive cadence again and Hipaa calls me out by continuing until i physically told him i messed up the count and he could stop.    All in good fun.   I swear I can count.

The Bulldog 300+ Challenge

40 – Goblet Squat

20 – Tricep Press or Kickback (R)

25 – Kettlebell Swing

20 – Tricep Press or Kickback (L)

20 – Sumo Squat (Low Slow Squat with Wide stance)

10 – Calf Raises

25 – Kettlebell Curl (R)

25 – Kettlebell Curl (L)

15 – Squat Press (R)

15 – Squat Press (L)

10 – Goblet Squat

20 – LBC

5 – Squat Press (L)

5 – Squat Press (R)

25 – Kettlebell Swing

20 – Pretzel Crunch (L)

20 – Pretzel Crunch (R)

TOTAL 320 Reps.  Knowing this would not eat all of our time I offered up the choice to the PAX, go through it again or Pax Choice… Pax Choice it is…. I do not remember everything called here.  I do know the total Rep count went much higher than it was and everyone put in good work


Convergence: March 30, 0700 @ Folsom, Hipaa adds he wants to Highly Encourage everyone to bring an FNG  to flood the event with FNG’s

Community Foundation Run:  Speed for Need Event, April 13

Belmont Classic 5K / 1mile Fun Run : Speed for Need evnet, May 25

Prayer Requests and YHC took us out

Thank you for the opportunity, I hope you got something out of it… I know I did.  (my apologies for the delay on this back blast)




Not climbing the mountain today

Warm up with 20 ssh 

10 don Qs

5 burpees 

I had told the pax earlier in the week that I was going to run to the top of Mountian for the Thursday workout.   But I didn’t do it for fear of muddy condition and getting hurt.   When the weather gets better though.

Mosey to the picnic shelter for 80 D’s. 20 Derkins, 20 (Hello) Dolly’s, 20 Dips, 20 Diamond Merkins. 

40 flutters ic at top of hill and 40 merkins at the bottom. Run back to top for20 American hammers.     

Mosey to walking circle across the road.  

5 burpees and head to bench for 40 LBC IC   Then I called on Deff Leppard.  He called 20 FM.   Back to the top for 5 more burpees. 

Mosey across the road to entry of park.   Sprint to first light pole and walk to next.   Sprint to next and walk. Going to steps on the first field to left.   Hit the steps for 10 calf raises per step.  Plank waiting on the six.   

Ring of fire with 5 jump squats and walk sits.   

mosey back to flag for some iron hulks, and 40 more flutters.   Time 

Prayers for Gumby’s mother(pace maker replacement tomorrow) pax member out with back surgery.   Young lady(13) that freight’s wife knows, troubled with seizures. 

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