Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: March 2019 (Page 10 of 10)

PreBlast: 4 Yr Gashouse Anniversary Convergence

Date:    Saturday March 30th

Time:    7:00am

Location:   Folsom

Coffeerama:   Country Kitchen


Please join us for our first convergence of 2019. GasHouse region will celebrate it’s 4th year on 3/22.  With many pax participating in the P200 that weekend, we will all converge on Saturday 3/30 at the Folsom AO to celebrate this milestone. Come out for a great time of fellowship, and workout with a lot of guys you may not normally see.  Pain-Lab will also travel and be available at Folsom.  Coffeerama to follow the workout at the Country Kitchen in Dallas.  Make plans to attend.


Sister Act

Gashouse at the Rooster.

Finally the event is here. I reallly had a lot of fun at this event last year. I’m very happy that you guys decided to go again.

With doubts about having full teams, 5:30 came and everyone was at Roses and we headed out.

Arriving at York Prepatory Acedemy,  we drug out all of Hippa’s gadgets and canopy. He is always prepared!! Thanks Hippa for the music all day. I’m pretty sure he should be renamed to the gashouse DJ.

Since we had the first tent from the road, every  lap when you round that last corner headed back to the exchange zone the music pumped you back up!!

Last minute pickup we acquired DDC for one team and Bill Nye for the other. Thank goodness for those men.

Disclaimer was given by the race director and we began.

A very quick pace was set early and looked as though there was no letting up. 3 teams spent most of the day watching team Pizzadiggers demolish the competition. When they learn that they where a minute behind, oh the pace got “turnt” up! Beast mode was  in full effect.

Radar’s Runners ran a very strong race, finishing in the middle of the pack.

G-Vegas Rollers has a good run with a missed turn but a good recover.

Cheesy Private Hair Band Roadies had fun as well,  thank you for dragging me around that last lap.

It was a good morning while raising money and awareness for the 809 foundation. Hopefully more of you can run next year. Congratulations to the Pizzadiggers and the first place win! They smashed the competition Thank you to all the participants!! I’m looking forward to the p200.

Csaup 2/23

First off thank each of you that participated in this event. A total of 31 Hims trained and participated in this Csaup that pushed your bodies  all across gaston county to all of the AO’s with their F3 brothers. First we met at the starting point ingles in Dallas or crossroads I received a call from a former nantan (tooltime) about 3am complaining about the rain haha…so everyone shows up pledge quick prayer and were off. 50 mile journey all through beautiful gaston it was rainy but that dont stop us from getting stronger and pushing ourselves it was fun lots of mumble chatter and lots of hard work but we finished it great time around 11am. Great training for the p200 guys as well can’t wait until the next one again thank you guys this isnt possible without all of you.         Mayor also road his bike to guide us thank you.                                                                                                                                 Tyson

can’t hurt me

There was some chatter on Twitter…Rudolph started talking junk and being the bone head that I am, I fired right back and we went back and forth a few times with threatening comments and gifs. In the end, we all won. Iron sharpening iron was at its finest and I will be sleeping well tonight. Eighteen men showed, 1 of them being an FNG thanks to TSquare. I started with the disclaimer and the FNG just stared me down with no fear in his eyes at all. He is married after all and there is very little that scares a married man.

We started with the Pledge then the Disclaimer. Once the disclaimer was completed, I started  with my FAVORITE PART, the warmup. After being warned about an FNG, I decided to use the warmup as a “teachable moment.” We went over the 5 core principles of F3 as part of the warmup with a new exercise called Burp-Threes. I asked for one of the principles: all I heard was ” It’s three!” so we started with 3 burpees.  They later corrected me with core principle #1 which is “it is free.” I asked for another: “It’s outdoors, rain or shine” so we then then did 6 burpees. I asked for another and heard “It’s men only” so we did 9 burpees. I asked for another, and TSquare said there were only 3 core principles……no, no, no, that is not right. Someone said “it is peer led in rotating fashion” so we did 12 burpees….DID I MENTION HOW MUCH I LOVE WARMUPS??? There were some (not so) under the breath comments and the Q was getting a bit out of breath so we semi-Omaha’d (for the sake of the FNG to show him how to count F3-style) and did 15 SSH after someone said principle #5: We end with a COT.

At this point, we split into BootCampers and PainLabbers. See Montross’ backblast done earlier today. Nice work-thanks for stepping up to Q and stepping out of Folsom to push your brothers in GasHouse.

I told the group we would head to the football field but we would climb the hill and jump the fence. All of us made it without any bloodshed or falls that I am aware of. I explained the first exercise as we lined up near the goal line: BEAR BITCH-thanks for poking the bear Rudolph. I had something else planned but it was not hard enough….Here is what BEAR BITCH is: split into groups of 3. P1 and P2 do exercises (flutter kicks or squats) while P3 bear crawls as far as he wants, keeping in mind his partners will be exercising then bear crawling to catch up. Once P3 stops, he gets up and starts doing one of the exercises (flutter kicks or squats) and one of other partners (P1 or P2) drops down and bear crawls to P3 then starts doing one of the exercises. The last man bear crawls to his partners and starts back doing exercises while P3 starts bear crawling again. The only way to move across the field is to bear crawl. When you are not bear crawling you are doing one of the exercises. My plan was more than one trip and use other exercises, however I don’t think it would have ended well, and I had plenty more planned. FYI, there is a pax whose name rhymes with Spanchorman that you do not want as your partner if you have to bear crawl. He was our first man to bear crawl and he made it across with only 1 stop.

To cool off, we did a Bojangles biscuit-run around the track with all you’ve got on the straight part then mosey or walk on the turns. Stroganoff pulled a “slow and steady” and easily cruised around in first place without looking like it was much trouble at all.

We moseyed from the field over to Sherwood Elementary School making 2 alma maters for Stroganoff. He suggested we hit one of the high schools to make it a trifecta for him but I had other plans. On the way we hit 3 speed bumps and did 3 burpees at each speed bump. We took a trip or 2 up and down the steps before getting to the field. Once at the field, we did another Bojangles (run the straights and jog/mosey the turns). We finished at the end with the hill and I told the pax we would be doing “Hillevens.” This would be similar to “Elevens” with a few modifications. Start at bottom of the hill with 1 Merkin. Run up the hill, bear crawl across the hill (probably 30 yards), run down the hill, and 10 Burpees. Each lap we go up on merkins and down on the Burpees. The bear crawl was too much for everyone except the Q (I was really barely breathing hard at all and could have done this all day without a problem at all) so I Omaha’d to just do odd number counting after the 3rd lap. This was pretty tough and the bear crawl stuff was a battery drainer for sure. Once we finished this, I gave TopHat a choice: exercise A or exercise B. I am really not sure what he picked as it made no difference to me….think he picked B and we moseyed back to the steps. Partner up and P1 does either Squats or Burpees while P2 runs up steps, at the top he does 2 burpees, then runs back down. Partners swap positions. We did not have much time so we only did a couple rounds of this and to the best of my recollection, NONE OF US DID SQUATS-WE ONLY DID BURPEES, RIGHT? #showtoknowthetruth

We moseyed to the back of the church to the newly paved parking lot for another new exercise/game called “Lunge, Lunge, Lunge, Lunge, Burpee.” We made it across the parking lot with about 5 minutes to spare….turn around and let’s do that again. An un-named pax named Stroganoff gave me a not-so-nice look but he kept on going. We reached the other end then moseyed back to start in time for a few LBCs then the bells rang and we were finished. I think I laid on the ground for a few minutes to recover.

During our bootcamp, I talked about David Goggins book called Can’t Hurt Me. From the title, I thought it was about how tough this guy is and how he can’t be physically hurt. After reading the first 2 chapters, I think it is more about how he grew up in a broken home with a broken father and suffered mental and physical torture that no young man should ever have to go through. He also has a podcast I got from PizzaMan recently where he talks about “outworking the chart” among other things. Look it up and also read his book if you have a chance-it will be time well spent.

Once I got my tired but up off the ground, we did our COT and named our FNG Clark Lee: Honey Bee. Seems like our kind of man and I will be surprised if he is not back really soon.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead and for pushing me harder than I can push myself.


Trail O Tears 3 – Painlab Edition

I had a FNG committ to joining Painlab today so I planned to meet him there.
Seeing that HIPAA had an open Q slot, I volunteered. Painlab is a good change of pace amid P200 training as well as a step out of my comfort zone. I talked Ratchet into joining me as well to get him a flavor of other AOs.

As I built a weinke. I thought about the actions this week of 2 turds named Medicine Woman and Sparky who stole Allen Tate’s “Chief” title and named an FNG with it. It was time for a return of Trail O Tears, a Chief (Allen Tate) inspired workout with plenty of lunge walking. I scooped up some coupons from Sparky last night and roll into the parking lot about 6:45am to get setup. I throw some Waylon and Hank 3 on the boombox for pre-workout music (playlist pics below)

7:00 comes and my FNG is a no-show!
Dang! Whoopee proceeds to put down a hell of a warmup that resulted in 30 (edited) burpees amd 15 Side Straddle Hops! Geeez Whoopee! Already winded, 11 men head over to.the lab for the thang. Wait, what is that I see? A white Dodge. Oh snap, THE Chief Allen Tate pulls in. My spirit animal is here for Trail O Tears. This is gonna be good! Correction – we now have 12 for Painlab.


Trail O Tears:

Route 66 down the middle of the parking lot – lunge walk to each parking lot line. 1st line – 1 Mike Tyson, 2nd line – 2 Mike Tysons, 3rd line – 3 Mike Tysons…finish at 11 Mike Tysons.

Route 66 in the lower parking lot row – Bear Crawl to 1st line and 1 Air Squat, 2nd line – 2 squats, etc ending at 11.

Grab a block. I adjust the music to the hard rock portion cause we are turning it up another notch!

Cross the parking lot and do 10 curls and 10 overhead presses at each line. We did about 10 or 11 lines (I lost count)

Back to where we came from on the lower parking lot, do 10 cinder block swings (like kettlebell swings) at each line. I called it around 8 lines.

Put the blocks up, the tears have been shed. It is time for Core with Montross (a name also borrowed from AT).

3 circuits of:
15 LBCs in cadence
15 Rosalitas in cadence
10 Big Boys OYO

2 circuits of:
15 Flutter Kicks in cadence
10 Reverse American Hammers in cadence (we did American Hammers the 2nd time)
10 X-crunches single count

Tubthumping! AT brought it to Folsom a few weeks ago so I brought it today.
This was BRUTAL! Side Straddle Hops through the song a do a burpee everytime they say “I get knocked down”. They say it A LOT!

One more circuit of abs as I pull myself together!
15 LBCs in cadence
15 Rosalitas in cadence
10 Big Boys OYO

I decide to alter the weinke and go to a round of Mary. We did:
Cross-leg LBCs
Box Cutters
Morrocan Night Clubs
10 Burpees (called by THE Chief himself)
Imperial Walkers (Ratchet can NOT count LOL)
Side Straddle Hops
Freddie Mercuries
5 Star-jump Burpees
There were a few more as all 11 men (other than me) called an exercise, but I can’t remember them all. Great job by all!

Time was up, Thanks guys for each of you carrying a block to the Yukon for me! Some even lunge walked! We rejoined Whoopee and the Gashouse guys for the CoT.


I love my Folsom brothers and there is no place like it IMO. However, I do like to get out and see other AOs from time to time. Many of you guys make the extra effort to Q at Folsom when I ask and step out of your comfort zone so I intend to do the same and Q every site in F3 Gastonia this year. The Storm, Hollywood, and Goat will be tough for me and my schedule, but I will find the opportunities and make it work.

Thanks to all the guys who came out today and especially Ratchet and CHIEF Allen Tate for making their way south of 85 with me. Q juice was flowing today. I was gassed a few times but pulled it together with your support to get it done. I gave Painlab about all I had today. I saw lots of modifying out there and that is ok..that means I pushed you to your limits too. I am not the fastest or strongest, but I will always show up prepared and give you my best. Looking forward to next time.

Montross – Assistant Chief Rockpusher of Folsom

Welcome to the Yank FNG

0650 and not many cars at the Yank.   0655 here comes a care we don’t recognize, welcome FNG Aaron Mashburn!  Small crowd but big effort made up for it. 0700 let’s get rolling.

Warmup: Disclaimer and 20 burpees

Mosey up the Nichol’s hill to parking lot at First Pres.  Team up for some Dora: 50 diamond merkins, 100 wide arm, 150 stagger, 200 merkins partner runs to end of parking lot and back.  Arms and shoulders blasted after this one.  Train penalty.  Break for just a moment to name one principle of F3 – men only. More Dora but this time 200 bobby hurley, 150 squats, 100 smurf jacks, 50 sumo squats while partner runs.  Another principle of F3- free of charge.  Train penalty.  Mosey to the wall in front of First Baptist for box jumps 10, 15, then 20 with a round of 10 dips in cadence in between.  Third principle – always outdoors rain or shine.

Get in plank position and plank with feet on the wall, not too high.  Hold for one minute.  Another round for 45 seconds.  I think this is the most difficult ab exercise we do.  You really have to engage your core to hold the wall, especially if your body is in a straight line.

Mosey to turd shack for three rounds of hip slappers (10) and wall sits with 25 shoulder presses.  Fourth principle – peer led workouts.  Mosey to the Yank.  Pledge.  Fifth principle – end in COT.

Strong work today men in a tough workout.

Announcements: Convergence on March 30, order Storm shirts by today (March 2), Q Source Sunday mornings at Coconut Horse and Crossroads.

YHC reading a book called Endurance.  Premise of book is the brain’s role in endurance performance, basically exploring how to train your mind to take the limits off performance.  But also how the same principle applies in other areas of life, in particular spiritual life.  Often we can days when the evil one is going the extra mile in tempting us or pushing obstacles in our life that cause us to want to seize control ourselves.  But always know God is the ultimate strength, we can train ourselves to rely on Him more and more by consciously turning to Him each day and again when we feel the pressure mounting.

Prayer requests:  Doodles has a friend that is going through a difficult time and attempted suicide a few days ago, Orangeman has friend of friend who had a baby but wife died giving birth so new dad lost his wife and the child’s mom.  Remember our weekly Pax in prayer, Arial, Tyson, Bubbles, Sly, Cheesehead, DDC, Rockabilly, Slaw, Sly.

Always an honor to lead


Downtown downtown.

Thanks to bedpan for allowing me to lead on this morning. Thanks to SA and his patience with getting this bb posted.

Ssh, arm circles, imperial walkers

short mosey for some coupons.

Partner up. 3 sets of each exercise whilst your partner runs to the end of the parking lot and back. Music of choice this morning – Frank Sinatra. If you want the music changed you and your partner will have to perform 5 wolverine burpees.

Deep see divers, shoulder flies, crunchy frogs. I think. It has been a while since this actually happened. I had to call out some runners as I think they were actual lay faster than they were portraying.

SA and leppard did not like my music so they completed 5 wolverines on top of the other exercises.   At some point we add a farmer carry for all pax to carry 45 lb plates to the catering van and back.

circle up for some core time.  Extended cross, real big big boys, reverse hammers, extended cross and new favorite figure eights where we were lead by some music pax in “he’s got the whole world in his hands”

running low on time.  Few plank exercises and then mosey back for pledge.

Prayer request

  • community with the flu going around

-the pax


-top hats family



-rooster 3-2-2019

-Q Source Sunday’s at the coconut horse and crossroads

-Gastone is organizing a hike at mount Mitchell May 5th 5.5 miles up the mountain and 5.5 more back

Sparky takes us out in the BOM


SA brought the heat…

10 Men Showed for a Snoballs Special.

The Thang:

SSH, etc, slash warmup


We did some legs, and some more legs.

We ran up a hill backwards

We worked arms

Then did abs.

The Moleskin:

Good day, I don’t remember all of my workout but my BB is posted. SA police can stop calling me every day.

Gastone OUt

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