Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: January 2023 (Page 4 of 14)

What Is With All Of The Rain?

As I was running alongside Purple Haze this morning, he had quite a few things to talk about (imagine that LOL!!!!). Though it was hard for me to talk a lot because I was trying not too slow him down too much, he was talking about how much rain we’ve had on Sundays and Wednesdays…Crossroads and Prison Break days. He said something like ‘It feels like we’ve been running in the rain for months’. I got to thinking and, though there’s been a few dry days here and there, it has definitely been raining a lot on the Dallas-area running AOs. I guess you could say it’s that much more impressive that men keep showing up despite the (often cold) rain.

I want to say thanks to Haze for running with me this morning. It pushed me to run faster than I would have on my own. Main Frame was looking for someone to ruck so props to Oompa & Bedpan who decided to ruck with him. That’s just 2 examples of this happening this morning, but I know there’s plenty of other guys who do this on a weekly basis. Ball Joint even slowed down a bit this morning so his son Sister Act could keep up with him. It’s guys like that who can run much faster paces, but slow it down a bit to help pull others along – picking up the 6 – that make F3 great.

Say a special prayer for Huck as he’s going through some struggles right now (you can see the details on Slack if you haven’t already). Continue prayers for Gumby, Wirenut, EZ Rider, Broke and myself. All have family members with different ailments and could use the support and prayer.

  • Montross

Welcome an FNG to the PUB!

It was a great morning for a run and Purple Haze brought an FNG out to a running AO!  The young man is a former collegiate soccer player and younger than most PAX so he should be running laps around most of us in no time.  Welcome Roofie!

The Pub had ten runners and with the FNG the Q modifed the route for safety and simplicity.  Run out to Robinwood towards the greenway and turn around for 5 miles.  Waterboy and I traded bad dirty jokes for the first half.  It is hard to execute the punch line while gasping for air.


Mar 4 Extinction Run at Primal at 0900.

February 11 the Folsom Winter National 0630.  All other AO’s closed

Purple Haze plans on eating lunch today.

Prayers for Breaker Breaker, Termite, Huckleberry, Praise for Purple Haze and a preparedness lesson

The numbers are still strong and the pushing rocks challenge is still working.  It will be fun to see what the numbers are for January compared to previous years.



Lots of Work but Nothing Special

Good morning F3 Gastonia is a brisk clear morning here at Folsom this is great weather for a Thursday Beatdown. We’ve got a smaller than usual crowd for a Folsom workout this morning. No FNGs so after a quick warmup we’re moving to the tennis courts for a nasty but simple circuit that involved a lot of Merkins, Squats, Flutters and LBCs. 250 total reps of each broken up with a little bit of running in between rounds. Once we finished up here we moseyed over to the Folsom Brickyard for a few quick sets of Curls and Overhead Presses. We finished just in time for a quick round of Cherry Pickers before time ran out.



Announcements: Folsom Nationals & Extinction Run

Prayers: GearWrench’s Family, Mayor’s injuries, Big Pappy’s injuries, Tonka and family, Huckleberry, Wichita’s Family, Myself and my family and many others I’m sure I’m missing

Thanks for showing up and working hard this morning men. As the title says lots of work but nothing special on this one. I think often times we over think these workouts when we can just pick a few exercises and go HAM and get a lot better results.


Sub for RA

Tuesday morning 530 lets roll.

5 year anniversary.

Warm Up

Down and Back

Down the hill and back then do the work, after each set you go down and back up.

40MNC, 40 raise the roof, 30 jump ropes, 20 merkins, 10 Miranda Rights.

Mosey to the stage.

10 mike tysons, and 10 dips descend down to one of each exercise.

The tennis Courts are LIT!

Triple Nickel

Squats and Big Boys.

We found a few tennis balls so why not throw them at each other while we run. Dodge Duck dive Run Dodge you know.

Finally the parking lot that we have always parked in is empty so we did 11’s Hill Billys and Seal Jacks.

I omaha’d the 11s due to time.


The Labyrinth – perfectly timed

I checked the weather right when I got up and it showed rain running Northeast, but that wasn’t the case when I walked outside. Here we go, I nice steady drizzle. Roll up to Pelican to see Maybelline, Timeframe and JJ. We huddle up, get our warm-ups in and mosey to the gazebo at Martha’s house. I broke out some tunes, shuffled & dealt some X-cards, and here we go. In rotating fashion, we do:

3 Rounds for 45 seconds: Overhead press, flys, BURPEES, overhead press. Then mosey around the picnic table twice.

3 Rounds for 45 seconds: Superman pullups, flutter kicks, curls, squat w/kettle. Then mosey around the picnic tables twice.

The rain held off while we Moseyed back to the start! 

Announcements: Folsom International 2/11/23 @ 6:30am – all AO’s will be Closed,  Ghost Flag 1/28/23, 2ndF today @ Hillbillys

Prayer request: Murtaugh, Turtleman, Mabelline’s dad, Huckleberry, Tooth fairy’s 2.0, Clavin’s M, and anyone that I missed.

Good work!


M R Hills O S M R

Cold day on The Halfpipe saw what could have been a record crowd. Records are what they are for this once mysterious AO.

We ran up and down until we didn’t run up and down anymore. One rucked. Can be summed up like this:


We paused for COT and the Pledge

2nd F lunch – 1/25 @ Hillbilly’s in Lowell
2/11 Folsom Winter Nationals – 0630 start (All Other AO’s closed)
3/4 Extinction Run
Ghost Flag trip this weekend (Check Slack for details)

Prayer Requests:
Radar’s sister
Stroganoff’s Mother-in-law
Sargento’s family friend that passed

Prayer to take us out…

At this point, some left. Some kept running or rucking. And then some took off for The Dutch Over (#ShowToKnow)

Until the next time the hills come calling…

Bear Crawls to the Wall

Warm ups-

  • SSH- 20
  • 3 Burpees
  • SSH -15
  • 2 Burpees
  • SSH- 10
  • 1 Burpee

6 sections/ 4 quadrants in each section. 10 reps per quadrant so 40 reps per section. 6 different exercises. Switch off from Bear crawl to Lunge walk from each section. 2 laps around each section when that section is completed. Merkins, LBCs CBDs, Big Boys, Mike Tyson’s, Dying Cockroaches.

Then moseyed back to the flag where we got 10 more of each exercise to get 50 reps for each exercise and then finished with a lap around the whole parking lot. And then douche canoe aka Sister Act called 5 kraken burpees to take us out 💪🏻!!!
Thank you men for indulging me and parking on the outside of the lot 👍🏻!!!  Thank you all for the support except Camellia 🤦🏼‍♂️… You think you have friends 🤷🏼‍♂️


• 2nd F lunch at Hillbilly’s on Wednesday

• Convergence at Folsom February 11th

• Extinction Run March 4th

• Ghost Flag this Saturday see Balljoint for details


Prayer Requests-

Stinky Bird’s cousin William ( Bad wreck)

Broke’s family

Termite’s brother has cancer

Slaw’s wife

Co-worker of PP has a daughter who has contemplated suicide

sending prayers to all those in need 🙏🏻♥️

What it was, was kickball


We started at the flag and moseyed to the bunker for warmups. After warmups, some HIM’s broke off to ruck and 12 chose to accept the challenge.

Mosey from the bunker, around downtown to the school (1 mile) then break off into two teams each of 6 for kickball.


Foul: your team does 5 burpees

Out: fielding team chooses the exercise for the kicking team

Run: kicking team chooses exercise for fielding team x2 is 2 runs are scored x3 etc.

after each team switches, everyone does 10 merkins

Home run: kicking team chooses exercise for fielding team to do.

Final score: 2-1

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