As I was running alongside Purple Haze this morning, he had quite a few things to talk about (imagine that LOL!!!!). Though it was hard for me to talk a lot because I was trying not too slow him down too much, he was talking about how much rain we’ve had on Sundays and Wednesdays…Crossroads and Prison Break days. He said something like ‘It feels like we’ve been running in the rain for months’. I got to thinking and, though there’s been a few dry days here and there, it has definitely been raining a lot on the Dallas-area running AOs. I guess you could say it’s that much more impressive that men keep showing up despite the (often cold) rain.
I want to say thanks to Haze for running with me this morning. It pushed me to run faster than I would have on my own. Main Frame was looking for someone to ruck so props to Oompa & Bedpan who decided to ruck with him. That’s just 2 examples of this happening this morning, but I know there’s plenty of other guys who do this on a weekly basis. Ball Joint even slowed down a bit this morning so his son Sister Act could keep up with him. It’s guys like that who can run much faster paces, but slow it down a bit to help pull others along – picking up the 6 – that make F3 great.
Say a special prayer for Huck as he’s going through some struggles right now (you can see the details on Slack if you haven’t already). Continue prayers for Gumby, Wirenut, EZ Rider, Broke and myself. All have family members with different ailments and could use the support and prayer.
- Montross