• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 01/30/2023
  • AO: The Sword
  • QIC: Oompa Loompa (R)
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Dagger (Down Range from Mission I'm Possible AO), Gearwrench, Broke (R), Tonka, Wichita, Sarlacc (R), Chubbs, Beetle Bailey, Slaw, Tangled, Rabbit Ears, Carmellia (R), Balljoint

Not really, how bad can a dreary Monday morning be when as I was driving out of my neighborhood, the “Handsomest Cardiologist on Union Road at 0500 in the morning” (wins only by default-Defib is out of town) and Maybelline are running down Union towards Hudson for extra credit. Brief horn honk and wave.

Dagger downrange from the Mutha-Ship with Ghost Flag 2.0. Great testimony, great ministry Charlotte Rescue Mission-Check it out. Program for addiction recovery.

Some ran, some rucked, all had a good time.

We had a sighting of the Gordon Fisherman model. Looks a wee bit chubby in person. Lots of photo shopping in the advertisements.

Mini-sermonette: “Has no one condemned you…..Then neither do I condemn you,” Jesus declared. “Go and sin no more.” John 8:7-11.

Guys, there are two types of people: bridge builders or bridge burners. Believers need to be the bridge to get people to Jesus. We shouldn’t be the burners. We can’t say “I can’t believe so and so has the unmitigated all to walk into my church with what they have done.” When we say that, it demonstrates that we have forgotten who we used to be when where the sinner who didn’t know Jesus either.

Announcements: Winter Nationals at Convergence, Defib at Gashouse this Saturday, Extinction Run

Prayers: Pappy, Seuss, Trace Barnette, Huck, Wirenut, Dagger’s ministry, those with addiction, recovery struggles, each other. Forgiveness for judgment and not remembering that Jesus died for all. YHC took us out.