Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: May 2022 (Page 9 of 12)

No creative title

A new week meant some new exercises. 

Warm Up: SSH, small and large arms circles, gravel pickers, SSH Burpees

Mosey around the lot a couple of times

Round 1, 3 sets of the following  20 Plank Jacks, Jackass Merkins, Monkey  Humpers, American Hammers, 10 Broad Jump Burpees

Round 2: Suicide Ladder up to 10 reps: Groiners, Squats, Big Boys

Lap around the lot

Cool down: 50 LBC, 40 Flutters, 30 VUps

Times up

Announcements: Young Life Golf Tournament on May 23, some teams need plays, ask Buckshot

F3 Dads needs Qs this summer

Prayer: Blueprints friend lost his wife, Radiohead is celebrating 14 years of marriage, Buckshot and Pillagers wives are pregnant so prayers for healthy babies

Wednesday 5-4 at Prison Break

We had a full house on this glorious Wednesday morning. YHC walked while everyone else ran. My foot still isn’t quite up to the task yet but getting better each week. Thanks to Bedpan for shutting it down and walking the last half-mile with me. Wichita wasn’t quite as naked as usual. Shoutout to the new guy Eastside on his 2nd post in 2 days.

Announcements: Murphy on Memorial Day @ Martha Rivers, other Monday AOs will also be open.

Prayer Requests: Striper’s brother, Big Pappy, Huck, EZ Rider’s family, Sparky’s boss’s wife, Broke, Def Leppard, Oompa Loompa, Roe v Wade

Tuesday Morning Dawg Pound

The 3 amigos met this morning at the Bulldog for and excellent start to the day.

Nearly a perfect weather situation,  A little on the chilly side which we would come to appreciate in about 15 mins.


Warmup with some lite stretching.

Pretty simple routine.

6 exercises in descending order then take a lap around take parking lot.  Start with 20 reps, 19, 18, you get the picture.

Upright rows with kettle bell

Goblet squats with kettle bell


Mountain Climbers


Windshield wipers

Take a lap



It was great to come out, excellent weather, even better comradery, and an overall great start to the day.

Need to see some of the regulars come back.  Attendance is falling off.

All 3 of us pushed and got stronger.



Tuesday Morning Special

Healing the soul, lifting spirits, making the day better by adding a Tuesday morning special to your routine is calling out to you! Details below

10-imperial walkers
Moroccan night clubs
10-dying cockroaches


10mekins hold
10mnt climbers hold
10plank Jack’s hold
10 merkins

Zombie walk and back
10,10 Calf raises
10 squats

10shoulder press
10bent rows

10Big boys
10crunchy frogs
10 heals to heaven
10Big boys


Announcements: You’re all neat.
COT: turtle man, people in turmoil, end of school year, tubes M

The Forgotten Q

It was about 6pm yesterday when I realized i had the Q, luckily something told me to ask Balljoint otherwise I would have had to wing it.  15 HIM gathered on a chilly Folsom Tuesday to get ready for the day.  We had a FNG EH’d by our friendly neighborhood fart sacker Montross so we hit him with the 5 core principles and a disclaimer and got to work.


10 gravel pickers in cadence

20 SSH in cadence

5 burpees

A complaint was filed about my warmup so I added some Moroccan night clubs for good measure.

Mosey to lower shelter

20 step ups

20 Dips

20 Corky Romano’s (hold 6” under bench, knees to chest and extend legs over bench= 1 rep)

5 burpees

Rinse and repeat for a second round

Starting at bottom parking lot partner up, catch me if you can to Flag pole at AG center

Partner one NURS while the other does 10 Merkins and runs to catch them and switches out.

Pledge of allegiance

In upper lot do a round of Dirty 11’s, CDD’s and Big Boys

Indian run back to lower parking lot, person at end of line does 2 Burpees before taking the lead.

5 Burpees

Circle for a round of Iron Hulk

Stay in the circle for Mary AB work



CSAUP 21st at storm

Murph Memorial Day


Prayer requests

Stripers Brother

Wichitas family

Purple haze sister in law


Turtle man

All the IR

Montross mother

Doppler Effect at The Fighting Yank – 5/9/22

Disclaimer – No FNG’s

Warm Up

Seal Jacks IC x 20

Imperial Walkers IC x 20

Grass Pickers IC x 15

Abe Vigoda IC X 15


Mosey to The Fighting Yank statue for Bulgarian Squats and Dips x10 OYO.

Rinse and repeat x 15 and x 20.

Mosey along Mill St stopping at every third parking space to do 1 burpee.

Mosey to the corner of Hawthorne and Airline for 50 squats.

Mosey Along Airline St stopping at every third parking space to do 1 burpee.

We got caught by a train before crossing the tracks, so we did 50 Monkey Humpers, Eskimo Merkins and 5 Burpees, while we waited for it to pass.  I thought this was a good time to explain the Doppler Effect since we experienced it firsthand with the train horn.  I asked why the horn seemed to change pitch as it approach and Nutria was the first to respond.  Good explanation Nutria.

Mosey to the corner of Main and Catawba for 20 Goofballs IC for the Webcam.

Mosey along Catawba St to the new construction site where we did Domino Merkins.

Mosey to the police station for Dora 1-2-3.

100 Merkins

200 Squats

300 LBCs.

The timer to switch partners was a NUR to the far entrance to the parking lot and Mosey back.

Mosey to the old Southpoint Family Practice building for 5 x 5 Burpees.  Rebar mentioned that he was experiencing the Dopler Effect with his burpees since they were slowing down, just as sound waves expanding from a train horn going away from you.

Lunge Walk along the road where Buckeye used to have his store.  Lunge walk and mosey along this street.  (It wasn’t marked on Google Maps)

Mosey back to Catawba and Main for 20 Seal Jacks IC for the webcam.  Nice job by Rebar whohad to modify this routine.  He hopped on one foot so he wouldn’t re-infure is other foot.  Try it, it’s harder than you think.

Mosey to the steps at The Yank for Flutter Kicks and American Hammers.



May the Fourth Be With You

The week prior Dirt asked for a Q for next week. My first thought was “YHC could do it”, but when he said it would be May 4th, that sealed the deal. After developing a hokey, Star Wars-themed weinke, YHC showed up in the gloom on May the 4th to find a parking lot emptier than Dagobah when Luke landed there in The Empire Strikes back. As 0530 approached, two figures were headed back from the park. Only three PAX would defeat the dark side of the force and escape the fartsack for this intergalactic adventure.

The Pledge


SSH IC x 10
Markins IC x 10
LBCs IC x 10
Imperial Walkers IC x 10

Mosey to the park

Starting far, far away at the end of the parking lot closet to the playground, we’d go through a round of Death Stars. Partner up (ummm, with only three, someone would be going Han Solo; yep, YHC just said that).

Partner 1 made the Kessel Run to the other end of the parking lot.

Partner 2 stayed and completed a round of exercises. One exercise for each Kessel Run trip.

S – imperial Squat walkers
T – Tie fighters (lunges while doing arm circles, who knew, it’s in the exicon)
A – AT-STs (AlTernating Shoulder Taps; the Empire used those in the Battle of Endor in Return of the Jedi)
R – Reverse crunches (OK, nothing related to Star Wars for R in the exicon)

So what makes them Death Stars? The exercises were AMRAP while the partner ran. That’s not a small parking lot…

After that was complete, mosey to the building between the baseball fields.

Star Wars Trivia – Start at 25 SSH and 1 burpee. For every question the PAX got right, SSH decreased by 5. For every question the PAX got wrong, burpees increased by 1. After the question, the PAX would mosey half-way down the path between the fields and complete the exercise. Unfortunately for YHC and Watts Up, Dirt was not a Star Wars fan so it was all on WU. At this point, I believe these were the questions that were used (had a longer list) and in somewhat correct order.

Trivia Question: In Star Wars, what do they call the invisible power that binds the galaxy together?
Answer: The Force
Correct – 25 SSH

Trivia Question: Who is the creator of Star Wars?
Answer: George Lucas
Correct – 20 SSH

Trivia Question: What is the name of Boba Fett’s ship?
Answer: Slave 1
Wrong – 1 burpee

Trivia Question: Who is Chancellor Palpatine’s Sith alter-ego?
Answer: Darth Sidious
Wrong – 2 burpees

Trivia Question: What is the name of Han’s friend running the cloud city of Bespin?
Answer: Lando Calrissian
Wrong – 3 burpees

What year did the first Star Wars movie come out?
Answer: 1977.
Correct – 15 SSH

Question: According to Yoda, there are always how many Sith Lords…no more, no less?
Answer: Two (Rule of Two).
Wrong – 4 burpees

Question: What color was Mace Windu’s lightsaber?
Answer: Purple.
Wrong – 5 burpees

Mosey back to Snowball’s.

Murph at Sandlot on Memorial Day at 0700

Prayer Requests

YHC would have done a better job documenting these announcements and prayer requests but left his phone at the building at the baseball fields. After the prayer, had to sprint back to pick it up.

Prayer to take us out.

Until next time…

CSAUP Lite PreBlast

The Storm will play host to our region’s next CSAUP with lots of fellowship on Saturday, May 21st.  Your first and second F Q’s (YHC and BOS) are collaborating (as high performing teams do) to put forth a CSAUP that will be good for first and second F’s.

Disclaimer*  The Gashouse Region has had multiple external CSAUP’s lately (1/2 Marathons, P200, SMR, Mortimer 100, D2D, V2V, etc) and the schedule has not been kind for planning a local CSAUP.  For example, this was to take place on May 7th, but that date was the Goat Island Games.  This weekend is the Henderson Jump off the Rock half,  so you see the dilemma.  We can’t wait any longer.  May needs a local CSAUP.  That is just the way it is.

Here is what you need to know…

This will be a partner workout with one common EZ throughout the CSAUP.

The first part will be a course with prescribed route where you will stop and complete exercises and reps along the way, eventually returning back to the AO.  When this is completed, one runner/rucker will leave from that location and run a leg while the other PAX will wait for their return so they can run the same leg.  Then repeat when that runner returns to run the second leg.  (Part of this will be on the Rocky Branch Trail so running shoes and trail shoes may be in order if you have both).  This part of sort of like a relay without the vans.

There will be a Ruck option if a PAX would rather ruck instead of run, but the exercises and reps will remain the same.  Teams will be set by the Q depending on who shows up to ensure that bat flipper’s will not be paired together.

All other AO’s are open unless the site Q of that AO makes the call to close.

What to bring:  hydration

gloves optional

Ruck Sack if you choose that option.

Trail shoes if you prefer

Towel and change of clothes

Lawn Chair, tailgate tents, cornhole boards, hacky sacks, or whatever you want to do to pass the time while you socialize with your brothers and wait for your partner to return.  Extra credit for anyone that brings coffee.

Mileage will be around 10 for runners and less for ruckers unless you want to do the whole thing (it will just take longer)

0630    Muster

0650  Teams selected and maps handed out

0700 start

Bring your shovel flags and wear your badass black F3 shirt and shorts if you want to represent on the trail.

The course is being finalized so there may be a longer leg for those that need more

If you are on IR and want to help with logistics let YHC know.

If you choose not to complete this CSAUP, come here after your other F3 morning workout for fellowship and cheer your brothers on!



Low expectations

Due to some college graduations I believed there would be low numbers at the Coconut Horse but was pleasantly surprised to see Flintstone, Latte, and then Short Sale appear.  The three of them ran and YHC rucked and prepared to deliver the Q Source lesson on Study.

When YHC returned to the AO, Whoopee appeared ready to do some Mother’s Day and birthday card shopping.  YHC humblebragged that Dollar General opened at 0800 and they have cheaper greeting cards.  More on that later.

So when the runners returned we did a quick COT and went inside for coffee.

YHC got the M her coffee order and picked up some flowers before Q Source.

On the ride home YHC hit the Dollar General and wouldn’t you have predicted that Mother’s Day cards were basically picked clean.  Ended up with a “Happy Mother’s Day, Love, Daughter” card for my mom.  I scratched out daughter and wrote Roscoe of course.  Same card went to my MIL from my M so that worked out.

My M got a card from my boys that was a box of tissues with a Kleenex pulled out that said something like, “do your job” or some tacky thing and then you open it and it says “your job is to have a great day”.   Got lucky that the M exhibited Grace because my 2.1 wrote all sorts of sweet things in there.  The bright side is the total for three cards was $4.28.

CSAUP at The Storm May 21st

Memorial Day Murph May 30 at Martha’s House at 0700

Prayers for Turtleman, Mothers everywhere and college graduates



Stick Ball

Welcome Speech, disclaimer and principles of F3. With an FNG it is always good to do this.
Warm Up:
SSH, 5 Burpees, Gravel Pickers 4 Burpees, Mo Rockin Night clubs 3 Burpees, Monkey Humpers 2 Burpees, then 1 burpee.

Let’s Mosey: with a stop at the gate for 25 LBC’s 25 flutters, 25 squats, we head around to one side of the concession stand and did some 11’s
Merkins and shoulder taps. Mumble chatter was good I had a chance to catch up with a few pax I have not seen in a while.
One of the best parts of traveling around is getting to know the other Men in F3.

Mosey to the middle parking area and we did squat side steps with a burpee at each median and rotate sides to equal out the pain.
I looked at the clock and it was getting close to the end so we moseyed back with a stop at the gate for some more
25 lbc’s 25 flutters, 25 squats.
Back to whence we came for the pledge and some Mary.
Welcome FNG Wonderbread.

2nd F lunch at Sammys 5/18/22, CSAUP 5/21/22 at the Gashouse. Murph Memorial day at the Sandlot
New AO launch meeting on Monday 5/16/22 location is Ranlo City Park, 15 Park Drive. Gastonia, NC 28054 0530-0615am.

Prayer request:
Turtle Man, End of school Kids, Kids Graduating, Huck, Chad McGee battling Cancer, \
Praise report! Stroganoff is Back and better than Ever!

The Bed Pan is Full!

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