Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: May 29, 2022

The Devil’s Leaf

We had 8, maybe 9 PAX at Old School on a warm but glorious morning.  YHC noticed Dirt, Seuss, and Slaw getting some EC early.  Slaw did four miles and set a PR pace.  Rumor has it his new watch inspired him to try to catch Seuss.  When they returned, merlot was threatened but not splashed.  Dirt said he came north to come to my Q!  #honored

Here is what went down at the workout.

Disclaimer:  No insurance, not a professional, You versus you, etc.

Slaughter Starter

Mosey to Carr Elementary…..wait…the online recon was incorrect so we moseyed around to the back for some stair work.

30 Step Ups     30 Squats     30 Lunges      3 rounds

20 Derkins on the bleachers 15 Dips     15 Plank Jacks     3 rounds

Two minute elbow plank  (we shared gratitude during the hold)

one minute Al Gore

At this point Dr. Seuss was alleged to have been sweating.  We should have stopped the workout.  #Missionaccomplished

Mosey to ballfield   Get on the line for Partner carries

A parallel run from first base to second base and just like in middle school, the chance of actually getting to second base is nil.

1st Round…..Fireman’s Carry    YHC was fortunate to have been partnered with  Dr. Seuss.   Respect for whoever carried Double Stack.

Pause because YHC almost passed out.  Had to go over the 5 core principles and mission during recovery.

2nd Round…Piggyback style

3rd Round….”Across the Altar” style…   I don’t think anyone else attempted it.

Then…First base to second base   5 Superman’s run and then 5 single leg burpees.
YHC demonstrated the Superman’s and then began and single leg burpee.  The Superman’s work the low back and the single leg burpee’s “activate” the low back, or at least they did in my one rep demo.  A modification was made to do regular burpees.  Wirenut led the way on this one.

Mosey back to start for some gut work IC.  Blart appeared and got credit during COT.  Broke declared he had gravel in his pocket.

We had the 80’s metal going the entire workout and the mumblechatter and joke telling was strong.  The banter that goes on north of I-85 is always a highlight.

After the workout,  most of the PAX from Old School joined the Folsom group at Time Out for some chow.  We were entertained by Wichita giving grief to some PAX for eating some less than ideal nutrition.  He stated a couple things that I remember:

A. He will come to your house to deliver insulin shots due to your future diabetes

B.  He will push your kids on the swing after you are buried (or something similar)

It was then someone said something about the Devil’s leaf (tobacco).  It was then the backblast was named.

The inspiration for the title reminds me of what I heard on a podcast the other day.  The author First Blood, (which was published in 1972 and is still in print to this day) knew he wanted his hero to be only one name.  His wife was talking to him one day about buying a bushel of apples for a quarter.  What kind of apples?  RAMBO apples.  It was only later that Rambo was given a first name of John.  The reason for this is that as a veteran, “When Johnny comes marching home” was symbolic of veterans returning from war.  If you are reading this it is time to watch First Blood again.  What a great film!

This Memorial Day weekend we remember all the veterans who paid the ultimate sacrifice for our freedoms.  We will not forget.

In any event, in what seems to be a custom when you head north, some class act took care of my check.  (The silver fox perhaps?)

Always enjoy the fellowship at are AO’s.  YHC even EH’d my new friend at the AT&T Store who is a Dallas guy and will hopefully post soon.  Sister Act was there to witness it as well!

Announcements;  The Murph at the Sandlot at 0700 tomorrow.

PT Test June 18th at the Gashouse

Prayer Requests:



Expectant mothers

School kids and teachers

Sarlacc, Big Pappy, and SA’s 2.0’s

Wirenut’s Mom

Freight’s Dad

Tim Jones cancer battle

Always a pleasure to lead!



Crossroads 5-29-22

The DBC kicked off the season today and 4 riders took advantage. Others rucked or ran and most stayed to discuss Preparedness.


Murph is tomorrow at Martha’s @ 0700
F3 Dad’s workout at Folsom 6/18

Pray for:



SA 2.1

Wirenut family

Families expecting

End of school



YHC took us out.

I’m Broke

The Goat, 5-26

Welcome and Disclaimer for an FNG that Klinger brought out into the Gloom.  Kudos to Kilnger for the Rapid-EH, as Klinger was an FNG himself on May 12th!


Here’s what we did (more or less):

11’s – AmHmrs & Mike Tysons

Indian Run

“Catch Up” Indian Run with 2 Burpees

Bear Crawl across the bridge to Goat Island

Dips &, Incline-Merkins at the Pavillion

CornHole Burpees (take turns “throwing” single burpees with your partner)

Lunge Walk across the bridge

Dips and Incline Merkins

Sprint  up the Hill to StartEx




Murph @ Martha Rivers Park, 7am Monday
PT 18th maybe?
Primal – 2ndF
F3 Dads – volunteers needed

Both Parents with COVID- Cinderella
Orangeman – friend’s mother passed
Prayers for PAX’s wives (and their patience!)
Kids finishing school
Orangeman’s hamstring

Cinderella took us out.

-Bubba Sparxxx



Tiger lead the warmup next to Sammy’s then we fellowship moseyed down to the The Bunker.  The PAX helped me get a few coupons out of the bank of my truck and we started the beat down.

First up  Route 66

Merkins and Lunge walk to the next parking spot

On the way back

Lunges and Bear Crawl to the next parking spot.

Next up we did 3 rounds of work with 5 Burpees in between each set.



Monkey Humpers


Mtn Climbers

Set 2 TABATA  with coupon



Overhead Press

Good mornings

Set 3 Wall work

Wall sit

20 Hip Slappers

10 Dirty Hookups

30 Shoulder taps

Wall Sit until all PAX are done.


Next farmer carry while other PAX did wall sit.  With time running low we were only able to get on set in .  Fellowship mosey back to the Yank.

With a few minutes left time for some core work.

25 reps


High Scissors

Low Scissors

American Hammers

High Flutters

Low Flutters

Time 8:00 a.m.

Tiger took us out with COT


Thanks for the opportunity lead.  SYITG




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