Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: May 2, 2022

May Started with M.O.

Freight walked, YHC ran.

Sargento overcame a malfunctioning phone/alarm and joined us for QSource.

These two were fresh of the SMR relay.  That didn’t stop these HIMs from posting the morning afterwards.

This week’s topic was Prayer.  Good convo.


Glad to Q

-Bubba Sparxxx

Paintings, Bearclaws, & Burpees

Garibaldi Fest, the largest April arts and music festival in Belmont, was ramping up in Stowe Park as the PAX started out at the Yank.  There were people painting stuff and setting up booths. There was also a guy sitting on a side-by-side vehicle, enjoying an enormous danish or bearclaw or something while he watched us do burpees.

We welcomed an FNG that Tesla brought out,,  Chris Hardin, who will forever be known as “Old MacDonald” with “Respect”  in the Gloom. (Technically, Old MacDonald posted at The Bunker with HIPAA, but we all welcomed him and named him )



SSH, Grass Pickers, Mosey



11s  (Mike Tysons, BigBoys)

Mosey with some exercise sets mixed in “on-the-move”  (AmHammers, Plank Jacks, etc)

Jacob’s Ladder

Indian Run

The Cooper (Burpees, Squats, Merkins)

SSH til time ran out

(In writing this two days afterwards, I feel like I might be forgetting some stuff we did.  Tip: write your backblast the same day as the workout!)




Dark Helmet at the Storm on Tue 19th
Happy Hour at Traust next Friday




Tate family – 12 kids, lost their oldest child
Tesla friend passed, Doug
Grateful to be here, great weather
Town of Belmont

Happy to lead these men

-Bubba Sparxxx



Tour de Mt. Hollywood

Group of 5 for a beautiful morning at Mt. Hollywood.

Warm up: SSH, hillbilly walkers, gravel pickers, moroccan night clubs

Suicides across middle school parking lot, every two lines, one at a time, hold plank in between

Mosey to Ida Rankin teacher lot for Dora, laps around the parking lot. 100 sqats, 200 flutters (one leg) and 300 american hammers

Tour begins: dips and derkins on the retaining wall – SSH, smurf jacks, and squat jacks (STK) in cadence – lunge walk up hill to traffic light downtown – monkey humpers in front of the thrift store – air press wall sits and dirty hook ups behind the bank – return to middle school parking lot for 3 min curb shuffle with merkins.

Announcements: Friday happy hour, rice and beans sign up

Prayer requests: Hufstetler family, Pillager M, Pax on IR

Honored to lead these men.

Did I really touch that tattoo?

Several PAX pilling in and getting their EC finished up, we gather to meet a new HIM and wait to begin. 



IC x 10 





Nolan Ryan 


Mosey over to the ballfield for a little running in the outfield.

Let’s  explain the work for the day. This will be an ultimate Triple Nickel. Triple Nickel in three sets. 25 reps of each exercise in each set and then mosey to the next station. all three stations are to be completed 5 times.    

First set is at third base.






Second set  is at first base. 


Monkey Humpers 

Dying Cockroaches count each movement. 


Third set in center field. 

Diamond Merkins

Hillbillies  count each movement. 

Flutter Kicks count each movement. 


We only got 4 rounds in before we  ran back to the start for 5 minutes of  Marry. 



Smarter than a 5th grader Tuesday.


Prayer request for my dad, Ken Rominger Sr.


As Pallbearer took us out in prayer,  he was standing next to Freight. Freight had his hand on Pallbearer’s UNC tattoo. Freight was checking afterward to see how his hand was holding up. LOL

Good time as always guys!!




Sub Q

No Q listed but I showed anyway, ran some EC and came back by HT to see if any pax showed-seeing no one I continued running the only route I know.  By the time I got to Robinwood, near the armor,y Defib caught up me and we finished the last mile or so – it is amazing how my pace picked up once I was running with Defib.   Back at the start Fllintstone showed for the coffee – I had to left so I am not sure if any coffee or studies happened.

Annoucements – upcoming convergence and 1/2 marathon

Prayer request: Pax on IR and family members

Prayer to close us out

Sorry I forgot the Pledge


Extreme Mumblechatter




15 Imperial Walkers IC

10 Moroccan Night Clubs IC

5 Eskimo Merkins

20 Squats OYO

Moseyed to Ingles where we used the parking lot to do 2 rounds of Figure Eights or as Leppard said Hour Glasses.  on the corners we did the following exercises while doing 5 burpees when crossing the middle

20 Squats

20 Merkins

20 Lunges count right leg

20 V Ups

We then moseyed to the pharmacy parking lot to use the curb to plank and shuffle left and right while doing 5 merkins when called.  This is were Dr. Seuss really started the harassing of the Q.  So I recycled parts of Dirt’s workout from Tequila Sunrise in an attempt to diversify the workout.

Next up mosey to the church where we used the wall to complete 10,15,20 of the following exercises



Step ups

This is where the wheels came off with what is expected when counting reps on step ups.(Most PAX have been there with not understanding how to count right leg only). The PAX turned on the Q and really ramped up the mubblechatter directed at the Q.  Sister act started it, but Dr. Seuss really took over with more comments about Dirts Q from the day before.

We headed back to the track.  The plan was to partner up for Boo ya Merkins on one side then mosey to the other side of track for 5 Burpees then continue your mosey until you cross again.  Starting with 1 Boo ya Merkins going up to 10.  We managed to complete 3 then the Q Omaha.  Moved back under the shelter for some Tabata work.  20 seconds of work with 10 second of rest.  The first set was the following excersices




Mtn Climbers

Once done we bear crawled to the soccer goal and back

Next set we did




FlutterOnce done we bear crawled to the soccer goal and back

Next up core work

25 reps of


High Flutters

Low Flutters

High Scissors

Low Scissors

American Hammers

Heals to Heavens

Time 8:00 am


Prayer Request


I took us out in Prayer.

Had a great time guys.  Thanks for the mubblechatter and opportunity to lead. SYITG


Excuse My Tardiness

I’ll make it up with burpies. No I won’t, cause no burpies.

The lads had taken over and we’re heating up the morning as I strolled in a few minutes late for the Q. As discombobulated as I was that morning, this back blast will make that look like a coordinated effort.


Merkins, werkins, squats, calf raises, shoulder press’s, lawn mowers, lbc’s, six shooters, freddy mercuries, big boys, american hammers, derkins, and then some, all thrown together to make you shredded!

COT, out!

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