• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 05/02/2022
  • AO: Mt. Hollywood
  • QIC: Gator
  • FNG's: Dr Phil
  • PAX: Red Ribbon, CPAP, Pillager

Group of 5 for a beautiful morning at Mt. Hollywood.

Warm up: SSH, hillbilly walkers, gravel pickers, moroccan night clubs

Suicides across middle school parking lot, every two lines, one at a time, hold plank in between

Mosey to Ida Rankin teacher lot for Dora, laps around the parking lot. 100 sqats, 200 flutters (one leg) and 300 american hammers

Tour begins: dips and derkins on the retaining wall – SSH, smurf jacks, and squat jacks (STK) in cadence – lunge walk up hill to traffic light downtown – monkey humpers in front of the thrift store – air press wall sits and dirty hook ups behind the bank – return to middle school parking lot for 3 min curb shuffle with merkins.

Announcements: Friday happy hour, rice and beans sign up

Prayer requests: Hufstetler family, Pillager M, Pax on IR

Honored to lead these men.