Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: April 2022 (Page 1 of 10)

Frogs, Bears, BLIMPS and 11 PAX at The Goat

Warm Up:  SSH, Gravel Pickers, Short Mosey

40’s :   Step-Ups and American Hammers  (sets of 30/10, 25/15, 20/20, 15/25, 30/10.)

Mosey to the 9th Street Hill

Frog Jumps halfway up the Hill,  Bear Crawl up the Rest of the Hill.

Mosey to 8th Street by Floyd and Blackie’s  (but not for coffee … yet )

Stacker-Suicide BLIMPS up the 8th Street Hill.   Reps of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30.    Three Burpees upon arriving back at start, each time.

(Buckshot totally killed that BLIMPS set!)

Hill Sprint (just one)




Public safety announcement:  Apparently we had safety concerns from local drivers about the PAX being in the road while we did our reps for the BLIMPS set.  It would have been safer and less stressful to drivers if we had been on the sidewalks.   As SiteQ, I’ll reinforce that street safety practice with each Q at The Goat, (and myself).



Smoky Mtn Relay

Tue, May 2 – R U Smarter than a 5th Grader

Tue May 2, Rice and Beans




Prayer Requests

Family members in general

Tesla lost a friend to COVID

Orangeman’s Boss’ health

Nutria’s brothers’ surgery

Buckshot’s co-worker’s husband – cancer


Watts Up took us out.


Thanks for the chance to lead,

-Bubba Sparxxx

Back in the saddle on a sunrise!

First, sorry for the late back blast! My bad men. But it was still a great workout. Went like this:


SSH-burpees X 5

IWs X 20

Gravel pickers X 20


Mtn. Climbers X 20

Move on over to the track for a six shooter.

10 burpees – lap

20 Big boys – lap

30 merkins – lap

40 AHs – lap

50 CDDs – lap

60 SSH – lap (Watt’s Up wondered why we did cardio after cardio. Told him Herb Brooks did it that way. He didn’t know who Herb was. You all should.)

Line up at the end for a Tesla fave – Bear Crawl Slalom! Everyone got three rolls here.

SSH X 10

Bobby Hurley’s X 10

same lineup to go back, this time we run the human obstacle course.

SSH X 10

BHs X 10.

Over to the basketball courts for some suicide work;

R1 – Merkins, 5 X 10X 15

R2 – LBCs, 5X10X15

R3: burpees 5X10X15

Done with that! Time for some circle work.

One pax calls the work. Does burpee broadjump around the circle while the work gets done. Got 4 rounds in.



Short crowd today. But quality.  Quality > Quantity! Great morning to work in to.

Pleasure to lead!



A Bag of Ropes

Wednesday at the Labyrinth and it was a good day to have a good day.  Strong group of 6 got out and mixed it up.  Here’s what I remember:

The Thang:

  • 10 x SSH (IC)
  • 10 x Don Q’s (IC)
  • 10 x Hillbillies (IC)
  • 10 x Mike Tysons (IC)

Grabbed a bag from my car and didn’t wait around to show it off, ran to the next stop which was the far entrance at the maintenance building for:

Triple Triple

  • Pick a parking spot
  • With hands on the lines, crawl sideways to the end of the spot
  • 3 x Werkins (OYO)
  • Crawl sideways back to the start
  • 3 x Werkins (OYO)
  • Repeato for a total of 3 times

Grab up the bag and mosey into the park.  We didn’t pay the bills again, so the lights were off, so care was taken not to hit a root on the back side of the fields, heading to the picnic shelter by the turd shack for:

  • 15 x Dips (IC)
  • 15 x Bulgarian Split Squats L (IC)
  • 15 x Bulgarian Split Squats R (IC)
  • 15 x Decline Peter Parkers (IC)

What’s in the bag?  Jump ropes! YHC passed ’em out and everyone got familiar with their ropes.  No double dutch was done.  This time.  Instead, it went like this:

  • Mosey to the 2nd island
    • 15 x Hand-release Merkins (OYO)
    • 15 x Superman Pullups (OYO)
    • 15 x Double Crunches (OYO)
    • 15 x Penguins (OYO)
    • 15 x Gorilla Humpers (OYO)
  • Mosey back to back
    • 10 x Jump Ropes (?) (OYO)
    • This side escalates to let us know what round we’re on, so 20, 30, 40, etc.
  • Repeato x 5 for a total of 6 rounds

We took a “break” after round 4 to go back to the shelter for a second round of

  • 15 x Dips (IC)
  • 15 x Bulgarian Split Squats L (IC)
  • 15 x Bulgarian Split Squats R (IC)
  • 15 x Decline Peter Parkers (IC)

We finished all 6 rounds and moseyed back, and we were only 2 minutes late!  YHC stuck around and knocked out my 20 burpees for bringing the PAX in late.


  • JJ on Q next week (May the Fourth)

Prayer Requests:

  • EZ Rider’s Family
  • JJ & M married for 20 years

Enjoyed gettin the jump ropes out.  Nobody struggled with it at all.  They’ll definitely be back out.

Good stuff.  Thanks y’all.

Yabba Dabba Doo

The Ricky Bobby – 4/27/22



  • SSH
  • Don Qs
  • Hillbillies
  • Grass Pickers
  • 6 Burpees


Mosey around track

Grass Pickers

Mosey around track


The Thang;

10 Rounds

  • 30 mountain Cross Climbers
  • 10 Squats
  • 10 Merkins
  • 10 Freddy Mercuries IC
  • 10 Shoulder Taps IC

Mosey back for COT and FNG naming



Prayer Request

YHC closed in Prayer

Welcome Beach Boy!

As always, fun to be at TRB! Thanks men for allowing me to lead you this morning. Werk was put in by all!

Over and out,

Breaker Breaker

The Bunker – 4/23/22


The Thang

AMRAPS with The Coupon for 40 minutes

10 Lunges (per leg)

10 Curls

10 O/H Presses

10 Flutter Kicks

10 Thrusters

10 Romanian Dead Lifts (5 per side)

10 Chest Presses

10 Swings

10 Bent over Rows

10 Calf raises

Rifle carry to end of parking, drop coupon and 10 Merkins and 20 American Hammers

Start heading to the Fighting Yank to meet up with Bootcampers for COT


Prayer Requests

YHC closed in prayer


Over and out,


Breaker Breaker



Tequila Sunrise – 4/15/2022



  • SSH x 10 I/C – 1 Burpee
  • SSH X 10 I/C – 2 Burpees
  • Don Qs x 10 I/C – 3 Burpees
  • Don Qs x 10 I/C – 4 Burpees
  • Imperial Walkers x 10 I/C – 5 Burpees
  • Imperial Walkers x 10 I/C – 6 Burpees

Mosey towards Davis Park

Along the way, every couple 100 yards, 5 Burpees

Stop at the American Legion post for the pledge!

Onto the park and at parking lot, time to partner up for some Dora B.O.M.B.S

Partner 1 does called exercise while partner two runs lap through park. Reps are cumulative and start next exercise once called reps are completed.

Burpees = 50

O/H Claps = 100 Cadence count

Merkins = 150

Big Boy Sit-ups =  200

Squats = 250

Almost out of time so we head back for COT and name FNG


  • Announcements
  • Prayer Request

YHC closed in prayer

Great work by all, welcome Uptown Girl, and thanks for the opportunity to lead this morning!


That’s a big 10-4

Over and out,

Breaker Breaker


Who Pushes Who?

It was a clear chilly morning for the long awaited return of the Community Foundation Run and YHC’s debut Speed for Need event.  I arrived early to lock down a few parking spots to give us plenty of room to set up.  I unlocked the trailer and lowered the tailgate like on one of those NASCAR promo videos in slow motion with the sunrise and a little ACDC in the background!!!  Out came the tent and chairs, and a few connections later, BOOM we were ready to roll.  By this time a few HIMs showed to help out, some went to the field, some stayed around the tent, and some I never got to see, but I heard they were there!

As we neared “go time” we were short two track commanders… a few phone calls later and it was discovered that one family was having trouble getting past Gastonia’s finest and into the parking lot and the other was going to be a no-show.  No problem, one crew headed to the S/F line with one commander and the other grabbed a chair and raced to the top of the parking lot.  A few quick clicks and track commander number two was ready to go.  Uh oh, in comes TC 3 that was totally unexpected an not one of the original.  I’ve never been more proud of the HIMs that jumped into action to secure a third chair (we’d already closed it up in the trailer by now).  Here click, there click, everywhere click click.  A few pic clicks and we scurried to the line.  Although the runners were off, it didn’t take us long to start racking up the kill shots as we worked our way through the crowd of walkers and finally to the back of the running pack.  We were having a blast but nowhere near as much fun as our TC.  The crowds were awesome and cheered him on at every turn.  We swapped around to share in the load and the fun!  Before we knew it we were back at the ballpark, crossing the finish line, and joining with the other crews!  Some final shots… all smiles of course and we were done.  What a day!  Count your blessings gents cause we’ve sure got’em.  I think all would agree on who pushed who!!!

Move over Rover… and let Jimi take over!  PH

ooga chaka

Running at The Pub….hard to make that fun but we did for a little while. I played some music while JJ , Buckeye, and I chased after Waterboy and Seuss. Unfortunately Seuss wanted coffee from McDonald’s more than he wanted to stick around for COT so we missed him. I’ll try not to let that hurt my feelings….. Guess I need to run faster????




Warmup: SSH,gravel pickers,Squats,Merkins all x 10 IC

mosey to bottom shelter 4 sets 5 pull ups 20lbc

catch me if you can to the flag 3 burpees and karaoke

mosey to soccer field for block work with partners one does the exercise other murder bunnies across field 100 big boys,200 lunges,300 X factor

moseyed back to the flag for COT I shared a verse with the pax took prayer requests made announcements

I was trying to work some IPC stuff into the boot camp today the event makes me push my limits every year and I hope it did the same for the pax today thanks for the chance to lead again I’m looking forward to the next one

Double Double or Diablo or Devil?

YHC arrived at the predetermined location this morning to see a few figures off in the gloom. However, on the way from the luxury sedan to the starting spot, a distraction stopped YHC from proceeding. The Thursday runner chicks were on the premises setting up a water stop for their crew, complete with individually poured cups for easy usage! YHC asked if they were doing a race, relay or whatnot and they said (imagine a highly pitched chick voice), “No we’re doing it just because…”. Wow! Why don’t we do things like that? Probably because we’re stupid guys and it’s really good for us to be on time and remember to wear clothes. Maybe that’s something to work on.

This is what happened…

Pledge of Allegiance to the flag on YHC’s phone.

No warmup, no disclaimer.

We headed toward the park with rucks (or variations of them). Along the way we stopped and did some Merkins in the number of reps using a multiple of the Panther’s position in tonight’s draft. It was at least double, hence the name of the backblast. We kept on rucking, stopping again to more multiples of some Squats, LBCs, CDDs. By the time we got through those things and a couple of laps around the park, it was about time to get back to the start. Time!

Thanks for the opportunity to lead. Next time I’ll really bring the Diablo! If you haven’t lead the Sammich’ before, I challenge YOU to get out of your comfort zone and Q it. You’ll be glad you did!

Announcements: Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader event- Tuesday May 3rd at Stuart Cramer HS, all PAX are encouraged to come support our team of Roscoe, JJ, BOS and Montross!!! 

Prayer requests: Huckleberry, SMR teams, Broke gets shot Tuesday, Turtleman, Oompa, Leppard

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