Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: March 2019 (Page 3 of 10)

The View From Behind the Windshield of F3GashouseUno Van 1

As a first-timer, I have been both dreading and looking forward to the Palmetto 200 relay ever since I committed to running. “What a way to push myself!” “Why did I sign up for this?” “This is going to be a great time with some good friends.” “This is going to be terrible!” All of these are statements I have uttered the past 3 months.

Hacksaw, Oompa, Blart, Montross, Seuss, met up at Pocket’s garage like vandals in the night, plotting an attack and loaded up the van at Oh-so-dark-thirty minus our two spies (Def Leppard & Sparky), who had previously infiltrated into the enemy camp. During the ride down, you could feel the excitement in the air. Blart shared stories of competing brothers, boat shoes, cargo shorts, and polos. Oompa was oddly quiet, presumably soaking in the situation and resting his jawls for future verbal thrashings. Dr. Seuss wanted coffee which, as we all learned, is the cornerstone of his diet. Hacksaw was already on his job and behind the wheel, cannon-balling down 77 Southbound making sure we were on time. YHC was right in the middle of conversation, making sure everyone knew about the RunGo app, and feeling really anxious about this first leg which, BTW, was mine.

We arrive a little after 5 after a quick pit stop with plenty of time to get settled, pickup Sparky and Def, and spend some time with the F3GashouseDos Van 1, with whom we would both battle and encourage for the next 29+ hours. Before we knew it, the relay was on and so was the adventure. Here are a few highlights for each member of Van 1.

— Montross — YHC came out strong on leg 1 and set a PR pace for a distance over 5 miles. I was shocked and felt great. I was at a 100 on the confidence meter. My 2nd run humbled me…I came out faster than I meant to, the sun wore me down, and it was all I could do to push on and not puke for the past 1.5 miles…but push on I did! JJ did not get that elusive kill! By the 3rd run, I really just wanted to finish my goal of not walking at all…I slowed the pace down, and just ran the smoothest, calmest 5.6 miles I’ve ever ran. I enjoyed the moon, soaked in the moment and tried to enjoy my final leg, picking up a kill along the way. As I approached the exchange zone, I dug in for one last charge. I was the first one from our van to be finished and that was a great feeling! From a physical standpoint, I learned 2 things on this trip. First, get out and walk around a lot…I did and this helped me stay loose as well as let me interact a lot with Team Dos. Second, get some afternoon runs in…I was not really prepared to run in the sun on leg 2. It beat me up pretty good and cost me some time on my 3rd leg!

— Oompa Loompa — (these words are from the Ol’ Marine himself!) – Met up with Team Two at start. Two always comes in second in numbering sequence. Our giraffe was kicking the walls of the starting stall with anticipation of starting. 3, 2, 1, Go! Covering 8 meters with every bound he quickly left our sight. We hopped back into the Team 1 Van 1 and speed over to the exchange zone. In comes JJ from Team 2 (Booooo!) who passes baton to Allen Tate. Where is our young giraffe?
Here he comes bounding and running like lions are chasing him on the Savannah. Quick baton switch to Oompa and away the ancient marine waddles trying to keep AT within sight. About halfway through our 5 mile route, a school bus was sitting at a red light blocking his view of the directional sign. AT, being a rock pusher runs right past the sign, as he is more interested in out running Oompa than staying on course.

The bus moves, and voila, there is the sign informing me “left turn Clyde”. I follow the directions and watch Chief rapidly increasing the distance between us as he goes off the reservation. Eventually Oompa gets to the exchange zone before Allen Tate. All are surprised that Oompa got there way before Allen Tate. Legend has it that he is still lost in the hinterlands of South Cackalacky.

The rest of the P200 was a delirious victory party. Did you hear about the time Oompa beat Allen Tate to the exchange zone? Ran second leg later that afternoon. Gave last leg to Hacksaw so he could share the running experience with Round Up.

— Blart— While in the gloom, you may think of Blart as a guy who doesn’t usually say a lot and, when he does, it’s always hilarious. I’ve also come to see Blart as a listener. He’s always paying attention and listening. Blart was down on himself after his first leg. FWIW, most of us would have been more than pleased with his time, but he was showing that competitive fire! From his stories with Ash Pond and Slaw to his one-liners, Blart brought a special piece to our van…not to mention he took the sandbags off and ran very well. While he was disappointed with his first leg, he crushed his second leg in the heat that he is all-so-familiar with from Midoriyama and was in rare form as he blistered his final 3-ish mile leg. I’ll take the big guy on my relay team any day of the week!

— Sparky — Of all the guys in the van, I feel like I know the “ultimate sandbagger” the best. Sparky is something else…one of the most devoted God-fearing (and loving) men I know, while still maintaining that sneaky streak to stir the pot a bit. He had fire in his eyes as he chased after Moses on leg 4. While he didn’t quite overcome the heads-start, he was flirting with a 7-minute mile pace. I told y’all he is a sandbagger! Sparky just went out and did work for all 3 legs. I will point this out though….we saw this girl running during he relay who kicked her left leg out every time she stepped…just the left leg. We started calling her Side Straddle Hops! She ended up running leg 16 into Santee Park with Sparky…he ran her down and got the kill as he approached the end of the leg, but she got the revenge kill moments later. In other words, Sparky was killed by the girl with the limp! Sparky came away from that leg looking to jump in the lake…he just wanted to cool down from the blazing sun but changed his mind after realizing it was a 10 foot cliff into the lake! Way to step in at the last minute as a runner and, not only run, but run well.

— Def Leppard — The Silver Fox is no rookie when it comes to relays. Leppard is held in high regard by all around F3 Gastonia and I was more than happy to see he was going to be in my van. Leppard got the shortest end of the straw when it come to our van’s running legs. Leg 5 was just terrible. He ran about 1.5 miles down a sandy dirt road that looked more like Daytona Beach than an actual road…..but it was uphill! Leppard plotted along though, just as you’d expect.

I thought he may beat the van on his second leg to Lonestar BBQ, but Seuss arrived at the starting line at the same exact time Leppard did! Leppard was hitting the wall as we approached his last run though. As Def looked forward to an 8 mile run, Sparky sang a song title “2.78”, clearly in reference to the 2.78 miles he was getting ready to run! The fact that Hacksaw spent an hour of sleep time slamming doors on the van (more on that later) probably didn’t help! I could see his spirits rise as Sparky was running…it’s like Leppard got his mind set and he was ready to go when it was his time. He knocked those 8 miles out to finish his runs, despite nearly depositing his dinner on the side of the road and breathing smoke for 3 miles.

— Dr Seuss — This was the one guy I didn’t really know well going into this trip. I had heard through Sparky and several others that Seuss is just a great man who loves the Lord! Well, that was just evident. Such a nice humble man. There were some things I learned during this trip as well. First off, he has a little competitive streak! As runner 6, he was the last to hit the course and he had some pent-up angst when he left. Just about the time he took to the course, we see some young 20-something jumping around, doing burpees, taking his shirt off, etc and talking junk. I think the words he used were something like ‘no Respect is going to catch me’. Well, Seuss was after his tail pushing to a 7:06 pace on his first leg. He did not catch that young buck but he most definitely outran him. The lead was closed considerably!

Something else I learned, he lives off coffee. If you ever can’t find Seuss, start by looking at Starbucks. We think that is the key to his speed.

The coolest thing I learned about Seuss though is he is always looking to pray for others. As Seuss was racking up kills, we were joking about how polite he probably was as he passes people. “Excuse me”. “Pardon me”. (note – rumor is Quiche says “You just got Quiched!” when getting a kill, does Bret say “You got Seussed?”) As were discussing this though, Spark mentioned how Seuss likes to pray for people and he is always looking for ways to pray for us all as he is running and posting with us! Dr. Seuss is a real HIM!

— Hacksaw — “Our Time was well spent , I watched, learned and took a little bit from each one of you thank everyone of you for taking time for me and Oompa thank you for letting me run, one more men let’s pray that the Lord speaks through us in a way that other men will want to follow , Hacksaw !!!! ”

Hacksaw is the Wildman of Folsom. He’s wired differently than most! He is as competitive and driven as anyone I know. He also cares for others as much as anyone I know..the sincerity and love with which he treats the wrestlers he coaches (and other kids) is impressive. He does it for the right reasons! It’s also so amazing to see the relationship he and Roundup have as Father and Son! From a P200 perspective, I appreciate him signing up to drive and be a part of the team. Hacksaw got us there quickly and was sure to check the pressure on each tire of the van on a regular basis (by rubbing those tires against the curbs!).

Leading up to the event though, it was clear he wanted to run. He’s been battling injuries and clearly he wasn’t in position to run 15-20 miles but he made it clear he would pick up a leg if anyone needed him. Well, sometime late Friday, Oompa decided to let Hacksaw pick up his final leg (#26 for those tracking at home). From that point forward, Hacksaw was an animal. He was rocking back and forth in the seat. Pacing at stops. He spent half of our break time unloading and re-packing the van and keeping people up. He was jacked! As I finished up leg 25, Hacksaw was in the road getting in 50 Merkins to get ready to run! Animal. As I handed the baton, Hacksaw came out like a bulldozer with his head down and rollin! Thanks for stepping in to run Hacksaw but most importantly, just thanks for being you and being a part of our team!

— Best Idea of the Trip —

Once Van 1 finished up, it was off to IHOP for some grub. Not sure who to credit with this, but we found our way to the KOA campground for showers after breakfast. Solid idea guys! That hot shower on Saturday morning was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! Refreshed and revived, we hit the road for the finish line and we saw some runners on the side of 17. We knew we’d finished our legs about 30 minutes behind team Dos and figured we’d end up finishing the event just a bit behind our fellow Gashouse HIMs.

— The Story of the Dark Angel —

As we looked at the runners, we recognized Breaker Breaker chugging along down 17. We beeped and cheered for him and then, about 1/4 mile down the road, we saw Bedpan! In the lead, giving it all he had, and looking exhausted! Our van’s energy instantly went to 10! I yelled ‘pull over, let’s give Bedpan some water!!!”. I jumped out of the van with a bottle of water in hand a bit ahead of Bedpan. I walked to him in my black F3 shirt, dark hat, and dark pants. Bedpan didn’t recognize me at first. I yelled something at him and he was like ‘Montross!!!!’ I ran alongside him as he took a few gulps, encouraging him. He said ‘I couldn’t tell who you were, you were like a mirage! You were like an angel in the dark! You’re a Dark Angel!’ I just told him ‘you’re getting it done Bedpan, we’re winning, keep doing what you’re doing and finish strong’ and I gave him a big slap on the butt for good measure. I heard him yell as he kept on rolling to the exchange zone.

The team had already gotten some water for Breaker as well so we headed out, telling Freight BP had a small lead. Freight’s response. “That’s not enough.” Freight needed help from above. He needed support so we decided to stop in and lay hands on ol’ Freight!!! Freight left the final exchange zone in a Frenzy with a small headstart.

— The Ballad of Fast Ricky —

First off, I want to say Freight probably helped and encouraged me as much as anyone as I started P200 training. He ran with me, he talked about his experiences…he (as well as Def Leppard) really helped me get going on my preparation and I appreciate that! I like to mess with him by calling him Fat Ricky and Golden Rekeever, but I have utmost respect and appreciation for him. Freight is a real leader and a HIM. Props to both Freight and Broke for heading up the teams!

That being said, Freight dashed out of the final exchange zone with a small lead of just over 2 minutes. We look back to see Dolph, in all his masculine glory, moving around and getting psyched. He was like a race horse in the gates, about to be unleashed! As Dolph explodes from the exchange zone, we all hop in the van and off to the finish line.

The math was close. Some said Dolph would pass Freight. Some said there wasn’t enough time. No one knew what was coming as both Gashouse teams waited with excitement! We saw a guy come around the corner in black that looked a little like Freight. Then, to our dismay it was a runner from another team. Then we see another black shirt. Was this Freight? We couldn’t tell!!!! Then a runner in grey…no mistaking, that WAS Dolph….and another runner in black behind Dolph! Oh my, it was intense! About 2/3 down the length of the pond we realized what we were seeing…Fast Ricky had done it he had held off Dolph! Freight was laying it all out on the line as he came down the final stretch of what turned out to be a TRUE Glory Leg. F3GashouseUno crossed the line together! Incredibly, after 205 miles and just over 29 hours, both teams crossed the finish line within about 30 seconds of each other.

Just as impressive though, while that was exciting, that was quickly pushed aside and the friendships and brotherhood of F3 Gastonia rose as both teams congratulated each other. Competing and finishing together was the best result we could have asked for. I’ve heard people say you can’t plan it like that…teams tried to stay together and it never worked out. It was amazing that we finished that closely!

In the end, it was a great experience for F3GashouseUno Van 1, as I’m sure it was for all the other vans. The soreness wears away but the memories stay! I appreciate all you guys for pushing me and I hope I helped push you as well. It was a great experience. Guys are already thinking about ‘next time’ and so am I.

  • Montross (with an assist from Oompa)


Mumble chatter was lively this morning the men who just finished the P200 were telling others of the weekend and the weather was nice.

Warm up:
Ssh,Jump lunges, hillbillies, then 5burppees.
Mosey to triangle in the road
Karaoke to corner then 1 burpee
Lunge downhill 2burpees, nur uphill 3burpees. Repeating 3x.
Mosey to the flag. Say the pledge.
Flutters,lbcs,dying cockroach,squats, American hammers
Mosey to the track
Dips,derkins, then step ups. After each set take a lap x3
Back to the parking lot for Mary.

Announcements p200 2020.
Snowbirds is coming up get with Sparky about the details.
4/12 3rd f . 3/30 convergence at Folsom. That evening will be 2nd f at ole Dallas Brewery. 5/5 mr Mitchell hike with Gastone, 4/5 is the 5k for sparkys M’s school.


While getting ready for the P200thought it would be best to do some AMWRAP
Warm up ssh,Moroccon night clubs,
Shoulder press. Mosey to the shelter dips and derkins.
Set 1
25 squats,20merkins15 lunges,sprint 2courts then back. Repeat for 6 minutes.
20bigboys,15 flutters,10mtnclimbers 1court then back 6minutes
25ssh 25sealjack,25overheadpresses,
Karaoke down nur back.
After each set we took a lap

Good work men.

A little more Bootcamp this time

It’s been awhile since I’ve used a bit more traditional bootcamp beatdown tactics in my workout weinke.  Locked and loaded Friday afternoon, sleeved in a Whoopee ‘resistant’ liner, it contained several items of which I abhorred.  Why then would I design such the beast?  Who knows, not even I know, but I do know suffering prevailed, mainly just for me but found some others huffing a bit.  We started like this…

Warm Up:

SSH-20 ic

Merkins-10 ic

LBC-10 ic

Modified LBC (flutter and LBC)-10 ic (felt a burn, these suck)

Squats-10 ic


Follow Watt’s Up if you want to be beaten into submission, rest of you Mosey with me.

Up to Grier track:

10 Burpee’s

15 Jump Squats

20 CDD’s

50 Moroccan Night Clubs (100 total)

4 Corners:  Grier Track

Corner 1 – 10 Merkins

Corner 2 – 10 Merkins, 20 Heels to Sky

Corner 3 – 10, 20, 30 LBC’s

Corner 4 – 10-30, 40 Flutters

Rinse and Repeat, NUR while doing so

Triple Nickel –

5 Release Merkins, Mosey to top of hill from Baseball Field, 5 Monkey Humpers


35 Dips / 5 Derkins, 30/10, 25/15, 20/20 – Stopped at 1/2 way point

Grier Awnings:

5 Body Curls / bear crawl 20 feet / 20 squats (5 times)

Time left for 1st round of Dora:  100 Leg lifts (Heels to Sky), Partner 2 mosey down sidewalk and back

Only a few minutes left, back in time for Marco (POLO!!!) to call 10 Burpees, he got the shot fired before the clock chimed, I could only complete 5 before near pukation.



Convergence 3/30 at Folsom – 7:00 am, Epic Painlab will be present, multiple Q’s for your pleasure

Community Foundation Run – 4/13

Belmont Classic 5K – 5/25 (Memorial Day Weekend)

Whetstone:  Blades/Stones – Please see Monk to be a part of this program

Shout outs to Watt’s Up for his Post commitments, great to see Cheesehead back in the gloom

Prayers for the P200 group, all concerns unmentioned

Honored to Lead.





It Takes A Village

YHC knew with GasHouse/PainLab occurring mid-P200 and it being spring break season, the turnout would be light. Linus knocked out the pledge and the warmup before taking his minions off for whatever they do. Four HIMs joined YHC to meander to the corner for PainLab on this Saturday morn.
YHC had made a withdrawal from the HIPPA garage o’ goodies and with the help of Hunkajunk’s kettlebells create a small circuit of fun. While the exact exercise what not specified at each station, suggestions were given… Stations were transitioned after approximately 25 reps of the green band.
Station 1: Weighted Ropes – Both Arms↕, Single Arm↕, Both Arm ↔
Station 2: Kettlebells – Kettlebell Swings, Curls, Shoulder Press
Station 3: Weight on a Rope – Forearm Twists and Steering Wheels
Station 4: Ground/Picnic Table – Dips, and Ab Exercises
Station 5: Green Band – Pulls

YHC did not bring a source of motivational musical accompaniment. Luckily Marco saved us all from this major Q fail and stepped in with some tunes.
With all that set, let’s begin…

Everybody around to all the stations.
Route 66 out with lunges between each stripe and squats at the stripe.
Route 66 in with deep/slow karaoke between each stripe and air presses at the stripe.
Another round o’ stations.
Pick your favorite kettlebell, put it over your head and take it for a walk around the parking lot.
Stations again.
Pick a kettlebell get on your six – Marco lead for chest presses x25 and overhead extensions x25.
R&R Stations
Quick cleanup of the equipment and some mary waiting on Linus, et al to reappear.
Marco was given the final call after GasHouse made their appearance and with seconds left called 10 Burpees!?!?!
Linus reestablished control after the melee and took us out with announcements and COT.

It was great to Cheese Head back at PainLab. Also inspiring to see Hunkajunk, Marco and Sledgeomatic continuing to post…
Thanks for the opportunity to Q.

Watts Up powering down…

Promises to keep and miles to go …

When asked why he climbed the mountain the man simply replied,” Because it was there.”
Ten percent of Americans do NOT write down goals . My m and I started our lives together with a great many and as she is my best friend we tried to complete them and over time to add new ones. But then when our 2.0 came along, life became complicated. Thankfully gas prices were nearing $5 a gallon and we had to move again ( I despise continually moving!) But we found a perfect church home which we lacked back in Lincoln County and made new friends and eventually my finding F3 and reawakening that inner drive that had gone into hibernation mode.
A year before starting F3 I had bunion surgery and after a few weeks recovery found that running had become easier to return to and I reset my goal for my first 5k and did it in honor of my father who had passed a number of months prior. I saw some Midoryama/ F3 shirts and knowing my 2.0 loved Ninja warrior asked finding out there was a local group exercising in the dark …. you know the drill, right?
This was not on my radar , but months later speaking with a neighbor ( TimeFrame ) he told me he had been coming and I should try , only I planned on maybe one or 2 posts a month with my schedule.
The moment I knew I had locked into something new and different was when I posted during November of 2017 ( only weeks in!!) and pax numbers had been so weak and this was only days before Thanksgiving and Sargento asked if anyone had posted more than twice that month. Mine was the only hand out of approximately 14 pax!
Where am I going you ask ? Well, hopefully my discussion here about my goals set from last year coupled with some promises made and kept may help inspire others to set/ reach and continue to grow goals … because if you’re not moving, you might need to check for a pulse!
At the Christmas party last year I promised Dr. Seuss and Virus that I would return someday to the Goat and also promised Breaker Breaker to return to the Storm. Also on my radar was going back to Midoriyama , going to all AOs , a daily double, try and post 7 or more days and even try to post all AOs in one month. Ambitious to say the least since I work most Saturdays and take kids to school 3 mornings if each week along with everything else.
I finished last year out not touching any of these goals other than to post Bulldog and all the others. I was not dejected, s new year dawned.
I began this month securing first one, then 3 Saturdays off…. mostly excited about the final Saturday where I could Attend Folsom at the convergence! By the second week of this month I had completed a daily double and started mapping out how to reach all AOs in a single month realizing that Mt Holly and the Dallas AOs would be more challenging to reach so first, being married I wisely asked permission not only to complete this task but also to receive a reprieve on Sundays ( these had wisely been set apart for ONLY family / detox /God/ unwind / relax time ) . Next I used my days off ( they are in a rotation) I next plotted my month even adding a few more posts at my usual haunts. I completed all these goals including doing 8 posts in a row ( dreadful … cannot imagine Hipaa running the Qfor 7 in a row!)
I learned much in my travels and fully enjoyed seeing new locales/ workout styles even seeing some faces I had only seen a time or two.
Whoopee said it best that each location has its own unique personality. While at The Fighting Yank a couple weeks ago, Orangeman said that their site is much like an asteroid at the outskirts of Gastonia.
Also it was amazing to talk with some I never had only recently met like Gumby who seeks to post an amazing 35 times this month and Broke who plans on posting 210-220 times this year! It was truly inspirational to see others with amazing goals set before them.
Do your goals need to be high? No not really.
I end with this our pastor Dickie Spargo at Bethlehem Church has used a few times this year “If you wait for perfect conditions, you’ll never get anything done.” Ecclesiastes 11:4

Tales of a Gorge Runner

This is the tale of van 2 of F3GashouseUno from the perspective of a gorge runner. What is a gorge runner you ask? Well it’s a PAX that is willing to do about any ridiculous thing that the rest of the group is willing to try. Whether he is suited for it or not. Why am I a gorge runner? Well this is my 6th 200 mile relay in 2 years(3rd in the last 6 months). I’ve been pretty clear about how I feel about running but because my brothers want to do it I don’t want to miss the experience. The experience is what it is all about for me. Living to tell the tale and sharing that with others.

Before we even left Belmont the chatter got good. There was talk of liking sausages that pretty much ran the whole race. I mean who doesn’t like a good sausage! Tooltime was in his normal ranting form so he had to be checked before we got across the river. We had a mix of first timers and experience in our van. Runners and non-runners. Virus did a great job as a driver. Buckeye put a special spot for counting his wrong turns on the van(the whole driver side) and we barely used any of it. That’s a lot of driving and a lot of turns over the course of a few days. Ask any runner and they will tell you the driver is as important as anyone running. Buckeye reminded Virus of this after each leg by positively enforcing that Virus had yet again crushed another leg! Speaking of Buckeye, he killed all of his legs and ended each one looking like a soap opera star. I mean the guy is easy on the eyes(this was discussed by a few haters after the race). That being said if he gets hungry you better feed him fast!

Pizza Man stepped in at the last minute to take of some challenging runs. I mean we all know of his running abilities but to do what he did was special. Not everyone can jump into a 1.88 or 2.5 mile run in a few days. All joking aside he was much appreciated. He smoked the runs he had and even ran through one exchange to companion run with Tooltime in the middle of the night for a total of 12 miles! Anyone who can put up with Tooltime for 9.5 miles has some grit. Tooltime stepped up this race stating from the start “give me the longest legs”. The man ran over 24 miles for the race at a stupid fast pace. I wish I had just half of the drive that man has. The most impressive thing about him on this race was the fact that he didn’t snore. This guy normally runs everyone out of the van but not one peep the entire time! I guess that nose job he had worked!

Hipaa was solid as always. Has anyone else noticed this guys improvement in running? Within the last 9 months the guy has went from barely running to a blistering pace. He’s done a half mary and plowed through this relay! I’ve never seen anyone improve a part of their fitness the way this guy has. Solid work brother! Bedpan did solid work as well. I’ve known this guy for a long time! We’ve done a lot of stuff together that is best left untold so you still have a favorable view of us. That being said never would I have pictured the two of us in this scenario. Bedpan ran out of his comfort zone and never once complained and said anything negative about it(I complain all the time). He just did work. As a matter of fact he was rather enthusiastic. He ran 3 legs all similar in length but farther than he usually runs.

By some miracle we had two teams that stayed within minutes of one another so we got to be at each exchange zone with more Gastonia PAX. Everyone stayed safe and pushed the rock. This thing could not have worked out any better. By the end I said my usual “I’m done with this crap”! But as I have many times on Monday morning I write this thinking about the next race. I said I would drive the BRR but I know I’ll run. Yes Gastone I just said I’ll run. The thing about it guys is you don’t have to be the fastest or fittest runner to complete one of these. It’s a race yes but we aren’t doing it to win. We are doing it for the time spent with each other and I don’t want to miss any of that.

Until next time(because there will be) Gorge Runner OOOOUUUTTTT!!!!!!

Good Morn’n. Let’start the week off right.

YHC arrived at 5:25 to Gastone, Turtleman, Watts Up, Gumby, Island laying in the parking lot stretching, and D-Fib quasi spry and somewhat eagerly awaiting to see what lay in store for them.  It was a beautiful 56 degrees and clear.  Just perfect for the varsity beat down that would soon be upon us.

After some quick hellos and pleasantries 5:30 says the bank clock and so it begins.

Warm up:  Double count x 20 each



Mosey the longer way to the maintenance parking lot for further warm up.

PAX on our 6 for leg raises while each HIM high knees around circle one at a time until complete.

Merkins x 20

Squats x 20

Mosey the long way around to the clubhouse in center of ball fields for the thang.

The Thang:

PAX pair up for partner 1 AMRAP of called exercise while partner 2 moseys a roughly 1/4 mile loop and then switch x 2 each.

Exercise 1- LBC’s

20 merkins oyo

20 squats oyo

Exercise 2- Flutter Kicks

Meander to bleachers for calf work- this was good stuff here.  Mumble chatter at its finest.  These guys are a hoot.

Back to club house for 2 sets of 20 each



Big boy sit ups

Mosey back to start

And time!


Mount Mitchell climb May 5.  See Gastone.

April 13 Community Foundation Run.

Prayer concerns:

Gastone’s Father and Father-in-law.

D-Fibs son


Watts Up continues to be an inspiration.  D-Fib and I chatted about on one of the laps and we decided that if there was a picture of success it would currently be Watts Up.  Reminds my of HIPAA when he first started and we all know how that’s going.  Keep pushing bro.  You are doing outstanding work not only for yourself but the HIMs around you.

For all PAX present today, You guys have helped me more than you will ever know and I cant thank you enough for the inspiration, support, and encouragement.  I’m simply happy to be part of such and outstanding group and feel very blessed.

Thank you all.  God bless you and your families.

The honor is truly mine.




A small group at The Yank with many of the PAX at the P200 (congrats men, great run by all!).   From start to finish, this group stayed together during every round of the workout.  Great morning of teamwork and comradery.

25 Moroccan Nightclubs IC
15 Toy Soldier w/squat IC
15 Merkin OYO

Hawthorne Hill
Route 66-Burpees w/bear crawl between houses for first 5, nur for rest

11s w/dips & wall sit kicks

Pavilion Team Triple Nickel
Table lifts with squats & Gumby Jacks

Field of Dreams
Pair up, one partner runs as other does the partner’s choice for AMRAP

A little core Mary to finish up.

Normal announcements plus one for a unique opportunity for this Friday evening for some fellowship and a convergence warm-up.  YHC needs some help loading boxed from his garage, into a U-Haul, and then from the U-Haul into his new garage a few miles away.  No big stuff or furniture (I have movers who will do that Saturday) just some boxes and misc small stuff.  As one of my rowing coaches would say, “many hands make for light work.”  DM me on Slack if you are able to help….and thank you in advance!

Prayers for the P200 HIMs and for Orangeman adjusting to new breathing gear to help with mild sleep apnea.

Great work Orangeman, Norwood, & Dirt!


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