Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: March 8, 2019

Howl like a Monkey…

19 for a pleasant weather morning showed for some work.


The Thang:

25 SSh

10 Merkins (It was at this point that Whoopee said something about in position and that I was not calling the workout correctly) Good point

Howl like a Monkey, everyone in Monkey Humper position with one guy at a time doing 20 Monkey humpers while the rest of us hold position. Howling did happen and some by me.

10 Burpee’s

25 Imperial Walkers

Mosey to the bridge.

Nest on a Bridge. Partner Up, While one guy does Burpee’s the other Bear Crawls to the other side then runs back to switch. Rinse and repeat.

LBC’s while you wait.

3 Sets of Dips, Derkins, and Up-Erkins. 20 first set, 15 second, and then 10 Dips, 12, Derkins, and 13 Up-Erkins.

Mosey across the street to the grass. Watch out for ants.

Joe Webb up to 7 and back down.

Mosey back across the street.

Have a seat on the wall.

25 in cadence marching with hands in the air while in seated position.

50 Sumo Squat Jumps

Mosey across the steet and then weave through all the poles. About 20, touch the wall and then come back.

Wall Sit March to 20.

50 Monkey Humpers

Pole Weave and back.

Wall sit March to 15.

50 Squats

Weave and back.

(Train) 5 Burpee’s

Shoulder Tap to 20 counting your right shoulder.

20 Diamond Merkins

Shoulder Tap to 15

Staggered Merkin right arm back

Shoulder Tap to 10

Staggered Merkin left arm back

Mosey back to start. Some collected the six and some did LBC’s.

Done, just like that.

The Moleskin:

Good fun this morning with some humor. Got to meet Big Country, honor.

Convergence on the 30th.

Lattini Run the same day.

April 13th Community Run, sign up now and it’s only $20.

May 5th is The Summit, from base camp to the top of Mt. Mitchell and back down. 11 miles.


Thanks for the opportunity, it is always and honor to be Q.

Gastone, until another day.




3rd Birthday

18 was the number at Midoriyama Thursday night for a little celebration. Friday 3/8 is Midoriyama’s 3rd birthday!


ssh x 3ic

merkins x 3ic

low slow squat x 3ic

morroccan nightclubs x 3ic


Let’s mosey. We ran around to the shelter near the lake.

The Thang:

We did 3 exercises(dips, derkins, box jumps, 20 each) then ran halfway down the lake hill and backup, back down to the bottom and all the way backup to the shelter. Since we have a 3 theme going on we did this 3 times. Man that hill is tough but everyone pushed hard on it!

Let’s mosey back down the road. We stopped at the hill near the 1st ball field for a little Joe Hendricks. Guess what? We did it three times!

Mosey over to the parking lot for some type of dirty 11’s. Start with Tiger Squats(10) run across the parking lot and at the median to a burpee. Run to the other side for CDD’s(1)(your welcome Leppard). Everytime you cross the median stop for a burpee. That’s time head back to the flag.


Announcements-Nomads going to Metro Saturday, SFN/Community Run coming up, Convergence coming up

Prayer Request- Swimmer looking at a new Job, A few health concerns


Having this workout in the evening for those that can’t make the morning due to work or whatever your reason has been a blessing. I could never fully explain what it has meant to me. Thank you to all the regular PAX that have made this work over the last few years and all of you that come to visit. I hope to see more of you come the Summer when Midoriyama really shines!

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Pulling into Folsom I see a couple HIMS waiting for time to start. One of those guys was an FNG that had been trying to meet up with us since Tuesday.  An Army veteran and motivational speaker known as Big Country.

Warmarama: SSH, MN, Gravel Pickers, x15 IC and Hillbilly’s till Lion King joins the circle

Thang:  Yesterday afternoon I hit up Sparky to use his blocks. I wanted to do something a little different than my usual Q.  20 to 1 a  well known Sparky beatdown was in order.  Most of the Folsom regulars are familiar with this routine, but  there are several new guys that needed to be introduced to it.  Grab a block lets get at it.

20 overhead press, curls, triceps, and squats.  From here count down to 1 without putting the block down. 5 burpee penalty if you do. Hacksaw pushing hard as usual, keep it up!

The PAX worked hard and finished with a little time to spare.

Partner up for some Dora 123.  100 merkins, 200 lbc’s, 300 squats.  Time was running out with the squats, so it was stopped around the 200ish rep as we had an FNG to name. Pledge

Circle up and take a knee and let our FNG talk for a few minutes about himself.  He is known by Big Country to his Army buds and now known in F3 as such.  Glad to have you brother.

Prayer request: Allen Tate, Rockabilly’s mom, Tater Hole’s mom, Allen Tate’s mom, Frank and Medicine Woman with a death in the family, I think one more I can’t recall.  Sorry.

Announcements: Nomads for this Saturday, meet behind Dunkin Donuts at Eastridge Mall not sure what time check, twitter or slack, Mt Mitchell hike May 5th. Covergence at Folsom March 30th.

YHC took us out.

The PAX worked hard and only a couple decided the burpee penalty was worth it. Rockabilly got to check his progress as this was the very same workout he did as a FNG.  Great to see 12 HIMs out on a cold March morning in the gloom.  As always a pleasure and an honor to lead you guys.


Tour of Cramerton

Cold morning at the Goat, but not as cold as we thought. We warmed up quickly, and some of us found we had overdressed. A lot of moseying ensued, though Strava said we only did 1.6 miles..hmm.



Stretching: Hang; Right hand to Right foot, hand high; Left



Mosey across bridge to far parking lot

7 of Diamonds:

Round 1: 7 Burpees; mosey between

Round 2: 14 4-count flutter kicks; NUR between

Round 3: 21 CDD’s; Mosey between

Round 4: 28 Squats; NUR between


Mosey to lower lot by Rader Center


Round 1: 7 Merkins ; mosey between

Round 2: 14  American Hammers-count 1 side; NUR between

Round 3: 21 Lunges; Mosey between

Round 4: 28 LBC’s; NUR between


Mosey to lot at top of stairs.


Round 1: 7 Hand Release Merkins ; mosey between

Round 2: 14 Parker Peters; NUR between

Round 3: 21 SSH; Mosey between

Round 4: 28 Mountain Climbers; NUR between (Omaha’d)


Romans 8:28 And we know that for those who live God all things work together for good for those who are called according to His purpose.


Nomads to Metro on Saturday

Convergence, March 30 Folsom 7:00 am

Prayer Requests:

Tesla’ son..National Honor Society

Tatorhole’s daughter having a procedure


Thanks for coming out! Fun to lead!




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