Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: January 2023 (Page 8 of 14)

The Sword – 1/9

Luke 3:10,11 – “ And the crowds asked him, “What then shall we do?” And he answered them, “Whoever has two tunics is to share with him who has none, and whoever has food is to do likewise.”

A great group men got better.

YHC wasn’t sure the how many to expect given the holiday and Breaker’s birthday Q at Mt. Hollywood.  Seven was the total when 0530 arrived.


25 SSH IC, 20 MNC IC, 20 Merkins

Mosey to AutoZone

25 Flutters IC, 15 Toy Soldiers IC

Mosey to Food Lion


Wall Sit, Donkey Kicks x15,  Dirt Hookups x 10

Dora (3-person) with KBs

Squat-Thruster x 100 / Six Inches

Curls x 200 / Plank

Chest Press x 300 / Al Gore

Repeat Wall Sit Routine

Skip, Side Step, Nur, Side Step x 2 laps

Repeat Wall Sit Routine

90 Calf Raises – 30 Normal, 30 Out, 30 In

Mosey to Wall near PF

Wall Sit Routine – 5

Mosey Back for Mary.

Pledge, Announcements and Prayers Requests


Nutria took us out.


Watts Up Powering Down

Run, Crawl, Rack and Stack

Well it’s a cold one out here at Old School this morning and there’s already a crowd. Great to see lots of support for RoundUp and the 24hr. / 50mi. Crew. Quite a few are here just for the run but after a quick 2mi. EC run I quickly saw that a good amount of PAX were here to workout as well.

I don’t see any FNGs so after a quick disclaimer and my standard warmup we are at it. It was a simple but very effective rack and stack style workout with lots of Burpees, Hand Release Mike Tyson’s, Jungle Boi Squats and plenty of Core Werk to go with it. Mix that up with a lot of confusion, lack of communication, Bear Crawling and running between rounds and things quickly got disastrous. Sorry about the not so clear instructions men but after a couple of rounds we were all on track. At 0730 we all got in a lap with the 24hr. Crew and got back to work by this time all were working on unstacking and by the time 0800 rolled around some were working on a second round of racking and stacking and most were finishing their final round of unstacking.



Prayers : Wichita’s family, Ozark’s niece, TurtleMan and family, Huck and his dad, Slaw’s M, My family, All PAX

I’d personally like to thank everyone for all the prayers for my family during the chaos this last month or so. It has meant the world to us.

Announcements : 2F Lunch Wed. at Hillbilly’s BBQ.

CSAUP/Convergence at Folsom 2/11. Bring your Pushing Rocks Team. FYI there’s some heavy work going on at this one. All of y’all soccer armed boys gimme a shout I’ll talk you through it. Just kidding guys but it’s gonna be a Good One Show to Know.

Q Fail/Site Q Fail Announcement : Ball Joint reminds me that I forgot to say the PLEDGE during Name-O-Rama. I quickly said thanks and I’ll get to it next. Well  47 names later I forgot. Huge Q Fail. My apologies men.

Great Job to all showed up and put in that WERK today. Good luck and stay safe to everyone running today. Way to Push That Rock.

Crossroads 15-Jan-23

After finishing up what I could of the 50 miler, I showed up early to see everyone had hit thier goal and rode off.  To my dismay and chagrin, BOS and Maybelline decided to leave to go to the Coconut Horse even though they were a quarter, one-fourth, .25 miles away from Crossroads.  You hate to see it, but it could’ve been who had the Q.

Runners, ruckers alike take off at various times and various speeds for various distances.

We circle backup where YHC had put in some work to make sure we all said the pledge super slow to prank Dr. Seuss and get under his skin.  Bonus is that it got Freight as well.  Good job guys.

Announcements (during this time there was some other conversation and I was too cranky and cold to deal with it):  Convergence 2/11 at Folsom, 2nd F Lunch 1/25 at Hillbilly’s

Prayers: Slaws M, Gumbys mom, Wirenuts family, Huckleberry, Turtleman, Big Pappy, Recovery for 50 miler guys, Freights M

Pallbearer took us out

QSource (Commitment):  Dr. Seuss, Pallbearer, Hunkajunk, Sister Act, Sarlacc, Quiche, Camellia, Gumby, Blart, Wirenut, Freight, Slaw, Mayor

Stowe Point

More running and rucking at Ground Assault.  Runners ran 5 miles by Members only and did a loop at the end of Stowe Point.

The name of the AO was solidified as Ground Assault.

Come check it out.  0500 on Wednesdays.

Yabba Dabba Doo

Maybe 32, but technologically I’m 80. Labyrinth 12/14

JJ and Linus joined me for a mosey with a mixture of workouts in the parking lot at Marthas and in the lower picnic shelter.

We did some variation of the below:




10 Gravel Pickers IC

Right leg up(quad stretch) 

Peter parker  Merkins



Hand release Merkins 


Lunges   (Count right leg)

Hillbillies   (Count right leg)



Oblique crunches  Both sides




Diamond Merkins 


Mike Tyson’s

Imperial walkers  Right leg




Mtn Climbers 

Bobby Hurley’s





Tubes mom-shingles poison ivy

Radars sister

Nutria’s brother in law





Members Only – January 15, 2023

10 HIM came out to Run or Ruck this morning. Some of the Ruckers did a little of both.  It was a bit chilly at 27 and Wattsup kept pointing out that there might have been a light breeze.


  • 2nd F Lunch on Jan. 25th at Hillbillies
  • Feb 11 – mini CSAUP /Convergence at Folsom
  • All other Saturday AO’s should be closed

prayer requests:

  • Roundup and his wife expecting
  • BOS – expecting job offer
  • Slim shady and Gilligan in Guatemala for service trip
  • Orangeman’s family

F3 Trivia Day at the Painlab

The weather was cold and dry.  When we got going it became very comfortable.

The trivia idea I must credit to Anchorman.  As the new year has come around and attendance is up there is an opportunity in that.  I thought trivia was a great idea and could be used as a teaching tool for the newer guys and a refresher for the more seasoned vets without being preachy.

Pizzaman led up through a tribute warmup and a moment of silence honoring F3 Cardinal out of Knoxville who recently had a heart attack after his VQ and did not survive.  Prayers are definitely with the family of Cardinal and the entire Knoxville F3 family.   Classy move Pizzaman.

After the split. the guys of Painlab circled to have a nice workout featuring SSH’s O’ plenty.  There was also squats, LBC’s, pull overs, step ups, dips, stretching, merkins, burpees, heels to heaven,  and seal jax.

The F3 questions were:

What is the F3 mission statement?

Name the 5 pillars of F3?

What is EH, what does it mean, and how is it applied?

What is a Sad Clown?

What is the name of the F3 handbook and who wrote it?

What is the purpose of the COT?

What is a shield lock?

In my opinion this morning went very well.  The guys were great as always.

A true honor,




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