Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: January 20, 2023

Coconut Horse 1.15.23

2 Ran

8 Rucked

We exchanged Hunchback for Defib at QSource where we discussed Extreme Ownership Chapter 2: No Bad Teams, Only Bad Leaders?

Do you agree or disagree?

Join us this Sunday for Chapter 3 titled Believe. Not only do you get an extra point for the challenge, you get some good 2nd F time with your brothers.

Downtown Beatdown

Whoopee posted that EC was at 0500 so we got a little running and merkins and lbc’s around the town square and the parking deck roof.  A little EC never hurt anyone!

We had a nice crew roll in for the start time with a couple tardies.  We began with the disclaimer and pledge before a brief warmup consisting of 10 merkins, Imperial walkers, SSH, and squats before moseying to the wall.  We completed 50 squats oyo and then wall sits with air presses and marching. We moseyed to the top of the deck.

The PAX counted off in one’s and two’s and locked arms for some formation lunge walk.  Pretty bad q fail but line 1 had it together.


At the top of the deck, do the following:

25 burpees, lunge walk to the other side of the deck, mosey back

50 merkins, lunge walk to the other side of the deck, mosey back

75 shoulder taps lunge walk to the other side of the deck, mosey back

100 CDD’s lunge walk to the other side of the deck, mosey back

75 shoulder taps ,lunge walk to the other side of the deck, mosey back

50 merkins, lunge walk to the other side of the deck, mosey back

25 burpees, lunge walk to the other side of the deck, mosey back

For those that finished first, take the stairs to the bottom of the deck and run up the ramps to the top again.  Repeato for the six.

This took most of our time so rounded up the PAX and moseyed back to start where the clock rang 0615 and we ended the workout.

Some quick reflection on  F3 and what it means…the brotherhood, the mental and physical acceleration, the energy to go and serve, the hardest part of your day is already over…

What a blessing!

Announcements:  Second F lunch next Wednesday at noon at Hillbillies in Lowell

The Folsom Winter Nationals (Convergeance) on February 11 at 0630.

Extinction Run March 4th, Primal Brewery in Belmont

Prayer Requests:

Wichita’s Family,

Gumby’s Family

Wirenut’s Family


Big Pappy

Captain Steubing’s (former) co-workers

Several FIL’s need prayers

It was a great morning to be a part of something like F3.  The numbers are looking good in 2023 but we still need to be hunting FNG’s as there are men out there that need what we share.



Bricks and Grudges

Great weather at Midoriyama for an afternoon workout in January. Work has kept me from being able to commit to Q recently, so I told Slaw earlier in the week that if I made it out today I would take his spot. Most of you know that it ALWAYS rains when Slaw has the Q, so by YHC taking over the PAX stayed dry. You’re welcome!




Short warmup


Grab two bricks and let’s mosey.  You carry the bricks the entire workout. After a short lap through the park we’re back at the big parking lot across from the start. Time for some merkincides.

5 Brickee’s

Run to the first light on the LEFT and 5 Perfect Form Merkins

Back to start for 5 Brickee’s

Run to the second light on the LEFT and 10 Perfect Form Merkins

Back to start for 5 Brickee’s

Run to the third light on the LEFT and 15 Perfect Form Merkins

Back to the start for 5 Brickee’s

Run to the END of the parking lot and 20 Perfect Form Merkins

Back to the start


Rest the arms and work the abs and legs

10 American Hammers IC

10 Bobby Hurleys

10 Dying Cockroaches IC

10 Low Slow Squats

10 LBC’s IC

10 Lunges


Partner Up for Dora

One partner runs to the second light pole on the LEFT, the other works

100 Shoulder Taps

200 Seal Jacks (Omaha to 150)

300 Moroccan Nightclubs (Omaha to 200)


Repeat the abs and leg work


Triple Nickel

Brickee’s and Mike Tyson’s across the parking lot


Put up the bricks and back to the flag.



We discussed the need to let go of any grudges we may be carrying and how the longer we hold on to them the more they have a hold on us. The basis and scripture we used for the discussion came from a message my 2.1 gave to her youth last Sunday, so YHC made sure to give credit so as not to plagiarize her work. Read Romans 12:17-20 when you get a chance.


Lunch next Wednesday at Hillbilly’s

Convergence 2/11 at Folsom, 0630 start

Extinction Run 3/4 at Primal

Viking dash


Pray for – Huck, Turtleman, Gumby’s family, Slaw’s M, Wirenut’s family, Termite’s family, EZ Rider’s family, Oompa’s 2.0 and many others.


YHC took us out.

I’m Broke


Honoring F3 Cardinal

This BB is going to be short and to the point.  We are not guaranteed tomorrow so make sure that we have our lives in line with our beliefs.  We honored F3 Cardinal by doing his VQ wod plus some.  Strong work by all that posted!!  Thanks for the opportunity to lead!!  Until next time…Pizza Man is OUUUUTTTTT!!

It’s Dark Out There!

Perfect weather for 19 HIM this morning at Tequila Sunrise … but who knew, “it’s dark out there!” We may or may not have had some “not so-safe” calls this morning … but no one was harmed in the making of this Q!

The Warmup

5 Abe Vigado IC, 10 Imperial Walkers IC, 15 Gravel Pickers IC, Right over Left for a 20 Count/Left over Right for a 20 Count, 25 Side Straddle Hop OYO

The Pledge

The Thang

5 Burpees

Let’s Mosey to Belmont Foursquare

5 Burpees + 10 Mountain Climbers (RS)

Let’s Mosey  to the Corner … The 1st Dangerous Thing of the Day

5 Burpees + 10 MC + 15 Plank Jacks

Let’s Mosey to the new 1/2 Million Dollar Homes with 1/8 Acre Lot in Belmont … 2nd Dangerous Thing

5 Burpees + 10 MC + 15 PJ + 20 Carolina Dry Docks

Let’s Mosey to First Baptist

5 Burpees + 10 MC + 15 PJ + 20 CDD + 25 American Hammers

Partner Up for a Mini Dora

50 Merkins + 100 LBCs + 150 Squats while partner runs to the top of the stairs in front of the church … where we quickly realized, “it’s dark out there!” for the 3rd dangerous thing of the day!

Pause for The Word

Mark 5:25 speaks of a woman with an issue of blood who had spent all she had seeking help from every doctor she could find, with no relief. She hears that Jesus is coming to town and believes that if she can get close enough to “touch the hem of His garment” she will be made whole. We all have issues and yes, you should seek advice of your F3 Brothers, seek help from professionals … but before you do any of that, seek Jesus, and be made whole!

Back to The Thang

Partner Back Up for another Mini Dora … which makes for a complete Dora

50 Merkins + 100 LBCs + 150 Squats … and yes, “it’s still dark out there!”

Let’s Mosey to the Lighted Parking Lot beside First Baptist

25 AH + 20 CDD + 15 PJ + 10 MC + 5 Burpees

Let’s Mosey behind the church and up the Hill

20 CDD + 15 PJ + 10 MC + 5 Burpees

Let’s Mosey to VFW

15 PJ + 10 MC + 5 Burpees

Let’s Mosey to the back parking lot of Belmont Foursquare

10 MC + 5 Burpees

Let’s Mosey back to the Flag

5 Burpees + 15 Crunchy Frogs IC w/Balljoint + 15 Freddy Mercurys w/Radar + Merkin until we call time!

The Announcements

2nd F Lunch next Wednesday, Convergence @ Folsom, Extinction Run, Cofeeteria following all Belmont Area AO’s @ F&B, Ghost Flag Trip next Saturday

The Prayers

Stinky Bird Cousin, Radar Sister, Big Pappy, Huckleberry, Turtleman, Slim Shady & Gilligan Mission Trip, Pilgrims Progress Travels

Gentlemen, it was for sure “dark out there” but let me remind you that as this world grows darker and darker … we need to grow brighter and brighter! This little light of mine … I’m gonna let it shine, let it shine, let it shine, let it shine! Shine your light into your areas of influence … bring the light to your home, your family, your coworkers, your peers, your neighbors … bring the light! As always … it is a pleasure to lead leaders, thanks for the opportunity!

Doodles Out!



1/19/23 Dad’s Birthday at The Goat

Thirteen HIM joined YHC in the foggy gloom to celebrate the life and 80th birthday of my Father.  Through the workout attempts were made to reference some of the lessons that Dad shared throughout our lives together.  Many fit well in F3.  Dad always lent a hand to others.  He selflessly put others before himself.  He always picked up the six.  He liked his routine as he aged but He always lived third.  Growing up YHC didn’t recognize all of these qualities but over time and with the help of F3 it became very obvious.  He wasn’t just Dad, he was My Superman.  Last August his visitation and memorial service were the largest I’ve ever seen for someone with less than celebrity status.  The comments and conversations that were shared were amazing to hear and quite humbling at the same time.  Maybe it’s time to be more like Dad.

The party went something like this…

Warm up – Side Straddle Hops x 15.  Quick stop / No warning / Q fail.  My mind was wandering.  Imperial Walkers x 15.  Mountain Climbers x 15.  Superman-Banana x 8

Mosey to the upper lot with some high knees and butt kickers along the way.

Lot #1 Line up on one end for 20 Merkins then run to the opposite end and back for 20 LBCs. Run across and back for 20 Jump Squats, Run, 20 CDDs, Run, 20 Crunchy Frogs, Run, 20 Monkey Humpers and a final run.  *Dad got a kick out of our Lexicon.  He would chuckle and shake his head at names like Crunchy Frog and Monkey Humpers.

Down the stairs for an Indian Run to stop two.   Did I mention he liked his routine?

Lot #2 Line up on one end of the parking lot for 20 Merkins then run to the opposite end and back for 20 LBCs. Run across and back for 20 Jump Squats, Run, 20 CDDs, Run, 20 Crunchy Frogs, Run, 20 Monkey Humpers and a final run.

Next we took a fellowship mosey towards the island only to find the gate locked for once at the bridge.  Thats okay Dad was a quick thinker.  Lets move the party to the church/ police station parking lot.

Lot #3 Line up on one end for 20 Merkins then run to the opposite end and back for 20 LBCs. Run, 20 Jump Squats, Run, 20 CDDs, Run, 20 Crunchy Frogs, Run, 20 Monkey Humpers and a final run.

Another mosey back to quite possibly the only brick parking lot AO in Gaston county for… you guessed it, one more round.  YHC let Goose (Houston, TX brother) pick the direction we ran the L shaped lot.   Lot #4 Line up on one end for 20 Merkins then run to the opposite end and back for 20 LBCs. Run, 20 Jump Squats, Run, 20 CDDs, Run, 20 Crunchy Frogs, Run, 20 Monkey Humpers and a final run.

With time winding down we threw in 5 Jack Webbs for good measure and recover was called.  YHC took a few minutes to talk about Dad, his life and the importance of being there for our families and each other.  He was a healthy guy out playing golf a week before going in for a routine surgery.  A month later he was gone.

With that Slaw threw three minutes of core work at the pax while I grabbed my phone.

Welcome Goose in town from Houston, Texas.

Happy Birthday Stinky Bird!

Pledge, Announcements, Name A Rama and Prayer shut this party down.


Jan 25th lunch at Hillbilly’s

Feb 11th Convergence @ Folsom. Bring your Pushing Rocks Team!

NEW!  Mar 4th Extinction Run (Not mentioned at time. But worth mentioning now)

An honor as always!

#My Superman 1/19/43 – 8/17/22



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