Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: October 2022 (Page 4 of 11)

What We Doin?

Old School 10/22/22
Lively group of smack talkers gathered on a brisk morning. Most guys still rocking the shorts except Slaw is ready for winter with the sweat pants, hoodie and (I looked this up) a toboggan/beanie/Knitted winter hat/Snookie/Sherpa. We always just called them toboggans when I was growing up. Let’s get the blood flowing… with a lap around track.


Warmup: Cotton pickers, Right over left stretch, Left over right stretch, Low Slow Squats, MNC’s, let’s go!

Mosey toward Court Square stopping at intersections for 3 burpees.

4 corners: 10 military merkins (elbows in tight), next corner 10 military merkins, 20 CDD’s. Next corner 10 military merkins, 20 CDD’s, 30 overhead claps. Next corner 10 military merkins, 20 CDD’s, 30 overhead claps, 40 MNC’s.

Mosey to gazebo for ab circle. 15 single count of each:
Flutters (Count right side)
American Hammers (Count right side)
Freddie Mercuries (Count right side)
Reverse Crunch,
Oblique crunch right and then left, corrected to be called Pretzel crunch.
Elbow Plank in honor of Sargento’s royal elbow having surgery Monday.

Mosey back near to the entrance of Court Square for triple nickel, 5 perfect form merkins (Broke was the first one I heard call these as they are hand release and then shoulder taps on each shoulder is one and they require full extension to complete). Run over the court house steps to opposite side near the electric car chargers for 5 low slow squats, 5 times. Freight was leading and Mayor and Blart were close.

Mosey long way around the court house square and cross the street to fairly new parking lot for Route 66 with CDD’s and bear crawl eleven spaces. I am not good at bear crawling and I am told that means I need to do more to get better but I am not sure that is working. Several of these guys make it look easy but it is not for me.

Mosey the long way near Country Kitchen by the old textile plant back up to Kotter’s Korner to the start. Still some time left.

Partner up. Partner 1 runs the parking lot and does 10 merkins and runs back while partner 2 flutter kicks. Switch for 3 turns each. Then change the exercises to LBC’s and SSH mainly because I was merkined out.

As someone once said (Freight today): “Nobody cares what you can do when your fresh”, so one sprint around the track. I took an early lead and faded on the back stretch. Wirenut rolled his arse past everyone to finish first. I was first in my age group.

Word: Be sure you are doing the things today with and around your child that you will be glad you did when they are grown because it will be here so soon. My daughter is getting married next Saturday and will live in Shelby and while I am so happy for her and I will miss seeing her every day as she is one of my favorite people!
Thanks to all the guys who came out and always push me to do more than I thought I could!

Christmas Party 12/3
Christmatown 5k 11/26

Gumby’s mom
Pallbearer’s son Luke
Pockets dad

What’s your excuse

Brisk October morning for an inspiring run.  Our fearless nantan suffered a displaced fracture to his humerus (no its not funny) last week while battling combatants at the Crammer Mountain golf club.   Even though he is facing surgery and the bone is still displaced he not only posted but RAN the 5 miles this morning at an 8:20 pace. Put that in your stovepipe next time you hit the snooze.


Can food drive – collecting can goods Sat Nov 4

Christmas party Dec 3

Christmastown 5K


Prayers for Sargento – surgery Monday

John Griffin friend of Sargentos with pancreatic caner

Dying @#%(@ Cockroaches

Warm Up…

SSH, Imperial Walkers, Mericans

Round One

Mosey to Martha’s parking lot (this means Goose runs with the PAX while Bandit nurses his knees carrying lightweight ruck sack – thanks to Flintstone for staying with the 6).  At the target waypoint Bandit calls audible with the Dance of the Dying Cockroach.  Following, Goose instructs partner 1 to plank while partner 2 traverses the parking lot as desired (some bear crawl, some lunge, some high knees, at least one skipped like a fairy).  We did this too many times (3, 4, 5?).

Round Two

Mosey to Pavillion for some individual work, including more planks.  On the way… yep damn cockroaches!!  Goose then leads us in Step ups, PLANKS, Dips, PLANKS, Planks, PLANKS, Squats, PLANKS, Cockroaches, PLANKS, Cockroaches… you get it!

Round Three

Good ole fashioned Dora, Dora, Dora… 100 Meric (cockroaches) ans, 200 Sq (cockroaches) uats, 300 LB (cockroaches) Cs

Wrap Up

Goose and PAX run a lap round the baseball fields while Bandit/Flintstone ruck back to Snowballs.  Somewhere in there, we all meet up for… more cockroaches.  We wrap up at snowballs with round of Mary.


Great to be back out in the gloom with everyone.   Thanks to Flintstone for the encouragement.  It’s been a very long time since my last Q.  Great to do this with my 2.1 (love you Goose!) without whom I may have fart sacked instead.  In fact, without me, he probably would have too.  That’s the point… you can’t really do it on your own.   It doesn’t matter if it’s your career, your faith journey, your wellness… it takes a village.  You need someone that has your back, that encourages and pushes you.  I am so thankful for my F3 village for the push, encouragement, and accountability!.  Glad to celebrate F3 with all you fools!!!!

On behalf of Goose (who is currently halfway around the world) and me…




Amazon: VQ

JJ help warm things up in the 30-degree weather. From there Amazon took the lead.

Mosey down Neal Hawkins Rd. on the sidewalk, pass the entrance to Martha Rivers park on the left, turn right onto Valleywood Dr. At the corner of Valleywood Dr. and Rivermont Dr. ,Stop and do 10 squats & 10 burpees. Turn right onto Rivermont Dr.. stop at every other mailbox and do 10 merkins (there are 12 mailboxes, so 6 sets of merkins) at the end of Rivermont Dr. turn right and continue mosey until the empty Bank building.

In the rear parking lot of the bank:

  • 5 burpees run across the parking lot do 5 Alarm clocks, rinse and repeat 3 times.
  • Lunges across the parking lot, bunny hops back; rinse and repeat 3 times.
  • 10 Dyeing Cockroach run across the parking lot do 10 merkins, rinse and repeat 3 times

Mosey back to Rivermont Dr. stop at every other mailbox and do 10 squats. Turn left onto Valleywood Dr. cross Neal Hawkins Rd. into Martha Rivers park.

Stopped at the American flag and said the Pledge of Allegiance.

Mosey to picknick shelter:

  • 40 stair steps & 10 dyeing cockroaches

Stopped a few light posts to do more squats and jumping squats. Mosey back to starting point.



Treasured Memories

Warm Up.

It was good and cold and the pax were excited probably more that it is Friday.

Just a few warm ups in and Amazon comes running up so we greeted him with some monkey humpers.

Booyah Merkins.

I asked the pax what memory they had of F3 that has kept them coming back. Mine was the morning I thought I could not finish the workout and Booyah merkins were called last I was tanked and thanks to Slaw that morning for pulling me through.

Booyah Merkins 10-1

mosey to the red light on Main. Since Easy rider sometimes has questions I asked him what side of the street should we werk from. By this point Mumble chattter was going well. Easy calls left I called the post with American flags to do American Hammers and crunchy frogs 10 at each Flag. Easy in all his wisdom realized not every pole had a flag so he proceeded to use this to his advantage.

Once we finished we moseyed back to the Rotary. Only to begin again.

Time for some timed work.

20 exercises 40/20 every 5th exercise take a lap around the rotary.

With this Motley Crue farts were made and words were said. It was a lot of fun and a great Calorie burn.

New memories are made every day its how you let them impact you that makes the difference.

FYI we did Burpees. Even for the train.

Thanks to all who came out this morning. I appreciate all of you.

Prayer request.

Purple Hazes Mom, Easy Riders family, Sarlacc and his interviews. Sargento, Big Pappys Lil Kid Eli, I heard Amazon mention a special delivery coming to him and his wife so keep them in your prayers also.

The Bed Pan is Full!!


The return of the stupid shuffle

Covered 2.5 miles. We did the stupid shuffle. Pull ups. Merkins. Monkey Humpers. Bear crawls. Stretching.

Prayers – radars sister, sargento, sarlac job search, radioheads great uncle passing, Gump, finales sons injury, nutrias brother in law, easy riders son, huckleberry


Announcements – Christmas party upcoming, Christmas 5k, upcoming blood drive – talk to bubba sparks or tiger, 5k this weekend, Belmont turkey trot

witch slappers

A bunch of guys showed up today for some work. Most of us dressed for the cooler weather. Then there was Dr. Seuss. In shorts and short sleeves. And 1 big grin and no complaining at all. We started with a disclaimer, the pledge, then a quick warmup and got to work. We moseyed to the school where I had some coupons laid out but bypassed them for a few rounds of hip slappers. That got us warmed up good so we got to the coupons for some instructions: split into 2 groups, group 1: grab a coupon and get 22 step ups on the rock-like objects in front of the school; group 2: mosey to end of lot for 22 Merkins. Each trip for Merkins drop 2 reps, and each trip to the coupons get 22 step ups. Coupons included 40# dumbbells, 30# ruck plate, sandbag, ruck, and 2 collections of marble-wrapped in towels or pool noodle floatie stuff. We did about 5-6 trips then moved on to some book learnin’. I am reading a book by Ryan Holiday who does a podcast on stoicism and has written some books also….more on that below. The book is called Discipline is Destiny and so far it’s pretty good.

It was about this time that the wheels came off. I tried to do an Indian run with 2 lines but couldn’t remember how to make it work right. We carried 2 coupons, took turns leading the lines, and ran around the parking lot 1 time. It was not pretty, but we did it anyway. After that general screw up, we did some more hip slappers and even considered slapping the hip (or other body part) of the pax next to you and calling it Witch Slappers (or Bitch Slappers). We also talked about the Wall of Thermopylae exercise (ask an old guy if you don’t know what that is) then moved on to the next exercise: 11’s-we did overhead claps on the far end and LBC’s on the near end. We jumped our way to the far side and nurred our way back. Thankfully no Anthraxes were injured during the nurring. A few reps in I shortened the distance that we hopped/jumped. Jumping is way under-rated. That is tough. At this point I asked Broke would he rather run or do hip slappers……back on the wall for another round of hip slappers. I think I like Broke. Anybody who chooses hip slappers over running is aaallllrriiiggghhhhtttt in my book.

Time was getting short so we grabbed the coupons, moseyed to start for some tag team suicides/plank with the light posts for a few rounds, and then ended with a few rounds of speed Mary and COT.

This was a good day for me-got started early, put in some work with some great guys, and had fun doing it. The part of the book that I mentioned above reading this am was about getting up early. It talked about a single mom who would get up early to write (she was a writer for magazines) and once her kids got up, she couldn’t focus as much on the work so she started early every day. There was also a quote from Marcus Aurelius’s book Meditations where he is trying to convince himself to get out of bed and says to himself: “Is this what I was created for? To huddle under the blankets and stay warm?” Another author he quotes believes Christ recommended rising early in the morning by rising from his grave very early and says maybe that is why quiet mornings seem so holy. He suggests that we are tapping into the traditions of our ancestors who rose early to pray, farm, and do other necessary tasks early in the morning.

He goes on to say this: “When you have trouble waking up, when you find it hard, remind yourself of who you come from, remind yourself of the tradition, remind yourself of what is at stake….Think of how lucky you are. Be glad to be awake. Feel the joy of being able to do what you love. Cherish the time. But most of all, use it.”

Hope you all got something out of this morning besides some physical exercise. The time that I spent with F3 guys is never wasted. Taking some time to slow down and enjoy each other is important. What if I told you I only had 10 more times that I could post…..ever? What if I told you YOU only had 10 more times to post ever? Think about that for a minute. It’s a bit cliche, but remember, none of us is promised tomorrow. Cherish the time. But most of all, USE IT. And use it wisely.

thanks for coming out this morning guys-Whoopee


Weak Sauce

YHC grabbed the Q from Wojo (who was feeling under the weather). According to the PAX, they wished Wojo would’ve Q’d the workout after YHC’s lackluster performance. Work was done (kinda). And everyone wonders why YHC doesn’t Q that often.


2nd F lunch at Byrum’s (ask Wirenut for directions) tomorrow 10/19 at 12:00

Christmas party on 12/3 at Lewis farms

Prayer requests:


Sargento’s royal elbow

Pockets’ father

Wojo and his family


YHC took us out in prayer.

Midoriyama 10/4/22

We got some practice in for Freights ultimate frisbee tournament coming up Thanksgiving. For whatever reason everyone was really hustling this game. We were all wore out by the end. Sister Act showed up to get me back for a previous ultimate frisbee injury that he blames on me but was really Gold Diggers fault. He did give me a shot to the jaw, but it was a small price to pay for the W!!!!!

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