11 at The Goat. Nice push men!!
Fitness, Fellowship, Faith
11 at The Goat. Nice push men!!
Nice crowd at The Storm this morning. Lots of reps with all F3 core exercises!!
10 men at Mt Hollywood. Nice work men!!
Warm Up
Putting on a mask – or breaking out of an insane asylumn
– Imperial Walkers
– Curls
– Tricep Extensions
– Halo
Take our first victim
– Grab, Lift, choke = squat, curl, press
Next victim
– Rip them apart = Lawnmowers!
– Zombie Walk to the next victim
– Grab them by throat – one armed squat with kettlebell overheard / Flapjack
– Throw them into a lake of fire = Kettlebell swings!
Rection to Being Shot
– Lunge
– Bear Crawl
– Flutterkicks
What do you do after being hit, run over & shot?
– Big Boy Sit Ups
– Merkins
– Squats
– Toy Soldiers
– Curls
KB Press
plank hip dip w/ KB pull
flutter kicks
American Hammers
20 Freddy Mercury
Its not what we did so much as it is why we do it, but the work is below the Moleskin. When I was asked to take the Q for this series (although I am not a Redwood original, just old) and I was asked to give some information on what some takeaways have been. When I first started, I was definitely a sad clown, but I remained that way for some years until I had an injury that changed my perspective on life and wasn’t taking it seriously. I realized I had the tools in front of me the whole time. I decided to become a pro and not be a mascot. With that said, I am very mindful of what kind of leader I need to be and where I fail. My tone and attitude set the pace for others around me so learn from your mistakes. Invest time and take Q source seriously. There are three locations around the area. The more you give, you more you will receive. Find a shield lock, but be mindful and make sure you commit and they are committed. Practice good form and don’t worry about being at the back. Hold everyone to the standards. 10 good squats and a run at the back is better than 10 bad ones. The form sets everything up. Be a leader and get uncomfortable taking on leadership roles (Q’s, site Q, call three burpees like whoopee does for more work, etc.). Most importantly, is make sure everyone knows they can count on you and whatever you say to them is coming from a place of love, nothing else. Your word must be impeccable.
Flagpole for Pledge
Principles of F3:
Mission of F3: Plant, Grow and Serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership.
Motto: We welcome men of all fitness levels and all physical abilities to our workouts. We have no requirement for membership other than you show up on time to the location and follow what the workout leader has planned. We will not leave any man behind!
Warmup: SSHx15 IC, Gravel Pickers x10IC, ROL/LOR, MNC x10IC, Arm circles
Mosey to ball field/shelter
Mosey back to start doing ascending Merkins at each street light at the entrance. We got to 10. Time check for Mary
French fries, Michael Phelps, Freddy Mercury – all with 10 count or IC.
Iron Hulk up to 5 and time was called.
Announcements: Blood drive South Point UMC 11/9, Christmastown 5K pushers and pax, Rocky Branch 5k this weekend, Morons 4 beer 11/12 collecting stuffing,
Prayers/Praise: Simpson Family (Cancer), Ozark and Huckleberry starting new jobs, friends baby, Stogies pastor (Cancer).
Light crowd at The Sword this morning, I guess the rain scared a few guys off.
Filled in with the Q for Huck and we discussed Psalm 130:1-8 and the importance of being honest about where we are , who we are and who God is. Be thankful for all you have, you are forgiven and accepted by God.
Christmastown 5k
Christmas party
Prayer Request
Sargento and the Royal Elbow
Mayor and the Regal Shoulder
Round Up took us out.
I’m Broke
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