• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 10/01/2022
  • AO: The Fighting Yank
  • QIC: Gavel
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Doodles(R), Tooth Fairy, Norwood, Higgins

Watching the weather all week I had a few ideas in my heads, but nothing on paper. Rain was gone by morning but we still had a light crowd. I decided to borrow a portion of a Def Leopard Q from Midoriyama, here’s how it went.

Warmup – SSH, Don Q’s, Imperial Walkers, and squats.

Mosey to shelter in the park for a round of ab werk.

Mosey to church parking lot for four corner escalators.
Corner 1 – 10 perfect form (PF) merkins, (hand release w/shoulder taps at top)
Corner 2 – 20 American Hammers (count right side as one), repeat 10 PF merkins
Corner 3 – 30 Imperial Walkers (count ride side as one), 20 hammers, 10 PF Merkins
Corner 4 – 40 Flutter Kicks (count right side as one), 30 Imperial Walkers, 20 hammers, 10 PF Merkins
Corner 3 – 30 Imperial Walkers (count ride side as one), 20 hammers, 10 PF Merkins
Corner 2 – 20 American Hammers (count right side as one), repeat 10 PF merkins
Corner 1 – 10 PF Merkins.

Mosey across the street to old middle school for a triple nickel. Squats on one end and calf raises on the other.

Mosey back to shelter for another round of ab werk.

Mosey to track for another triple nickel as time was running low. 5 CDD’s on one end then run half way around track then do 5 jump squats, called by Norwood finish the lap and go again. We got in 4 before headed to the flag.

Time! Great work and fellowship by all.

Pledge of Allegiance.

10-8 Amoeba ruck, see BOS or slack
10-15 co-convergence at Bulldog, WA Bess elementary. All Saturday AOs closed
12-3 Christmas party

Prayer requests:
Victims of hurricane Ian
New babies and families in our region

I prayed us out.