Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: April 2022 (Page 7 of 10)

Folsom Love

There was a time that I can remember when I had to remove a lot of running if I had the Q at Folsom but these days the Folsom boys are bat flipping. I knew I had to dial it up a notch. Weather was perfect. Cloudy and cool. Most guys did an EC run or ruck and 6:30 time to go! Throughout the workout I decided to read quotes about loving people since it is the Easter season. Ball Joint correctly noted afterward that the quotes were taking up valuable workout time and he is 100% correct. I use the quote time to allow myself to rest.

SSH x 25
Right over Left stretch
Left over Right stretch
Gravel Pickers x 10
Moroccan Night Clubs x 10
Low Slow Squats x 10


Mosey to Tennis Courts.
Line Up 10 Merkins, run to fence and back
10 Merkins, 10 American Hammers, run
10 Merkins, 10 American Hammers, 10 CDD’s, run
10 Merkins, 10 American Hammers, 10 CDD’s, 10 LBC’s, run. This was supposed to be 10, 20, 30 then 40 but I forgot. Q Fail but nobody knew.

“Lots of people love to ride with you in the limo, but you need people who will ride with you on the bus.” – Oprah Winfrey

“Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get, only with what you are expecting to give.” – Katherine Hepburn (actress from before even my day)

Mosey down to the concrete pad near the dog park to previously placed Blocks. Only brought the 24 lb. ones. Sorry Westside and Wichita.

30 Curls
30 OH Presses
30 Swings
30 Chest Presses
30 Shrugs
30 Curls
30 Chest Presses

“I have decide to stick with love. Hate is too big a burden to bear.” – Martin Luther King

“I want to do good. I want the world to be better because I was here.” – Will Smith. Hmmm! Lots of discussion after that one given recent events. It was noted that just talking about loving your neighbor is not enough.

“Love is the most important thing in the world, but baseball is pretty good too.” – Yogi Berra. It was noted that he also said “I’d give my right arm to be ambidextrous!” and “That place is so crowded, nobody goes there anymore.”

Mosey to bottom of hill behind the dog park.
Time to let the bat flippers loose!
Triple Nickel Hill Sprint Style
5 Squats at bottom, 5 burpees at top near the sign, 5 times. Round Up and Tonka leading the way. Sister Act middle of the pack at best. Hate to see it! Hacksaw dragged me up the hill the last leg. That’s always a crowd favorite.

With all of these hard chargers, we are ahead of schedule so another round of block work.
30 Curls
30 OH Presses
30 Swings
30 Chest Presses
30 Shrugs
30 Curls

Mosey down to lower picnic shelter for BLIMPS.
Burpees x 10
LBC’s x 10 IC
Imperial Walkers Squats x 10 IC
Merkins x 10 IC
Plank Jacks x 10 IC
Squats x 10 IC

“God teaches us to love by putting some unlovely people around us.” – Pastor Rick Warren

“Our job is not to ridicule and hate but it is to love people to Jesus.” – Pastor Hugh Whitfield

“My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” – Jesus in John 15:12-13

Sprint back to the flag
1 minute left so 5 burpees

F3 Lunch at Ray Nathan’s noon Thursday April 21st

Tank’s family
Gump and family
Tonka’s coworkers
Gumby’s mom

*NMM Great to get to Q at Folsom in a coveted Saturday spot. Love to see the guys pushing so hard and still picking up the six. The Rev. Low Carb (Wichita) is embracing his new nickname and has plenty of work to do as the group seems to love sugary cereals, cinnamon sticks and biscuits. I didn’t know Tonka but he is a tough young man since he kept up with Round Up most of the morning. Seuss was throwing around the block pretty well today. Volt is not saying when his birthday is and also still hates Raisin Bran. Oompa is on IR but came to eat with us. There was some discussion about Slaw kissing and possibly dating a llama. Round Up ate 10 eggs at breakfast. “Somebody” put some used, hairy, sweaty KT tape on my mirror. The nerve.

Brake Job @ South Folsom (Labyrinth)

I promised Dirt i would Q one back when he took over site Q of Labyrinth in January or February…better late than never I guess.

Me an Gear Wrench clowntruck’d down to one of the original bootcamp beatdowns of F3 Gastonia which has been struggling with Pax # as of late… We had 10 in the COT so not bad. Upon arrival we notice a FNG making sure he is in the right place. Turns out he showed up to the Bull Dog the day before and only Hermie showed up and claimed that he doesn’t “Lead these things”…(Come on Man!!!) so i assured him we would doing more then talking this morning!  Hermie did go over the 5 core principles and other aspects of F3, so I gave a disclaimer and off we went!


SSH–1 burpee

Abe Vigoda’s–2 burpees

MNC–3 burpees

Left over right over left–4 burpees

Toy Soldiers–5 burpees

The Thang:

Mosey down to Plant Fitness parking lot, rt66 bear crawl with Mike Tyson’s, then rt66 with crab walk and big boys…extra point if you can EH a sad clown headed in the gym.   No one was successful.  Recover mosey to the Bank, where he Ford F’n Ranger was waiting with a payload full of rotors.  everybody grab one according to your ability. Partner up for Dora!  One lap around the bank while other works.   when the exercise did not include the rotor (Burpees, Merkins, Squats) the partner running carried the rotor for the lap.

50 burpees

100 triceps

150 merkins

200 curls

250 squats

300 chest press

We ran out of time half way through the last one. So mosey back to the flag for COT and naming the FNG.

After being left at the Bulldog and the middle out of 8 kids, I would like to welcome Forgotten (Brandon McCall) to F3!


Trash pickup after Gashouse workout 16th

2nd F Lunch @ Ray Nathans BBQ 21st

Honey Hunters game Sunday 24th



Turtle Man

Pax Traveling

Pax in IR

Gump and his family and the 2.0 that passed

Mortimer 100-Year Three

Mortimer Year three…Team HRB

The Hill Running Bitches were back at it again this year.  Year one was 12,000 feet of elevation gain.  Year two was 13,000 feet.  This year was 14,000 feet.  You get the idea.  It gets harder each year.

Last year Short Sale was a fill in for Whoopee, and Radar was a fill in for YHC due to injury.  YHC drove last year and with Team HRB healthy Short Sale wanted to drive this year and run in case one of our PAX went down due to injury.

Whoopee, JJ, Breaker Breaker, Stroganoff, Defib, and YHC were the runners and each was mentally sharp and ready to go.  The hardest part about Q’ing this event is figuring out which position to place the runners.  The legs switch each year and YHC tried not to have the same PAX run the same legs year over year.  JJ’s attitude was “put me in wherever”, thereby guaranteeing him getting the hardest rated legs.  Defib got runner two because he is a stud.  YHC took runner three because this had the now infamous “LEG 8”.  Whoopee’s leg was the #4 hardest, (keep in mind he got the 24 mile total legs) including some trail running.  Breaker and Stroganoff rounded out the last two.  There were no “easy legs” this year.

The second hardest part about Q’ing this is making sure you can find a high top Sprinter van.  While doing CSAUP’s, it is important to find luxury where you can.

Enterprise came through after disappointing us for the Dam to Dam in February with a crappy Chevy.  Short Sale and I picked up our High Top Sprinter on Friday afternoon and YHC took it home to prep it out.  Unfortunately, only some of the seats could be removed but thanks to YouTube, zip ties, and a pair of pliers, YHC was able to remove the seats we didn’t need to create a practical space for our team.

We met at GSM International HQ and arrived at Tator Hole at least an hour early.  It was cold so we stayed in the van for a while and watched all the other vehicles roll in.  Trucks, Minivans, Suburbans, and another Sprinter!  Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

We had a nice Nameorama and Prayer.  The team from Omaha was there representing.  Another team from Winston Salem was made up of three FNG’s.  This is a brutal way to introduce yourself to F3!  Whoopee started the race to the sweet sounds of “Dueling Banjo’s” played by Kodak on the banjo and I believe there was a smoke bomb lit as well.  Epic stuff.

Whoopee came in with a good pace and YHC took off next and ran to Hibriten Mountain Baptist Church and tagged in JJ.  Leg three is an up and back and apparently there was a Billy Goat Gruff local who didn’t like PAX running up his hill.  After a confrontation between this local and a runner, the runner returned to the church and called the police.  The police arrived and there was talk of a warrant out for Cousin Eddie for trespass or something for planning a race at midnight that runs up a mountain.  Anyway, JJ HTFU’d and ran up and back and tagged in Breaker who had a 5 miler.  This took us to downtown Lenoir where we found a porta jon that got a lot of work while we waited for Breaker.  Stroganoff went out next and ran to the country church where the dogs run wild.  Totally sketchy area.  When Stroganoff finally appeared and grabbed his water bottle from his teammates that were waiting to greet him, he yelled out his patented saying, “SHIT” or something similar.  It is as predictable as the word “Terrific” on his Gaston’s Great podcast.

Defib took off as runner six and beasted that leg per the usual.  He got many kills on this leg before reaching the next park EZ for Whoopee who had a grueling 10.3 mile leg, the longest of the race.  The EZ between leg 7 and 8 is along the creek and YHC cracked the window of the Sprinter so we could hear the “sleep noises” emanating from the flowing creek.  Everyone in the van had some level of shut eye during this stop, but too many were awoken by the various doors opening so the PAX could take a whiz.

At last, Whoopee connected with YHC at the base of Harper’s Creek trailhead, like a confluence of rivers.  YHC began to run up the infamous leg 8 with a vow that it would be completed within two hours.  This leg got a reputation last year as both Quiche and Radar got lost.  Quiche eventually conquered it and Radar had several failed attempts but eventually hitchhiked to Bessie’s Store and met the Rottweiler that was later killed in a significant story for the region.

The first rule of leg 8 is don’t get lost.  The first 100 yards is probably 40,000 yards directly uphill or at least it felt like it.

At the top of one of many inclines, YHC saw the marker, a piece of red and green tape tied to a tree limb, signaling the direction of the path YHC should take.  With firm resolve that it was the right path, YHC took off in this direction and immediately questioned if this was the right path.  The “trail” was narrow and basically an erosion ditch covered with leaves and briers and tree limbs covering portions of it.  Not the pristine “Rocky Branch” or “Backside Trail” paths that YHC had trained on.  Also, it is hard to “run” when the elevation is 20% or more.  The good news is it was getting brighter and YHC put the flashlight away by mile two.  The occasional open ground was basically sprinted, followed by additional climbs of narrow paths.  At the “top” of the trail, YHC paused for a couple of sunrise pictures.  The wind began to howl at this point, but fortunately you could only hear it and not feel it…yet.  Also, it was at this point that YHC thought he saw…..snowflakes?

There were some beautiful scenes along this leg but YHC just wanted to make it to Pineola Road to confirm he was on the right path.  Before that happened YHC startled a PAX from another team and confirmation was received as YHC ran past this guy.  Finding Pineola Road was a relief and YHC took a left at the road and welcomed the fairly flat gravel run for a few miles before taking a hard right onto Huntfish Falls.  The descent began.

This was a beautiful leg and would be an epic hike if I wasn’t trying to run and pass the baton to my TEAM HRB mates.  It would have been great to enjoy the countless waterfalls (on a spring day) but instead it was getting colder and still snowing with high winds.  While watching my steps on a particularly sketchy downhill section YHC heard the crumbling of branches behind me and a maniac runner was crashing down at full speed like Rambo running away from Sheriff Teasle.  I barely moved out of the way in time and just like that the runner was gone.  I fully expected to see a younger man with broken ankles at some point on the rest of the leg but that never happened.  Amazing.

At some point YHC looked at his phone and had been on the trail for an hour and a half.  A few creek crossings went well aside from cold feet but then YHC had a phone save, switching hands from left to right to avoid putting it into the freezing cold creek.  However, the left hand struck a rock to keep the balance with such force that may have caused whiplash and definitely messed up the left shoulder.  In any event, the phone later took a quick dip and other than two photos that must have miraculously been uploaded to the cloud the rest were not recovered.  One much younger PAX passed YHC and then started walking so it was game on for a while and after a few passes back and forth, including a veteran move when we got lost together briefly, he passed for the last time while proclaiming, “we must be almost there”.  YHC eventually appeared at the EZ after a disappointing 2:15 hours. Dang….but it was so worth it.  What an adventure.  HTFU

While YHC was recovering from the shock of Leg 8, JJ had an equally terrible hill climb on leg 9 into Linville.  We arrived at the convenience store by the post office and guys went in for coffee and snacks.  When JJ arrived at the EZ, the wind was blowing like crazy.  Gusts up to 40 mph is what the weather report said and if you were there you would believe it.  There was also snow on the ground in spots.  Breaker took the torch while the rest of us stayed bundled in the van.  We headed up towards Grandfather Mountain for the next EZ.

Stroganoff and YHC waited outside the van for Breaker in the blistery conditions until Breaker arrived and passed the torch to Stroganoff for the quad punishing downhill 7 miler.  YHC missed the turn and went down Pilot Ridge Road in reverse and the steepness of that monster could be appreciated even more as we crossed our fingers the brakes wouldn’t go out.  Stroganoff handed off to Defib who had the brutal task of running Leg 12, the Pilot Ridge massacre where lesser men have had that leg go “balls deep”.

In what YHC had predicted, Defib averaged a 10 minute pace.  I can’t imagine a more impressive stat to date.  Defib claimed he was losing a step due to “age catching up”, but you couldn’t tell on this feat of strength!  Seriously, a ten minute pace is ridiculous.  Beast mode!

We got to the top of the order again and we decided to take liberties with the rules (voluntary DQ) and let Whoopee start running leg 13 before Defib appeared at the EZ.  Other teams reacted incredulously while we watched their reactions and smirked in the van.  When Defib arrived we headed to the EZ between Leg’s 13 and 14 but what we really craved were porta jons so we detoured Price Park and while there, several lost runners emerged from the Boone Fork Trail and weren’t sure where to turn.  We pointed them in the right direction and then headed to Trout Lake.

YHC convinced Short Sale to run leg 14 with me.  We took off before Whoopee got back and headed to the top of Rich Mountain.  It was cold and unbelievably windy.  We reached the summit and headed back down but our mileage was already off.  It was supposed to be an easy 3.8 mile up and back but we were already over 2 miles before reaching the top.  On the way down, YHC saw the green and red tape beside an A-frame that went over the top of a barbed wire fence.  “This must be the way”

Down a steep trail we emerged on a paved road where a Suburban full of F3 guys called out to us, looking for one of their lost PAX. “We haven’t seen him.  “Where is Trout Lake?” we asked.

“Half a mile that way” they said.

We started running again and soon realized it wasn’t a half mile but miles back to where we should be.  After running closer to 5 miles, we hitched a ride to emerge at Trout Lake where we spotted our rental being driven by UNAUTHORIZED DRIVERS!  YHC kicked Breaker out of the driver’s seat.  Apparently they had received an “I’m lost…Price Park” text from Whoopee.  We drove back to pick him up at Price Park and hit the porta jon’s there for a second time.  YHC expected to drive back to Trout Lake and let JJ out to start leg 15 but it was apparent that the mental fortitude of the team had been compromised by the thoughts of Blowing Rock, beer, and pizza.  Since YHC’s phone was dead, a text was sent by someone else to Cousin Eddie letting him know we were calling it a day and we went to Mellow Mushroom and had three of the most delicious pizzas ever eaten.

Now you F3 Gashouse PAX are probably thinking we are soft for not touching the rock this year.  Fair enough, but the training and effort put into this beast is worth more than finishing.  YHC can say this was at least as fun as year one or two.  Doing difficult things with your brothers is the best!  The thrill and risk of getting lost or injured has benefits, reminding PAX of their youth where cell phones weren’t a thing and you had to rely on yourself to get out of trouble.

Further validation came from the Race Committee.  Upon asking for feedback, the initial AAR was that they may shorten the race and instead of starting at Tater Hole, perhaps start somewhere closer to Lenoir to end the race at a decent hour on Saturday.  Next, they said they would work on better directions for leg 13 (where Whoopee got lost) and Leg 14, (where Shortsale and I got lost). Clearly, this is a definite CSAUP and the cold, wind, and snow made this a most memorable experience.

If you are in F3 and haven’t completed CSAUP’s, don’t wait.  They are good for your mind and body and the bonds created between brothers who push the rock are solid.

Always a pleasure to lead,




Tesla returns to the Fighting Yank!

Been awhile since YHC led at the Yank so this was going to be a good one! Had a little bit of a short crew due to the Community run but no prob! Went like this:


SSH burpees X 5

IWs X 20

Grasspickers X 20


Mtn. Climbers X 20

Roscoe takes the Bunker guys, YHC takes the bootcampers

Time fro some half pipes X 2

Top: Plank jacks X 5

Shelter at bottom: 1 burpee

Top at Main street: 5 ass to the road monkey humpers.

BLIMPS on the field:



Imperial walkers


Plank Jacks


P1 runs the filed and does 5X of the work. Returns and does the work while P2 runs. We do this together meaning we wait for the 6 in plank on each round before we go again.

Up to the Corner of Knowledge for bench work:

Round 1 10X


step ups


Elevated big boys:

Run to the other end for 5 burpees.

Run back by the road, rinse and repeat above, same number.

Return to the field for our favorite thing – Bear crawl Slalom! Why wouldn’t we!

Post BCS, a little soccer goal obstacle course:

1st goal: CDD X 10

2nd goal: LBC X 10

3rd goal: BH X 10

4th goal: SSH X 20

Still time for a half pipe! So we did one and went to COT at the Yank.


Small but dedicated crew today. We left it all out there. The way it ought to be! Lots of good work got done.

Pleasure to lead as always and thanks to Roscoe for leading The Bunker!


Changing Paces

Strong showing of 13 men showed up to start a fine Wednesday morning.  Here’s what we did:

The Thang:

  • 15 x Goofballs (IC)

Head to the track for a quicker paced warm up:

  • Mosey 1/2 Lap
  • 10 x Don Quixotes (IC)
  • Mosey 1/2 Lap
  • 10 x Hillbilly Walkers (IC)
  • Mosey 1/2 Lap
  • 10 x Mahktar Ndiayes (IC)
  • Mosey 1/2 Lap
  • 20 x Freddie Mercuries (IC)
  • Mosey 1/2 Lap
  • 10 x Mike Tysons (IC)
  • Mosey 1/2 Lap
  • 10 x Mahktar Ndiayes (IC)

We were back at the parking lot at this point, and we headed to New Hope Presby for some core work.

  • 10 x Dying Cockroaches (IC)
  • 20 x Penguins (IC)
  • 10 x Heels to Heaven (IC)
  • 20 x Freddie Mercuries (IC)
  • 10 x Flutter Kicks (IC)

During the core work, we varied the cadence, slowing things down for the Cockroaches, Heels to Heaven and Flutter Kicks.  We focused on controlling all the movements.  Turns out, slow Flutters add another layer to the madness.

Once we finished up, everyone got a parking spot and we planked on the parking spot, then side crawled (?) from one end of the parking spot to the other.  Each time we got to the other side, we did 1 merkin.  Timer was set for 3 minutes.  Repeato.

Turns out, the parking lot is built for boats.  The parking spots were long, and there was a good bit of complaining.  But you can do anything for 3 minutes, so we pressed on.

Next, we took a quick mosey to Tomshir for a lap around their loop, then back to the church for

Triple Nickel

  • Side 1: 5 x Burpees
  • Side 2: 5 x Burpees

The only way to Triple Nickel.

Solid work all the way around.  We pushed each other, and got it done.

Next we did another round of the 3-minute-parking-spot-merkin-side-crawl-fest, or whatever you’d rather name it.  It still sucked.

Next, back to the flag for one last round of core work

  • 10 x Dying Cockroaches (IC)
  • 20 x Penguins (IC)
  • 10 x Heels to Heaven (IC)
  • 20 x Freddie Mercuries (IC)
  • 10 x Flutter Kicks (IC)

Again we varied speeds.  Also, true to form at the Ricky Bobby, we had to scatter as Mrs. Breaker tried to run over PAX like Carrie Fisher in Blues Brothers.

And that was that.


Great push by the group today.  A rare day too where the no- Respect crowd significantly outnumbered the Respect crowd.  A good crew of fresh faces too, with Umbro, J2C, and Offshore.  Also, welcome back to Stone Cold, with a Kotter off an injury.

Finally, if you’re reading this far and haven’t Q’d at the Ricky Bobby in a while, or at all, what are you waiting for?  There’s neighbors to wake up, Sentinels to see, and Nantan’s monkeys to hump.  Hill work, track work, ball fields, parking lots of all sizes, shelter, and PAX arriving by foot make the Ricky Bobby a great place to start the day.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead

Yabba Dabba Doo

No BLOCKS at Folsom

Beautiful weather this morning at Folsom, thought for sure we would have had a shirtless Wichita running around. But we did get another celebrity Midoriyama appearance at Folsom this week, there was a Leopard sighting.

10 Gravel pickers in cadence

20 Moroccan night clubs

20 side straddle hops

5 Burpees

Mosey to shelter

15 step ups each leg

15 dips

15 Derkins

10 step ups

10 dips

10 derkins

5 step ups

5 dips

5 derkins

Catch me if you can

Partner up, one partner Nurs towards the flag pole at the AG center, the other does 10 diamond merkins then catches up and takes over the nur while the other partner does their work.  rinse and repeat til we get to the flag at the top  


Dirty 11’s in the top lot- CDD’s and big boys with a Burpee in the middle

Every light pole back to the start do 10 LBC’s

Circle for Mary for the last 10 minutes with a couple extra burpees sprinkled in.


Trash pickup Saturday downtown

Lunch next Thursday at Ray Nathan’s

Runners needed for SMR


Prayer Requests



Big Pappy and his family


Turtle man

To complete or not to complete all reps.

Here is the workout details. As to the personal stuff that goes down, that’s left to the workout. STK, STG


IC x 10
5 Burpees

Mosey to the parking spaces on Main Ave. 5 Burpees
Let’s do Suicides.
2 sets of regular suicides. Skip to every other parking line. Plank for the six.

Mosey to S South ST.
5 Burpees
Next will be 11’s
Bobby Hurley’s and mosey to the third light post on the right and perform Calf Raises.

Mosey to the parking deck.
5 Burpees.
Next we will complete all exercises then run to the top of the parking deck. Complete all exercises at the top and run back down. Continue till I say stop.
Exercises are
5 Burpees

Bottom level was
10 Bobby Hurley’s
10 Squats
10 merkins

Top level was
10 Dying Cockroaches
10 WW1
10 flutter kicks. Count the right leg.

Mosey back to the start for some AB Mary.


Backpacking with Termite.
Honey Hunters game 24th
16th road cleanup
2nd F lunch @ Ray Nathan’s 21st


Prayer Request

Breakers M


Watts Up father-n-law




Mnt Hollywood

IC x 10
5 Burpees

Mosey to the parking lot at Rankin school. 5 Burpees
2 sets of regular suicides. Stop at every other parking line. Plank for the six.

5 Burpees
Next will be 11’s
Bobby Hurley’s and mosey to the other side of the parking lot and perform Calf Raises.
Next set will be Squats and SSH.

Mosey back to the start.
10 Burpees

Next we will complete an exercise then run a lap around the parking lot. Complete 5 rounds.
Exercises are
5 Burpees
10 Bobby Hurley’s
10 Squats
10 merkins

Stop for some AB Marry.



Backpacking with Termite.
Honey Hunters game 24th
16th road cleanup
2nd F lunch @ Ray Nathan’s 21st


Prayer Request

Breakers M


Watts Up father-n-law





Rough start at the Rooster

The Rooster.

What more to say. Always a great event!!

In the words of Haze.

Awesome!! Weather sucked at first, then the rain stopped but next came the cold and the wind.

A lot of PR’s set and good food and fellowship afterward.


Thanks men!!

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