Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: April 2022 (Page 5 of 10)

Midoriyama And Statistics

I pulled in early today to get some EC hoping to get my hamstring to loosen up some.  Defib was already out for his 5 miles of EC. No one else around so I took off. We both finished up with about 10 minutes before start and enough time to hear statistics  being thrown around about how many post you have versus how many post you could possibly have if attending every workout you could possibly attend. So your percentage may be higher than someone else that has more post than you. Statistically some of you will understand my explanation of this conversation but most probably will  not. I’m not a numbers man but I’m 99% sure can fix your air conditioner in your car.  While this was happening a FNG pulled up with a couple minute before start.  We welcome him and ask who EH’ed him. He has a friend in Hickory but was unsure of his F3 name but we think it is Happy Trees. Apparently Happy contacted our own Pizza Man and he was sent our way. Glad to have you man, it’s time to get started.

Warmarama:  Disclaimer was given and we get started. SSH, Hillbilly’s, and MNC’s waiting on Blart to eventually join us.


With a short mosey to the lot beside the turd shack we begin with 10 hand release merkins, 10 LBC’s,10 CDD’s, and 10 squats take a lap then 20 of each exercise adding 10 till we get to 40 with a lap in between each set. A little mumble chatter about how CDD’s were named and how Freight wasn’t going to work on his soccer arms till after the SMR. I didn’t get that memo, not sorry Freight.

Mosey across the road to the parking lot for some 11’s Mike Tysons and Imperial Walker Squats there was some talk if I got these exercises from a certain canoe but I have to take credit this time. Freight confused Imp walkers for Hillbillies. He was getting the reps in quite fast

Mosey across the grass to a small hill for some triple nickel WW1 at top and Jump squats at the bottom.  With about 10 minutes to spare we head back to start for some PAX called Mary.

Anouncements: SMR needs some runners, lunch at Ray Nathan’s on Thursday 21st, whetstone site going live

Prayer request: my mom, Blart met a man that is partially paralyzed not sure of his relationship with the Lord, Broke’s MRI on Friday, I’m sure there are many other out there

Good push today men, great to have a FNG show, thanks for letting me lead today.


Welcome Rustoleum






I had a day off on Monday, Purple Haze was asking a favor for a Q-stitute, so I thought it would be nice to Q at another new spot.  As I went up  into the house that evening I saw that it was going to be very wet in the morning!

Morning arrives and I hear the rain coming down. I try to plan accordingly with some rain gear. As I was trying to get ready for the workout I can barely move, I was still hurting from the beatdown that I had received from Mayor on Saturday morning at The Yank. Wirenut would say that I deserved it. LOL.

Pulling up to the parking lot at my normal 30 minutes early routine, There is only one vehicle there. 15 minutes go by when I see another vehicle pulling up to pick up that person for work. That was a close one I thought. I was really hoping that no one would show. I did not want to get wet! I was pretty tired, my body was sore and all I wanted to do was get back home. About two minutes till start time a truck pulls up. Headlights shining on me, yup, that’s Roundup!. Then a Dallas city vehicle pulls up, there comes Wichita! I climb out of my vehicle, those guys get out as well. It’s go time! Those guys decided to run three miles and I decided to walk one. I needed to see if I can get these aching muscles to move. With a plan locked in 30 minutes of running, let’s meet back at the car wash for our discussion. 2 minutes into my stretching walk I found out that my rain gear sucked!

Since I had never been to this work out, PurpleHaze had called me to explain to me how the workout goes. 30 minutes of running and 15 minutes of discussion. Discussion usually involves a Bible verse. With that and Easter in mind, I planned the discussion on Luke 24:38-39.

The disciples spent years! Sleeping, eating, living with Jesus Christ! They still had to see the scars, touch his body to realize that he had risen.  Jesus had gone into battle with the dark side to learn and feel what it is like to be human. He came up in the light to show us that he knows, feels how hard it is to be human. His never ending love grew stronger with his walk. In your darkest moments you can grow closer to him if you choose. Our love for him will grow stronger when we spend more time with him. Our Lord longs for our attention. The Lord our savior has always been here, he has been in everything from the start!! The Bible has Jesus’s hand all in it. Front to back. Our Lord and Savior has been here since it’s beginning. Studying the word and prayer (talking to him) is the only way to grow closer to him.

Christ has risen, He has risen indeed!!

Thank you men.

A Lot of Work; A Little Talk at The Storm

10 Pax joined YHC for some work at the Storm this morning. Would have been 12 but.. missed ya Boudin.

Warm Up

SSH, Gravel Pickers, Toy Soldiers


At each speed bump: 

50 Flutters, 25 Merkins, 10 Squats, run back to start

50 AH or Monkey Crunches, 25 CDD’s, 10 Calf Raises, run back to start

50 LBC’s, 25 Werkins, Monkey Humpers


Dips/Bridge Thrusters 

Jacob’s Ladder 

Run up, 1 Burpee at the top, Run back down.  Repeat until you get to 7 Burpees. (Modified for Time..ugh)



F2 Lunch at Ray Nathan’s this Thursday at Noon

Honey Hunters game Sunday 4/24

Whetstone/Shieldlock, Kotter sign-up on website under “Fellowship” tab

Prayer Requests:

Broke has MRI this Friday

Gump and family





Since then we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus, the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.

Hebrews 4:14‭-‬16 ESV

“The great purpose of salvation is the glory of God. No trial is too great, no temptation too strong but that Jesus Christ can give us the mercy and grace that we need, when we need it. Jesus, a sinless person, would feel temptations and trials in a much greater way than you or I could ever feel them. He is able to help us when we are tempted. If we fail to hold fast our confession,  we are only telling the world that we failed to draw on his grace and mercy when it was freely available to us.” Wiersbe

Breaker Breaker took us out.

Great guys; great venue! Thanks for coming out!




Once Upon a Storm in Mt Hollywood

With the rain coming down Freon showed up, then CPAP, and finally Dr. Seuss.  Clock struck 5:30 a.m. We drove down to the elementary school to use their awning for a rainy day beat down.


We did not have a flag, so we did not complete the pledge.

Warm up


10 Gravel Pickers IC

15 Imperial Walkers IC

10 Merkins IC

20 Squats OYO

We used the walk way under the awning to mosey down to school entrance to start then moseyed back and forth completing the following sets.

Round 1

30 SSH

20 Squats

10 Merkins


Round 2

30 Mtn Climbers

20 Lunges

10 Merkins


Round 3

30 Pulsing Squats

20 Burpees

10 Merkins


Round 4

30 Freddie Mercuries

20 Plank Jacks

10 Merkins


Round 5

1 min Wall Sit

20 Hip Slappers

10 Dirty Hookups

1 min Wall Sit

We rinsed and repeated these exercises however we replaced Burpees with CDD.

Next we did a route 66 with Shoulder Taps and Lunge Walk to the next column. With time running low we went 10 feet back to the start for some core work

25 Reps of

American Hammers

Flutters 4 ct

Reverse Crunch

Plank with a dip



We planked for the remaining minute.  Time 6:15 am.


Prayer request


I took us out in prayer,

Thanks for showing up guys.  I would have definitely drove back to the house without putting in the work.  Thanks for the opportunity to lead.  SYITG




Bunker Boys

So YHC had the default Q the week before but today I was LEGIT…on the Q schedule to lead the running free beatdown.

After the “Honorable” Mayor led the warmup for the combined Yank/Bunker PAX, two PAX accompanied YHC to the bunker to start getting swole.  Shortly after we started, J2C (Jump to Conclusions) joined us.  We had Breaker Breaker, Kaepernick, J2C and YHC.

We cranked up some tunes and did a four part station a few times with KB swings, Sandbag power clean, overhead dumbbell press, and bent rows.  We did several rounds of this and walked off the recovery.

We lunged, squatted, merkined, Fluttered, farmer carried, planked, sat by the wall, wall marched, air pressed, reverse smurf lunged, burpeed, protractored, Homer and Marged, etc.  The Yank goobers emerged and gave us about 20 monkey humpers so we returned the favor with ten four count Degeneration X pelvic thrusters in their direction.  With a few minutes left on the clock, we did 5 burpees each in a rotating fashion and then switched to one at at time until we concluded the workout with 100 total.  We policed up the coupons and headed back to the Yank statue for COT where Mayor was making fine points to the PAX.  We tried to EH a runner that stopped by at the COT but he ran off and said he was from Oklahoma.  (He sure ran a long way.)

The Mayor covered the announcements in his BB but we are praying for Turtleman and for Gump and his family and also for each other.

Don’t be soft but rely on your brothers.  We are here for you.


It rained a little

Haven’t Q’d in over a year.  Flintstone twisted my arm, and here It is a rainy Monday morning!

Short and sweet:


3 pax with 3 blocks to the bank drive through.  Warm up of imperial walkers, low slow squats, merkins, Whoopies favorite, grass pickers, and then a lap around the building.

We did an assortment of Curls with the blocks, chest presses, deconstructed burpees, flutters, lbc’s, hammers, laps around the bank, rinse (literally) and repeat.  A truck almost got hit by Nutria, and Folgers and I found out we have a lot in common.

No flag to pledge to, so played the star spangled banner on youtube on my phone as our tribute.  Short prayer and announcements.

Whoopie and  Rosco were Rucking around somewhere in the park and meandered up just as we finished up.

The end.


Since Bubba was touring his home state of PA (you owe me a candy bar from Hershey), I got to Sub-Q for him on Easter morning as 7 pax did run/ruck followed by a discussion on Whetstone and Shieldlock.

YHC got a good EC fellowship run with Freight as he did his best to get us lost (impossible for him) , followed by a ruck/walk with Freight and Broke.

Breaker (despite throwing up) ran with Pockets. After Pockets left, Breaker pushed through and ran more.

Pilgrims’ Progress and Tesla did a ruck.

Termite joined us for our Q Source discussion of Whetstone and Shieldlock.


F2 Lunch at Ray Nathans this Thursday, 4/21

Honey Hunter’s Baseball game this Sunday

Young Life Golf Tournament in the planning stages: sponsor or get a team together

Prayer Requests:



Tesla’s friend Max as he goes through chemo


Gump and family

Broke’s MRI this Friday

Pax on IR

“God’s truth is truly transforming! Many of God’s promises do not depend on our character but on His faithfulness.” Warren Weirsbe

Thanks for coming out!


Cigarette Butts

12 men stayed after Gashouse on Saturday for the Adopt a Street cleanup. Our area runs from S Clara st to S Church st on Garrison blvd. That is the area around Lineberger park. All in all it went pretty well. In total it only took us about an hour. Many hands make light work! Nothing to crazy was found. A piece of a bomb, Broke found a gum box with several dollars worth of change. Sargento found what appeared to be someones stash of PB & J’s. We would have left them but the ants found them first so we cleaned them up. There was a lot of cigarette butts. I mean a lot. As a former smoker I am guilty of tossing these out of the window so I guess it’s only right I go out and clean them up. Thanks again to the men that volunteered! Round two will be in 2 months.


10 men showed at Gashouse for the bootcamp portion of the AO on Saturday. As usual EC was done. The Nantan even put in 10!


We did some stuff then we headed over to the library parking lot.

The Thang:

Borrowed from a workout I saw Carpex do(so if you complained then you must be saying you’re a wussy compared to those guys). The word wussy spelled slightly different may or may not have been used several times during this workout because sometimes a man just needs to be told. Not to beat him down but to lift him up. Look at it as a motivator.

Broad jump 2 parking spaces and do the following exercises.


10-Bonnie Blairs


Do this 2 more sets then bear crawl back to the start(6 parking spaces)

That’s 1 round. Do 5 rounds. We made it through about 4 and we were 30 minutes in so I switched it up to do some Wordle.

If you haven’t played wordle it a word game where you try to figure out what the 5 letter word is for the day. Your first guess is just that, a guess. It then tells you if any of the letters are in the correct spot or if they are in the word just in the wrong spot. Easy enough but surprisingly difficult sometimes. The group had an advantage as they could all help each other. I’m not sure who came up with this as a workout. I saw someone in the nation put it out a week or so ago. So for each letter that was correct and in the correct spot we would do 10 reps of an exercise. For each one that was correct and in the wrong spot we would do 20 reps. For each one that was wrong we would do 30 reps. The first word was ALIVE and they guessed it on the fourth try. Well Uptown Girl pulled this one out. Everyone else was stumped. We ran low on time and only made it through 2 guesses on the second word. It was kind of funny because we were approaching Easter Sunday and the first word being alive lead everyone to think it was a theme. So they kept guessing words that went in that direction. It was STEAL 🙂 Anyway it went pretty good. It’s a little much to keep up with for my taste but still not as difficult as a Short Sale Q.


Pledge-per the Nantan’s command

Announcement-Baseball tickets, I’ll be honest I don’t remember

Prayer Request-My memory( I seem to be forgetting a lot lately)


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