• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 04/18/2022
  • AO: The Sword
  • QIC: Pockets
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Wichita, Roundup

I had a day off on Monday, Purple Haze was asking a favor for a Q-stitute, so I thought it would be nice to Q at another new spot.  As I went up  into the house that evening I saw that it was going to be very wet in the morning!

Morning arrives and I hear the rain coming down. I try to plan accordingly with some rain gear. As I was trying to get ready for the workout I can barely move, I was still hurting from the beatdown that I had received from Mayor on Saturday morning at The Yank. Wirenut would say that I deserved it. LOL.

Pulling up to the parking lot at my normal 30 minutes early routine, There is only one vehicle there. 15 minutes go by when I see another vehicle pulling up to pick up that person for work. That was a close one I thought. I was really hoping that no one would show. I did not want to get wet! I was pretty tired, my body was sore and all I wanted to do was get back home. About two minutes till start time a truck pulls up. Headlights shining on me, yup, that’s Roundup!. Then a Dallas city vehicle pulls up, there comes Wichita! I climb out of my vehicle, those guys get out as well. It’s go time! Those guys decided to run three miles and I decided to walk one. I needed to see if I can get these aching muscles to move. With a plan locked in 30 minutes of running, let’s meet back at the car wash for our discussion. 2 minutes into my stretching walk I found out that my rain gear sucked!

Since I had never been to this work out, PurpleHaze had called me to explain to me how the workout goes. 30 minutes of running and 15 minutes of discussion. Discussion usually involves a Bible verse. With that and Easter in mind, I planned the discussion on Luke 24:38-39.

The disciples spent years! Sleeping, eating, living with Jesus Christ! They still had to see the scars, touch his body to realize that he had risen.  Jesus had gone into battle with the dark side to learn and feel what it is like to be human. He came up in the light to show us that he knows, feels how hard it is to be human. His never ending love grew stronger with his walk. In your darkest moments you can grow closer to him if you choose. Our love for him will grow stronger when we spend more time with him. Our Lord longs for our attention. The Lord our savior has always been here, he has been in everything from the start!! The Bible has Jesus’s hand all in it. Front to back. Our Lord and Savior has been here since it’s beginning. Studying the word and prayer (talking to him) is the only way to grow closer to him.

Christ has risen, He has risen indeed!!

Thank you men.