Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: April 16, 2022


Been awhile since I have been at Diablo so it was good to see some guys out there this am. I brought my sandbag (we named it Alberta a couple years ago) so we could have some fun with it. We started with a sandbag toss around Pelicans then moseyed on over to Gastone’s hill with Alberta and took a couple trips up with some exercises along the way up and down. After that we moseyed back home for COT. Thanks for the opportunity to lead and for coming out.


Tour De Onze

Already used this working for the morning addition at The Storm, with some advice from Breaker Breaker, I renamed this to onze for the french word for 11. We just move to different spots and complete some 11’s. Let’s start.

Warm up IC x 10
5 Burpees

Mosey to the parking lot at field 1.

5 Burpees
Squats and SSH
WW1 and Merkins

Mosey to field 4 for the next set.
5 Burpees
Hillbillies and Imperial Walkers
Goofballs and Rocky Balboa’s

Mosey to the lot by the playground for our last set.
5 Burpees
Flutter Kicks and LBC
Merkins and CDD

Mosey back to the start for some Mary.

Breaker M
Watts up father n law

CDD seemed to be a hit at both spots for a starter exercise!

Thank you brothers!!

Tour De 11’s

14 strong at The Storm this morning. Plenty to do and a lot planned, let’s begin!!

Warm up IC x 10
5 Burpees

Mosey to the parking lot at the football field. 5 Burpees
Squats and SSH
WW1 and Merkins

Mosey to the back of the school for more 11’s by the bus lot.
5 Burpees
Hillbillies and Imperial Walkers

Mosey around the back of the school and stop back at the front entrance parking lot for more 11’s
5 Burpees
Goofballs and Rocky Balboa’s
Flutter Kicks and LBC
Merkins and CDD

Prayer request.
Breaker M
Watts up father n law


Thank you guys!!

New bartender

I believe this is my first ever Q at The Pub. As I showed up I found EZ Ryder pulling up right behind me and then Termite. They both took off for some EC. EZ Ryder came back to start with the rest and Termite stayed out. I know several routes but I don’t know what regularly goes on. So I decided to let the good Dr give us a path. So up Armstrong and turn somewhere and come back down Hoffman. Since I’m not as fast, I ran up 1.8 miles and turned around and ran back to meet up at the same time with the rest. It was another good morning with even better friends.

Thank you.


Remember Christ died for us. Then rose from the grave. We serve a living God!!

Anyone need to talk just reach out to a brother.

The Fighting Yank 16-APR-22

Finally, the Mayor has come back to Belmont….and all cheered when I said this.

Move the the statue for the warmup where the disclaimer was noted.  One (1) FNG.

Warmup:  SSH x15IC, Gravel Pickers x10 IC, ROL/LOR, Moroccan Night Clubs x 15IC and arm circles to shake it out. Pledge and 22 for vets (per day) and police (per month).

Thang:  We say goodbye to the bunker crowd and roll up to the track for the solo 6.  Six exercises OYO for 50 reps/steps then take a lap.  I explained the exercises and got some flack because Nutria said there were more than six so I politely went in front of him and counted them one by one for effect.  Six it is so we move on.  CDDs, Mountain Climbers, SSH, Leg Lifts, Lunges, Bear Crawls.

We mosey to the hill I almost broke the SFN chair, but on the way, we grab some high wall and do 10 muscle ups and 5 calf raises at each stair as we go up.

At the top of the hill, I give the rendition of the first time I pushed a SFN cart so in honor, we do a triple nickel with Merkins at the bottom (another story there) and squats at the top. Fellowship mosey to the bunker to properly salute those with 20 monkey humpers IC.  They returned the degeneration X so we move on.

At the fountain we circle up for some scripted Mary:  French fries, pistol squats, Michael Phelps, X or star crunch, mountain climbers, Freddy Mercury all with 10 count or IC.

Mosey up the stairs for the statue with 5 calf raises here and we call it early.

Moleskin:  Given what has happened recently to our community with an F3 brother, I took two minutes to discuss our duty as men to reach out to other men.  We truly dont know what someone else may be going thru.  That is evident.  Don’t be a coward, ask…. If you see something, feel something….Do or say something.  Encourage other men to reach out.  There is someone in the circle you are closer to or is closer to you.  Be the oak.

Name the FNG.  He’s from Albuquerque so we named him Heisenberg.  There was a lot of chatter about having some of those in the nation, but this guy lived in the house in the show Breaking Bad.  Plus its better than Teslas option of Meth Lab.  Good luck spelling it. I will get him added later.  I didn’t have my phone so couldn’t attack it immediately.

Announcements, Prayers, Name-o-Rama, COT

Folsom Love

There was a time that I can remember when I had to remove a lot of running if I had the Q at Folsom but these days the Folsom boys are bat flipping. I knew I had to dial it up a notch. Weather was perfect. Cloudy and cool. Most guys did an EC run or ruck and 6:30 time to go! Throughout the workout I decided to read quotes about loving people since it is the Easter season. Ball Joint correctly noted afterward that the quotes were taking up valuable workout time and he is 100% correct. I use the quote time to allow myself to rest.

SSH x 25
Right over Left stretch
Left over Right stretch
Gravel Pickers x 10
Moroccan Night Clubs x 10
Low Slow Squats x 10


Mosey to Tennis Courts.
Line Up 10 Merkins, run to fence and back
10 Merkins, 10 American Hammers, run
10 Merkins, 10 American Hammers, 10 CDD’s, run
10 Merkins, 10 American Hammers, 10 CDD’s, 10 LBC’s, run. This was supposed to be 10, 20, 30 then 40 but I forgot. Q Fail but nobody knew.

“Lots of people love to ride with you in the limo, but you need people who will ride with you on the bus.” – Oprah Winfrey

“Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get, only with what you are expecting to give.” – Katherine Hepburn (actress from before even my day)

Mosey down to the concrete pad near the dog park to previously placed Blocks. Only brought the 24 lb. ones. Sorry Westside and Wichita.

30 Curls
30 OH Presses
30 Swings
30 Chest Presses
30 Shrugs
30 Curls
30 Chest Presses

“I have decide to stick with love. Hate is too big a burden to bear.” – Martin Luther King

“I want to do good. I want the world to be better because I was here.” – Will Smith. Hmmm! Lots of discussion after that one given recent events. It was noted that just talking about loving your neighbor is not enough.

“Love is the most important thing in the world, but baseball is pretty good too.” – Yogi Berra. It was noted that he also said “I’d give my right arm to be ambidextrous!” and “That place is so crowded, nobody goes there anymore.”

Mosey to bottom of hill behind the dog park.
Time to let the bat flippers loose!
Triple Nickel Hill Sprint Style
5 Squats at bottom, 5 burpees at top near the sign, 5 times. Round Up and Tonka leading the way. Sister Act middle of the pack at best. Hate to see it! Hacksaw dragged me up the hill the last leg. That’s always a crowd favorite.

With all of these hard chargers, we are ahead of schedule so another round of block work.
30 Curls
30 OH Presses
30 Swings
30 Chest Presses
30 Shrugs
30 Curls

Mosey down to lower picnic shelter for BLIMPS.
Burpees x 10
LBC’s x 10 IC
Imperial Walkers Squats x 10 IC
Merkins x 10 IC
Plank Jacks x 10 IC
Squats x 10 IC

“God teaches us to love by putting some unlovely people around us.” – Pastor Rick Warren

“Our job is not to ridicule and hate but it is to love people to Jesus.” – Pastor Hugh Whitfield

“My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” – Jesus in John 15:12-13

Sprint back to the flag
1 minute left so 5 burpees

F3 Lunch at Ray Nathan’s noon Thursday April 21st

Tank’s family
Gump and family
Tonka’s coworkers
Gumby’s mom

*NMM Great to get to Q at Folsom in a coveted Saturday spot. Love to see the guys pushing so hard and still picking up the six. The Rev. Low Carb (Wichita) is embracing his new nickname and has plenty of work to do as the group seems to love sugary cereals, cinnamon sticks and biscuits. I didn’t know Tonka but he is a tough young man since he kept up with Round Up most of the morning. Seuss was throwing around the block pretty well today. Volt is not saying when his birthday is and also still hates Raisin Bran. Oompa is on IR but came to eat with us. There was some discussion about Slaw kissing and possibly dating a llama. Round Up ate 10 eggs at breakfast. “Somebody” put some used, hairy, sweaty KT tape on my mirror. The nerve.

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