It’s been a rough month personally, with health just sucking. I wanted Painlab two weeks ago to screw with Whoopee, who I knew I’d have to step the game up to compete with on Q level, but Montross had it. I got gassed during that workout, Montross brought it. I got gassed bad. Worst ever. So another 2 weeks of recoup and now let’s start the road back to my standard. Still too skinny….
I also enjoyed screwing with Shortsale on Slack as he and Whoopee are a lot alike in terms of diligence of Q’ing. Fun fact: if you piss Shortsale off he responds quickly with a “to hell with it, I’ll kill you” style. I love it. I called for Boxing workout earlier in the week as Boxing is the best mix of cardio and muscle building. While travelling this week I remember reading about the Mike Tyson workout….check this out: 5 mile run, 2000 crunches, 500 push-ups, 500 dips, 500 shrugs, 500 neck bridges…..BEFORE HE STARTED HIS WORKOUTS OF THE DAY. Let’s rock:
Boxing quick lesson: jab, straight, hook and uppercut. Flapping your arm is not a punch. Conviction, and off-hand defense. Boxing is the sport of kings, I mean, scramble a man’s brains and now you’re talking.
Warm-up: SSH, Squats, MNC, IW, Merkins, LBC.
Follow the leader: using the steps, follow me: level 1 is bear crawl, level 2 is lunge, level 3 is crab walk, level 4 is karyoka one way, level 5 is karyoka another way. Plank for 6. Warm-up is over.
Tyson Challenge: easy stuff. I set a timer for 15 minutes. 15 minutes of PLAY-TIME (shout out to Macho Man Randy Savage). First level is 20 Squats. To move to level 2 you owe me 5 burpees. Level 2 is 20 Merkins. To move to level 3 you owe me 4 burpees. Level 3 is 20 Dips. To move to Level 4 you owe me 3 burpees. Level 4 is 20 LBC’s. To move to level 5 you owe me 2 burpees. Level 5 is neck bridges. To move to level 5 you owe me 1 burpee.
Repeat. I put a piece of chalk out and you mark a tally when you complete that circuit. No rest, just grind. We had 7 guys, and 21 tally marks, so we caught a lot of guys half-way through the last set. Hats off to Defib who led the pack after running 8 miles EC. Tough.
Tyson Circuit: I played around a bit here, but 1 minute per station, and we had:
Decline Diamond Merkin (yes, this is a thing. I love it).
Kettlebell Swings (thanks HIPAA)
Wall Squats
Heavy Bag work (I taped a mattress to a pole and let folks tee off. I miss my heavy bag).
Rope unders (stretched a rope between some chairs, move under each side while throwing an uppercut each side….remember Rocky 4?)
Muscle Work: Curls to overhead presses and/or tri-cep extension. 3 sets, roughly 10-15 reps of each per set. Wax-On (FNG) has got some game, watch-out.
Shadow-Box: same old routine, I call it and you do it. 2- 3 rounds. Calling this out while doing it is just dreadful, and it’s just what the doctor ordered to get my arse back in good shape.
Mary: VooDoo carried the torch, along with Watts-Up, and others. The rest of the Bootcampers join, freaking HIPAA pulls out an exercise I’d like to make love to, TIME.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: P200 driver needed, I think Broke took it later today. Monk is leaving us this Summer! What a bummer. Not sure I can think of a more foundational lodestone to F3 Gastonia than Monk. This is like one of our lungs leaving. Very sad to learn, but so happy for him. Convergence in 2 weeks at Folsom, Painlab will be there. Also, Linus and I have been speaking….Gashouse Bootcamp needs number. It is the premier recruiting event for F3 Gastonia. First F3 ever we had 35 guys. It’s a hard thing to figure out, because FNG’s will want to hide sometimes amongst the crew, and also be inspired by the number. GET THE ATTENDANCE UP.
FNG- Welcome Wax-On. Great work sir. VooDoo – get him on the Twitter.
Prayers and Cares: Honey-do (sp?) was on my mind a lot as he suffered a lot of losses, but still got out there and grinded out Painlab. Hats off to you sir. Takes a real HIM to get out here and do this, I hope you found some clarity and fun mixing it up. Damn tough. We had other health concerns, I apologize for not recording in more detail. Just say a prayer to God for the prayers that took place at 8:10 at the Schiele Museum in Gastonia today, and I think God knows what we all are aksing
MOLESKIN – ah, not much here, I love watching Shortsale get mad because he gets physical. What a great dude, and if you haven’t read his half-marathon backblast do so. I hope he’s in consideration for Nantan someday. Roscoe, Stroganoff, Quiche, Defib and VooDoo did EC. That is so tough, some of them did 8 freaking miles. Just tremendous, and all of them are as strong of leaders as they are committed to physical excellence.
Painlab is just the best though. Music, great guys, pumping iron, reminds me of old football locker-rooms and boxing gyms. Watching HIPAA take lead and be as commensurate with his physical improvement is just the tops. Always an honor to Q, be real y’all.