Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: May 20, 2023


I turned 38 on Thursday so I thought that would be a good theme for a Q. 11 other men joined me to celebrate.

Mosey to The Bunker to Warmup:
MNC x38IC just for fun. 3+8=11 so 11 for each of the next exercises.
SSH x11 IC
Gravel pickers x11 IC
Hillbilly walkers x11 IC

Block work in 3 man teams rotating work
1st set – Rifle carry blocks partners CDDs and squats, rotate
2nd set – Karaoke partners Curl w/ blocks and calf raises rotate
3rd set – Nur while partners chest press w/ block and dying cockroaches
4th set – bear crawl while partners merkin and Freddie Mercury’s

Mosey to Hawthorne hill for a little work and math.

3 merkins at bottom, 8 LBCs at top. 8-3=5 so we’ll do this 5 times.

Mosey to the track to get as much done as possible before time is up.
11s – CDD and HR merkins

Annihilation 6-3 at The Yank
July 4 at The Yank
May 24 lunch at noon
Memorial Day Murph at The Sandlot
June 10 valor ruck in Charleston

Tigers mom
Flintstone’s parents

Praise: Tooth Fairy’s daughter met us in the COT walking on her own with no braces. Miracles still happen men. Keep up the prayers.

Tardi Gras brought his Brother Jim who is visiting. He likes the movie A Few Good Men and bacon so we named him Facon, welcome.

Until next time, Gavel out.

What was the best thing about me being an idiot today?

The title is an actual quote that I’ll explain below. 

10 PAX gathered on a cool, humid morning in the gloom.  Tesla approached the circle right as the clock struck 0530, right on time for a quick disclaimer, then straight to business.  Warmed up with Seal jacks, Hillbilly walkers, Hand-release merkins, Squats, Mountain climbers, Nolan Ryans, Hello Dollys (all 10xIC) and 5 burpees.

After a quick count-off, we moseyed to the tennis courts.  On the way, I thought it’d be fun to do some Foxhole merkins.  Orangeman and I had recently reminisced about when Bedpan called those on sopping wet downtown streets – ah, good times.  It had rained the night before in Belmont, but the streets were nearly bone dry.  We stopped for 5 Foxhole merkins each at 2 intersections.  It was fun but didn’t have quite the same effect as it did in the rain.

At the tennis courts, we partnered up for Team 11’s: Starting in the middle of all 4 courts, partners started with one Boo-yah merkin, then Nurred in opposite directions to the ends of the court for 10 Bobby Hurleys, then returned to the middle by lunge-walking, bear-crawling, or both for 2 hand-release merkins, etc.  Mumblechatter commenced to debate about what does or doesn’t qualify as necessary modification, and we settled on the policy that each set of Boo-yah merkins should end in an exclamation of “Boo-yah!”

Team 11’s took a good bit of time.  After another count-off we repeated the COP: Hand-release merkins, Squats, Mountain climbers, Nolan Ryans, Hello Dollys (all 10xIC) and 5 burpees.  Maybe we skipped the burpees, I can’t remember.  We exited the tennis courts and lined up for an Indian run back to the school.  Stopping at the benches, we did a few rounds of dips, derkins, and step-ups (10 each) and a lap around the carpool circle.  With just 2 minutes left, we circled up for a lightning-round of Mary until it was time.

2nd F lunch 5/24, 1200 at The Lodge in Belmont
Memorial Day Murph 5/29 at The Sandlot 0700
Bike event in Forest City June 3
Special event July 4 at The Yank, start time TBD

PAX running Time Laps (reclassified from Announcement to Prayer Request)
Radar’s sister
Tiger’s mom
Termite’s family
Jane Fonda’s aunt
Anchorman’s sister-in-law
Kids, in particular graduates

Lagniappe:  I took a couple of my 2.0’s to the Charlotte Symphony last night to hear a guest violin soloist.  (As some of you know, all my 2.0’s have taken violin lessons from an early age, so this program was of particular interest.)  My 12-yr-old Goofball decided to wear a stick-on El Bandito mustache.  To his credit, left it on the entire time – before, during, and after the show.  It was quite a spectacle, and he collected dozens of compliments from other guests.  As his nickname suggests, his personality matches how he presents himself, so the mustache was just an outward sign of the general silliness.  On the way home, we were laughing about the shenanigans, and Goofball asked “So what was the best thing about me being an idiot today?”  We laughed at the actual question, but I immediately thought about the things we do in the Gloom.  There are many possible answers – murder bunnies, CSAUP’s, anything on Gastone’s Hill, foxhole merkins in the rain, the list goes on.  The best thing, of course, is being there with and for each other.   I’m glad to have all of you as Brothers, and it’s a privilege to lead.  Aye!

– Nutria


Ad Lib at Tequila Sunrise!

YHC completely blew the fact that he had the Q at Tequila Sunrise until he read Radar’s text that it was a thing @ 4:30 am! So with nearly a decade in the movement, he had a set library of things to go with and with AO knowledge he had that to build on as well. So it went like this:

COP/Warm up

Mosey over to the field and get some Tesla Stretches

Jog over to the far side, 20 SSH

Jog back, 20 IWS

Jog back across,  20 grass pickers

Jog back, 20 Mtn. Climbers, Tesla Stretches

Over to the goal line, partner up for BLIMPS

P1  – Do the exercise

P2 – Run the field, do 5 of the exercise, run back

Flapjack P1 and P2.

B – Burpees

L- Lunge

I – IWs

M- Merkins

P – Plank Jacks

S – Squats

Over to the benches

10 dips

10 step ups (each leg)

10 dirkins

10 inclined big boys

On the court line for suicides:

FT line, back

Circle/half court, back

Other end, back

rinse and repeat 2X

Back to the field for Bear Crawl Slalom! Everyone gets 3 runs in the slalom.

Run halfway back, drop and do 5 HR merkins

Run to the end – 5 chop-chop!

End and pledge

NMM: Not bad for making it up on the fly! No one knew the difference did they? That’s a good thing. What you have to be able to do to reach a goal or get through a tough situation is to get it done without a script. Which is to say when you’re out there and the situation goes sideway and your plans do not include that, you have to figure it out on the fly. Or you’re screwed to the wall! And you don’t want to be there. But if you have the consistency of preparation behind you, you adjust and deal with it. And you really grow because of that experience. Which is how you get better.

So give this a try. Get in a situation you didn’t expect and see how you do. because you will be there one day like it or not. That is, if you want to reach your true potential.

Expect it, prepare for it, but don’t fear it. It’s part of the growth and leadership process.




22 for the Vets at Painlab

The weather was around 65 degrees, humid, and not raining.  Overcast.

Def Leppard was the BootCamp Q.

Being a little over a week until Memorial Day we at F3 rightfully observe the sacrifices of our American Soldiers.  We also realize that the struggle continues sometimes long after their call to service has honorably ended.  The current statistic of suicides among Veterans currently is around 22 per day.

In recognition of Memorial Day, we did 22 exercises that went like this.

Start at 1.  then mosey down the sidewalk and around the rock at the entrance of the nature trail and back.

Do 2 then 1 and repeat mosey.  Upon return do 3, 2, 1, and so forth.

The number of the exercise is the rep count.

  1. Burpee
  2. Kettle Bell Swings
  3. Upright Rowes
  4. Step Ups
  5. CDD’s
  6. Heels to Heaven
  7. Squats
  8. Freddie Merks
  9. Plank Jax
  10. Mountain Climbers
  11. Toy Soldiers
  12. Flutter Kicks
  13. Peter Parkers
  14. Parker Peters
  15. SSh’s
  16. Calf Raises
  17. Monkey Humpers
  18. Windshield Wipers
  19.  Penguins
  20. LBC’s
  21. MNC’s
  22. Merkins

7:55 we stopped to end with 22 merkins for the vets.

All got a great workout this morning.  There was lots of great fellowship as always.

It was and honor and privilege Gentlemen.




Clock Work at Gashouse

Gashouse 5/20/23
Warmup with the Painlab guys.
SSH, Cotton Pickers, Hillbillies, ROL stretches, leg stretches on ground, Merkins. (Some of these did not meet the exacting standards of some Pax but we persevered). Timeframe is the Q for the Painlab guys and will have their backblast. A nice sized group of 11 bootcampers with Sargento joining somewhere along the way so let’s roll.

Mosey across the road to the far side middle of Parkwood Baptist parking lot.
Filthy Fifty Pain Clock – Start in the center (Clavin tried to help keep us returning to the same spot but I kept messing it up). Everyone stay together. Try to picture the parking lot as a big clock, no not a digital clock. Run to 12 o’clock, 50 reps of exercise, back to center, run to 1 o’clock, 50 reps of something, back to center, etc. all the way around to 11 o’clock. I thought our clock looked pretty good on Strava.
Flutters (count right leg),
MNC’s, (SA loves those)
Freddy Mercuries (count right leg),
Calf Raises,
Imperial Walkers (count right side),
Plank Jacks,
Overhead Claps.

Mosey to Presbyterian church to find blocks (not the official 35 pounders but my 24 pounders).
Curls x 30
OH Press x 30
Shrugs x 30
On Your Six Chest Press x 40
Triceps Ext x 30
Rows x 15 each arm
Swings x 30
Repeat Curls x 30

Mosey to Presbyterian back bottom parking lot closer to their ball field for Georgia Pine or Meet in The Middle. Partner up and run in opposite directions to the middle parking lot. When you meet, P1 squat holds while P2 does 5 burpees. Flapjack. Repeat until each partner has done 25 burpees. Meet back at the start. Round 2 is Plank Hold and Merkins x 10, up to 50 merkins each but most made 3 rounds. Round 3 we didn’t get to for time.

I try to have a theme or quote from someone dispersed throughout the workout when the Pax (or likely myself) may need a rest. Here are a few I read today mostly on Perseverance.
1. “If you can’t outplay them, outwork them.” ~ Ben Hogan
2. “What you lack in talent can be made up with desire, hustle and giving 110% all the time.” ~ Don Zimmer
3. “Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.” ~ George Bernard Shaw
4. “You just can’t beat the man who won’t give up” ~ Babe Ruth
5. “Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, first make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by a**holes.” ~ William Gibson (Whoopee finished this one for us)
6. “Nobody ever wrote down a plan to be broke, fat, lazy, or stupid. Those things are what happen when you don’t have a plan.” ~ Larry Winget
7. (One of my favorites) 1 Corinthians 16:13 NASB “Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.” Apostle Paul

Announcements: 2nd F Lunch at The Lodge Wednesday 5/24 at noon
Town of Lowell BBQ Event today

Prayer Requests
Sargento’s Uncle
Ratchet son Jackson Hall is coming home from cancer treatments today
Kids graduating

**NMM Always a pleasure to Q at the original Gashouse site of my first post ever. Thanks to all of the Pax who posted today and got just a little bit better. Whoopee tried to sing but it didn’t go well. Great to see Medicine Woman as we go way back to “the leg” days. Stroganoff ran over 5 fast miles EC. Sister Act usually has more to say but I guess he misses his buddy Slaw who was away with Broke on a couples retreat I think. We got in 3 miles and a lot of reps so it was a good morning.

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