Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: January 2023 (Page 14 of 14)

Last One Of 2022

Big crowd for the last Prison Break of 2022. We had a few new regulars this year including Camelia, Pall Bearer, Rum Runner, and Chubbs. Great to see you guys out there throughout the year as well as all of the regulars. Looking forward to 2023!

Anybody Got a Pen? (Crossroads 1/1/23)

Another wet misty morning at Crossroads to kick off the new year!  The usual suspects launched around 6:10 for 7.  The rest of us rucked or ran 3 to 5.  Great crowd (17 HIM), not unlike your local Planet Fitness for at least the 1st month of the year… the Pushing Rocks challenge is in full swing.  Although, Broke did offer up a couple of Team Midoriyama Misfits for the transfer portal!!!  Pledge, COT, & Broke prayed us out.  Moved inside for Q-Source on the 8-block goal setting system.  Sorry, not one of my whole pack of pens worked (yes, Mayor before you reply back, we all know that YOU had one that did cause you’re a boyscout like that and all) so we just discussed the block with the hopes that all will complete later.  Post it somewhere that’s visible to you so you can refer back often and hold each other accountable.  It was a pleasure to lead you guys today.  Thanks.

No announcements

Prayer Requests:  Gumby’s Mom, Wirenut’s family, Ozark’s family, Huckleberry, Turtleman, (may have missed a couple others since my video stopped?

A Q unlike any other

Gavel was sick so somebody had to step in the gap.

We warmed up. We moseyed to the deepest, darkest part of the Martha’s House Forest for some burpees and then four corners in the dark. Stroganoff and Maybelline stepped up for some set pieces in the parking lot that got the PAX all swole and sweaty. It was great.

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