Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: July 4, 2022

1776 at Sandlot

Big crowd at Sandlot for an Independence Day special. Lots of PAX pulling a double in hopes of hanging with the legendary Dr. Seuss in the chase for the skillet. As a matter of fact, the only PAX who posted at The Sword and didn’t make it to Sandlot were Freight and Mayor. You hate to see it, if you see either of these PAX extend them the hand of fellowship and see if you can help motivate them to do better.

After a disclaimer and pledge we moseyed to the parking lot in the park for a short warmup. There were a couple of suggestions for 1776 themed workouts posted on Slack this past week, but YHC decided to come up with his own. Here’s how it went:


– one mile run

7 – seven exercises (Merkins, squats, big boys, IW squats, CDD’s, American hammers and flutter kicks)

76 – reps of each exercise (3 rounds – 25, 25, 26)


Still some time on the clock so let’s keep the theme going.

17 – burpees

76 – seal jacks


17 – Mike Tysons

76 – LBC’s


17 – werkins

76 – mountain climbers


Time to most back to the flag for the COT.



Discussed how blessed we are to live in the greatest country in the world. Even with all the issues out there, we still take for granted that we have an abundance of blessings that others are literally fighting to obtain.


F3 Dad’s camp

F3 Dad’s workout at Gashouse on 7/23

Convergence 7/16

Tubing end of July


Prayer Request

Brokes’s M

Striper’s brother

Wirenut family and unspoken

Gumby mom



Nutria’s brother in law

Sarlaac’s daughter

Simpson family

PAX travels

Each other


Def Leppard took us out.

Great work by all the PAX this morning and awesome to have such a big group. Thanks to Flintstone for reaching out and asking me to Q. I haven’t Q’ed many boot camps since March due to my back, but this was what I needed to start getting me back on track.

I’m Broke

Drooling Vegetables

6 of us posted and did something.  JJ and Stroganoff took down the full Coconut Horse loop, while the rest of us put one foot in front of the other and ended up where we started.

5 stayed for Q Source on Correction.  Lots was discussed, but the bottom line is Standards are important, and Correction is necessary when those Standards should be met, but aren’t.

The best part was when Roscoe started reciting lines from memory from his work as a stunt double in the Naked Gun movies.  There’s a 50/50 chance it happened… though there’s only a 10% chance of that.

Yabba Dabba Doo

Crossroads 03-JUL-22 (Jester-Q1.4)

Run, Ruck, Ride – those were the options.

Announcements: 7/5 Dads Camp Tickets on sale, 7/16 Convergence at Folsom, 7/23 Dads workout at Gashouse, 7/30 Tubing Green River,

Prayers: Huckleberry, Turtleman, Wirenut, Broke




We discussed the Jester.  That is the temptation of the flesh that pulls you away from your personal alignment.  Figure out what that is and keep peeling the onion to make sure you know and identify what your jester is.  If a drinker, why do you drink, etc.  Come and support Double Stack on his lead next week where we are discussing the M.  He’s a young man that is stepping up.  It should be interesting to see a different perspective.

Be Ready

11 pax worked on being sheetz ready at the Sword this morning. We also discussed being heaven ready. Luke 12:35-40 is the get right and leave right for your soul. Matthew 24:29-31,36 We don’t know when he is coming back but we better be ready.


Announements-F3 Dads at gashouse later this month(don’t ask Mayor where that is), 2nd F lunch coming soon, tubing 7/30

Prayer request-Gumby’s mom, Broke’s wife’s surgery


I’m growing concerned with the lack of modesty I’m seeing in the pax. Between the tights and ranger panties there isn’t a lot left to the imagination. I mean if you’re rocking a 1″ inseam and we don’t see your justifier I do feel bad for you but lets just leave that at home!


8 pax started their Sunday with either a run, ruck, or ride. After words we discussed correction over coffee. T-claps to all of you and your dedication to getting better each and everyday!


Announcements-tubing 7/30, 2nd f lunch coming up sometime/somewhere,

Prayer Request-Tesla’s wife and family, Broke’s wife surgery

A great day for Folsom

After a recent Q at Old School YHC knew that a Folsom Q was in order as well.  The land of beards, trucks, excessive mumblechatter,  and “candor”.  YHC arrived after setting up a pain station on the way in and was immediately met with “you aren’t in a truck” and “you don’t even have a beard!”  While all the trucks were parked on the right side of the parking lot, YHC put his sedan on the other side all by itself and was shamed for this move as well.

Unfortunately, my 2.0 had “borrowed” my JBL speaker and the bluetooth wasn’t connecting immediately when it was time to start the workout.  (Technical Difficulties)

Gear Wrench hit me with “I remember my first Q too!”   You have to appreciate good candor!

Once the music started playing, we opened up to the patented “Raining Blood” warmup to get the blood flowing and then moseyed to the tennis courts.  We alternated bear crawling one tennis court and then doing hand release merkin burpee long jumps across the next all the way to the end and then moseyed back.  Once we regrouped we moseyed to the flag at the front of the park for the pledge.  Then we moseyed to the parking lot for the Thang:

Pick a parking spot.  Each spot had a sheet of paper with a number of reps for an exercise.  These included 10 burpees, 10 8-Count Bodybuilders, 20 Squat Jumps, 30 merkins, 40 LBC’s, 60 calf raises, 50 Plank Jacks, 70 seal jacks, and 80 Flutters.  After an exercise take a lap around the lot and return to the next parking spot to the right of the original space.  Most PAX were close to finishing two rounds.

At the bottom of the concrete bleachers, 10 lunges each leg and then step up to the next stair and do 5 squats on each step to the top and do 10 more lunges each leg.  We then moseyed back to the start for some Mary led by Sarlacc and then closed with this:  All Pax try to get to 100 reps of each exercise with the first PAX hitting 100 calling it out so the rest stop.  Wichita was the early favorite to complete 100 merkins.  I am not sure who finished first but Hacksaw jumped up and let out a scream of motivation.  I think the next exercise was 100 mountain climbers and then we closed out with 100 High knees.

Due to Hacksaw being today’s war daddy as well as getting in EC and his enthusiasm to attach each rep like his namesack “Hacksaw Buzz Sawyer”, he earned MVP for the workout.  Great example Hacksaw!

Lots of prayer requests:

Sarlacc’s brother

Striper’s brother




Purple Haze’s M and Sister

Defib’s buddy with cancer

Jim Ramsay (Purple Haze’s neighbor)

David Jackson with cancer

In the praise column, Hacksaw’s mom and Sargento’s clean biopsy

We followed up with a quality breakfast at Time Out.

Happy 4th of July men.  We are blessed to be Americans and to live free!



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