• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 05/05/2022
  • AO: Midoriyama
  • QIC: Freight
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Wirenut, Broke. Dr Seuss, Def Leppard, Slaw, Defib, Easy Rider, Oompa loompa

9 Respects ,or very close to it, posted on Cinco de Mayo at Midoriyama for what turned out to be a really tough workout. If you didn’t see the nation email that came out last week out Nations Nantan Slaughter said he’s seen a lot of ussys with a P at some workouts lately. Well those weren’t his exact words. Ok maybe those were clearly mine. Either way you need to push hard at the workouts and do the actual reps! Don’t worry about being fast. Do the reps! Will doing all of those squats at an actual full bend hurt? Yes. Will moving your entire body up and down during a merkin start to hurt? Yes. That’s what happens in order to get stronger and when you see your brother cutting himself short let him know in a brotherly love kinda way. Anyway my intent was to make this one tough. Well I always try but I put a little extra stink on this one.


Slaughter starter-20 burpees oyo

The Thang:

Partner up and get a block for the pair. We stayed on the backside of the fence near where we keep the blocks.

Dore 12345. She’s a big girl now and can count higher. Plus it’s cinco day.

100 merkins

200 squats

300 lbc

400 seal jacks

500 back scratchers

Partner rifle carries the block down two light poles and back and switch.

Wirenut stated it wasn’t far enough until a couple rounds in we all agreed it was. The seal jacks were surprisingly hard after all the rifle carries. We were all pretty smoked at this point but we still had plenty of time.

Triple Nickel aka Tres Cinco we did several rounds of this.

5 hand release, 5 ssh, 5 dying cockroach(count one side)

5 lunges(count one side), Freddy Mercury(count one side), Diamond merkins

5 step ups(count one side), 5 dips, 5 derkins

Final push we did a Slaughter Finish-20 burpees oyo



Announcements-there is a rumor about a convergence

Prayer Request-Several college graduates, several family members, Turtle man


I think I said enough at the top but strong work by everyone in attendance today!