Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: March 2019 (Page 5 of 10)

Hooligans Out Here Rock Blockin’!

As part of my ongoing effort to Q all of F3 Gastonia, I picked up one of the open Q slots at Midori-ya-mama. While I have posted there several times and know most of those guys well, I felt a little nervous as I didn’t want to go overboard running with the P200 coming up, but I wanted to make sure I left the guys with a solid workout. The Trail O Tears workout went so well at Painlab and Folsom that I figured why not just rinse and repeat. Swimmer confirmed there was a secret stash of blocks hidden in the woods so I decided no reason to bug Sparky and get his.

I pull into Poston Park just in time for a quick lap around the park in my truck for recon. I got in a little stretching and exchanged some pleasantries. 5:30 hits, let’s clock in and get to it!


SSH 20 IC – a little chatter about how I started these so I picked up the pace and got a few extras in to reel in the natives. With Freight, Sister Act, Oompa, and Pizza Man among others in the group, there will be no shortage of advice and smart ass-ery today!

Mountain Climbers 15 IC

Toy Soldiers 10 IC – if you come to my Q, I always do these to stretch my legs one last time!

Morrocan Night Clubs while we wait for a few late arrivers.

Let’s Mosey across the street.


First up on the Trail O Tears is always Route 66 – lunge walk to every other line, do Mike Tysons. 1 at the first stop, 2 at the 2nd…increasing to 11.

Next up is always Route 66 with a bear crawl. Crawl to every other line and do Bobby Hurleys. 1 at the first stop. 2 at the 2nd l, increasing to 11. I notice Sister Act leading a fellowship mosey in the 6. WTF! He says he and he and his group were doing their Route 66 the other direction. There are doubters of his statements! Hey, you vs you playa!

Lets mosey to the soccer field in the right corner for some core work!

Circuit 1
LBCs 15 IC
Rosalitas 15 IC
Big Boys 15 single count

Rinse and repeat

Circuit 2
Flutter Kicks 15 IC
Crossover LBCs 15 IC right leg, 15 IC left leg
X-Crunches 10 single count

Quick time check amd I need to move on so I skipped round 2.

This is where my weinke went off the rails. We walknover to the woods and the blocks have been smashed! NOOOOOOO! We have some fools out here Rock Blocking!!!! That is the physical upperbody beat down that makes the workout complete, IMO. I was a little frustrated but it is what is, the Q has to adapt amd I now have 15 minutes to fill! Lets Mosey!

I am scanning the terrain debating 11s and triple nickels and settle on using one of the rear soccer fields for Dora 1, 2, 3. Partner up, 100 Merkins, 200 Flutter Kicks (thanks Slaw for the assist), and 300 LBCs. Turns out, in hindsight, this probanly worked out well for me personally. Running on that field is is very soft which is good for my tired legs and hips. I missed running Sunday so gettig a little extra running and high paced cardio was a good thing loading up to the P200. We were approaching the end of our time as we wrapped up so we mosey back to the flag.

Sister Act led 22 for the vets. My watch said 6:15 but evidently it os 2 minutes fast sp we got in a few burpees OYO. Time!

Announcements: P200, Folsom and other AOs open this Saturday, Crossroads will be closed Sunday due to the P200. Convergence 3/30 at Folsom, 3rd F event 4/12 (come to this!!!) Bible Study at Allen Tate’s house next Thursday. I think that was all of then. We had many prayer requests: a friend of Wojo facong a lot of difficulties, Allen Tate’s mom, Rockabilly’s back injury, those battling addiction, Oompa’s mom, Pockets’ family. YHC took us out in prayer. Pledge to the flag and nameorama to wrap it up.

Moleskin: I have a ton of respect for the guys that post at Midoriayama. It was an honor to be out there leading today. Guys like Slaw and Def had encouraged me all as much as anyone along my F3 journey! Guys like Freight and Pizza Man set the tone and have motivated me and I see then as the chiseled vets (well, at least Pizza Man is chiseled LOL). Sister Act gives everyone a hard time but he always has my back. He constantly picks up Qs at Folsom when he isn’t doing dance dad stuff and he has had a big hand in making Folsom a consistent beatdown on Saturdays. I have seen him go from near the front to always out front! Blart is always a steady-Eddie. He is faster than I am and I have always seen him as a guy I can chase after and he will make me better…and I did during the CSAUP Relay! Oompa has run with me when I was recovering from injury, given me a hard time when he finds the opportunity, and is one of my favorite guys in the gloom (my M really likes him too). I have posted with Swimmer many times and while he can bootcamp, he is known for his legendary bike rising and fertility. Always enjoy seeing him! Tyson is a normally quiet guy whonalwaysnseem to have a nice word to say..I always think of when he ran about 9 miles one day at Folsom to pick up the 6 for Tool Time..that day proved for me (amd several others) that I could run for distance. O have gotten to know Dr Seuss a bit more recently and look forward to spending tome woth him on the P200. We always joke to SA that Dr Seuss is a REAL HIM. Well, we aren’t lying. Those are the guys I know best, but I always hear good things about Virus, Wojo, and now Termite. Of course, Gumby and Tater Hole! Can’t forget my fellow weekday Folsom brothers who are killing it with 2-a-days right now. Gumby always impresses in workout, but also as a man! I habe know Tater Hole for about 3 months now and let’s just say he fits right in at Folsom. I can see his workouts will be the ones you really look forward too! I am glad you guys made it out there. Thanks to all of you guys!

K9 Veterans Day

Some Ran, Some Rucked, Some Walked. We did it all in honor of National K9 Veterans Day. Thank you for your service puppers!



Prayers requests

Thank you Folsom PAX for allowing me to lead. I have yet another AO I can check off of places I’ve Q’d. Only one more remains!




That’s Jacked Up

No, I’m not referring to the leg either. Wanted to get these HIMs that come out to Bulldog Jacked Up for Spring/Summer. No soccer arms ’round here.



Jacked Up (F3 Exicon Name)

SSH x 50 IC
Seal Jacks x 40 IC
Plank Jacks x 30 IC – I “Jacked up” the cadence call on this, not once but twice. In the end we still did 30 IC.
Crossover Jacks x 20 IC
Lil Gumby’s In The Woods (AKA Smurf Jacks) x 10 IC

The Thang:

Bears & Bells

Get into Bear Crawl position with your Kettlebell on the pavement between your feet. Reach between your legs and pull the bell across the pavement passed your head. Now, bear crawl forward until the bell is between your feet again, and keep repeating across the length of the parking lot which was 65 Yards.


Kettlebell one arm overhead. Walk 30 yards and switch arms.


7’s – Renegade row (1 each arm is 1) at one end, Farmer Carry 30 yards, Curls at the other end, Farmer Carry back


Kettlebell Swings x 20
Little Gumby’s in the woods x15
Kettlebell Curls x 20
Diamond Merkins x15
Kettlebell Rows x 20
Mountain Climbers x15
American Hammers x 20 (count Right side only)
Plank Jacks x15
Tricep Extensions x 20
Burpees 5
Goblet Squats x 20
Monkey Humpers x15
Single Arm Bench Press x 20 (10 each arm)
Crab Cakes x15
Single Arm Shoulder Press  x 20 (10 each arm)
MNC x15
Dead Lift x 20
Chilly Jack’s x15
Upright Rows x 20 or 10 each arm
Plank jacks x15




Mentioned the F3 Mental Battle on 3/27. Briefly touched on depression, anxiety and other mental health things. Encouraged PAX to listen to C-SPANS roundtable/podcast on the topic. As we only have two workouts on Wednesdays, we will expand the Mental Battle to Tuesday and Thursday next week to cover more AO’s. End your workout at 0605 to allow extra time in COT to talk about topic.


SFN-CFN April 13th

Convergence March 30th

Mt. Mitchell Climb May 5th

Bible Study at Allen Tate’s house next Thursday 3/28 – Kingdom Man is the topic

Prayer requests:

Honey Do’s family, VooDoo’s family, Watt’s Up family & Mayor

YHC took us out.


Mayor, glad you came out this morning. I always enjoy having you at a workout as you seem to bring laughter to the PAX. I know you are battling some health issues right now but continue to push through and push the rock. Thanks to Pedal for volunteering to lead Bulldog next week. Thanks to Watt’s Up for stepping up and taking PainLab Q when most are going to be gone for P200.

PainLab Site Q Open Position

Leadership is a skill that a person must learn and master during their lifetime rather than an attribute of their character with which they are born. As a skill, it is like learning to play the piano. If it were an attribute, it would be like having blue eyes or a square jaw.

Because it is a skill, a person must commit to learning to lead in the same way that they would learn to play the piano. The degree to which they will ultimately master it will depend both upon their natural ability and their willingness to practice. Because we are all born with some leadership ability, even a man with very little natural skill can still be an effective leader if he is willing to practice hard. But a man who will not practice at all will never master the skill even if he is born with the heart of a lion. The decision to become an effective leader is volitional. No one else can make it for you.”

            – F3 Q Source


F3 is more than a workout. It’s also about growing a man and teaching leadership. It has been almost one year since I took over PainLab as Site Q from Rudolph. I have been and always will be passionate about this AO. It offers so much too many PAX that cannot do a Bootcamp due to injury or other physical limitations. By no means is this an easy workout AO. We push the boundaries of what can be accomplished with low to no joint impact, while still being able to raise the heart rate to that of a Bootcamp or Running AO.

I am looking to pass the torch to another HIM in the region that has this same PASSION.

I am looking for someone that is ready to take the next step to becoming a LEADER.

I am looking for YOU.

Are you willing to step up and be a leader??

When: Torch will be officially passed over to a true HIM on May 18th, 2019.

PainLab is located at GasHouse on Saturdays 0700-0800. Although we are a separate AO, we will always warmup, end with Mary & COT with Bootcampers. If there is a convergence, you will be responsible for having a PainLab option. This ensures we are inclusive to all PAX at such a large gathering of HIMs.

Job Requirements

  1. The F3 Ambassadors, if you will. Every man’s first impression of F3 will likely be guided by the work of these men. This is where the rubber really meets the road.
  2. He makes sure that the core principles are kept intact, which is impossible to do if HE ISN’T THERE. So, the inferred commandment is, BE THERE. Every time. Period.
  3. He plants the flag for the AO, makes folks feel welcome, makes sure the disclaimer is correctly spoken, picks up the 6, etc.
  4. He manages safety for the site (don’t post if there is a bunch of lightning, that sort of thing).
  5. He manages the Q schedule. Practices Voluntoldism…
  6. He sells the AO, the Qs, and the Mission of F3.
  7. He harasses Qs to write BBs, etc.
  8. Has social media skills


  1. Drive
  2. Ambition


If you are interested, please contact me:

Twitterbox: @JeffWeidman

Cell: 704-964-1994





First and Last VQ

Good group of 6 showed this morning in a crisp 40 degrees. Lots of people hurting and resting from injury or for the P200 so I was surprised we had that many. 


10 Side strattle hops

10 daisy pickers

10 imperial walkers



Mosey over to the tennis courts for a few rounds of 4 corners. 

Round 1: 7 – jump lunges at each of the 4 corners

Round 2: 14 merkins 

Round 3: 21 LBCs

Round 4: 28 squats

Round 5: 21 shoulder taps

Round 6: 14 flutter kicks

Round 7: 7 burpees

Next exercise:

Run between the 1st and 3rd court on your own and knock out:

70 SSHs 

140 mountain climbers


Circle up for some CORE

10 Big boy reach for the sky sit ups (reach straight back, reach for the sky, reach for your toes)

Freddie Mercury’s

American hammers

Straight Leg lifts

More big boys



2 more laps around the tennis courts and head back to the YANK


Prayer requests; 

Lion King’s family

P200 personnel and training

Lots of guys nursing injuries



A little grey matter for the grey coupon

Two weeks ago I Q’d a ruck inspired workout that Voodoo hated to have missed …. lucky HIM I had already created the framework for today’s beat down during that event … funny how the mind works . The following week Voodoo was present at Neverland as I asked our site Q if next week was open …. yes … I’ll take it …. Voodoo ? …. your wish is my command … come next week … limited running if at all.
There were 2 tweets billing this event as working a muscle we men rarely use and that the M will be so pleased we were present today. Some questioned what this could mean …. seems many were inspired or just plain ole damn curious as I began …. a little differently ….
We pledged and as I raised my arms to my side explained that today’s workout would be up to you as to the level of intensity ( beginning MNC in moderate pace ) telling all present to speed up intensity or slow ….. to ….. a ……. Gastone ……………… level ………………….. ..during the warm up there were no cadence counts …. in fact there was only one in the final 6 minutes if the overall workout.  Today would be visual …. following Q s actions and there will be a cerebral ( dat deres special talk fer brain power ) element added in for new challenges. This was the new muscle rarely used as I’m sure all of us at some point have heard the M say “ What were you thinking?” “ Use your head ….( at this time Time Frame correctly guessed that yes I meant the head above not the one 2 feet lower !

We also performed IW and heel raises ending with LBCs

Lets mosey …. around Snoballs at which I waited to hear grumbling from Voodoo at the lack of coupons and pacing …. but wait… we came back to my truck as I open the tailgate exposing a treasure trove of coupons calling all present … heard some marvel at the number of them bug I was unsure how many might show and besides while unloading last time I sent one into early retirement as it fell on s kettlebell when unloading . And if any were wondering … yes there are smaller alternatives in case any 2.0s may have been present. Later today when unloading in fact my 2.0 CapN Crunch asked what we did with these and I explained and demoed a blockee which he too wanted to attempt but I forbid his using a full size opting instead for a half size …. he was impressed at the exertion required!

now we are ready and head over to the back side of building at driveway entrance where I explain that some of the pax are now exposed to rough waters that they must get out of quickly  part of today’s exercises will be determined by the pax who must solve a puzzle ….. growing up I always loved working puzzles word finds riddles and other such and in the 90s was given a game called MindTrap of which I tested the pax several times such as to begin “ a truck 15 feet 2 inches drives trough town tries to go through an underpass with 15 feet clearance signs and gets stuck … how do you release the truck w/o damaging the bridge ?” JK2 with the swift  and correct response of take air out of the tires !

Now our next challenge is the river ( street in actuality ) that we must cross making sure our coupons remain dry …. there were a few ticks of the clock and someone called hold over head ….” yes! Cusack! “ I cry…I also disclaim for those present to stay alert to any traffic once over we shoulder our burdens and meander to former Doctors office where we lay coupons down 10 squats now … Blockees !! 5 only then box jumps and reshoulder  burden over to sign telling us some nonsense about private property blah blah blah

Halt ! We must determine safest exercise to cross this mine field we are now in front of ( I do realize how ridiculous this sounded but felt it would add to the mumble chatter and was i right) many looked puzzled and I explained let’s lunge walk as many asked what mines were in the ground how many how big the explosions or destructive …. somewhere in here asked another Mind Trap question “ a plane departs New York City carrying 523 passengers and 10 crew bound for Alaska . However, along the way the plane crashes across the border in Canada. Where do you bury the survivors? “ answer came quickly you don’t bury survivors!

Gastone led us in flutters 51! My age ! Island never stopped at least until he saw he was being left behind as we went to the wall and attempted to cross other side at lowest point …. caution must be taken as there is a second drop many of us found !! Sargento easily walked over the wall coupon shouldered acting like it was an anthill and Turtleman…… OMG …. we puzzled whether he went to drain the turtle or just search for turtles in the woods ! While we waited on him we now did 10 triceps presses and meander to the dock where i start to deliver new challenge but JK2 …. swift as a fox ( if there’s ever a mental challenge he’s on my team!) figures out solution before the query as we are to build a staircase because the challenge is for us to climb up to top of deck w/o using hands to pull up crab walk down ramp rinse repeat collect a block and meander to parking lot for new challenge …..

“All pax and coupons must make it to the other side of parking lot but half carry the load while the other half moves quicker than the others “ it took a minute for the pax to puzzle out that we were to partner up and one would farmer carry two blocks ( tweet last week saying this was little used rucking exercise needed to be implemented ) and p2 would run to other side hand off and continue … we then went back to original side where I asked our final Mind Trap question that none guessed “ I saw an arctic fox chasing a snowshoe rabbit in the snow. How was this possible?”

Many of these questions are worded to mislead you either with irrelevant info like the last question with the number of passengers and this one uses your thinking of white on white on white or even thinking I said it was snowing …. but the simple answer was that it was daytime! Final challenge time we are facing a raging river not too deep that we must cross …. in truth an island about 6 of 7 feet and we are to use blocks to build an unusual bridge ( should’ve taken picture ) but the pax worked this one out even collecting blocks on way out with the exception of Turtleman who felt he was half Turtle anyway and tossed his block waaaayyy over another direction … also noticed Hipaa brave the waters for a special rescue of block !!! Well done ! Shoulder and meander to the bank for dips burpees box jumps and s few squats for about 3 rounds …. shoulder again and return to truck and called for someone to call final exercise while we finished loading …. Turtleman with the save of another random number flutters … Gastone kept calling numbers all over the board …. so who knows

announcements of p200 this weekend

convergence Folsom March 30

Community Foundation run / speed for need and Gastone grabs the final chair !! Well done sir!

may 5 Mt Mitchell 51/2 up and 5  1/2 down


Gentlemen … I had a blast creating this in my mind and recreating it for all of you…. I hope that it was enjoyed as well

And let  me leave you with one more puzzle “ my vacation home has all four sides facing south . How is that possible? “

was it the most intense workout? Hell no! It was created as the cousin of the one from 2 weeks ago …. kind of like the brains vs brauns…. so who won? Why the pax for sure ! Will my next boot camp Q be similar r? Hell no again! I’m constantly trying new challenges and new ways to keep it lively and real . Point in case this was my first time posting more than a week … 8 days straight( no…. you won’t see my tomorrow , sorry wearing down ) but I have new challenges for rest of month for self …. I am always amazed and strongly influenced and even encouraged by so many of you HIMs like Hipaa who , when I plan on a 7 day posting he Qs 7 days straight !!! Another HIM from this morning I want you guys to encourage us Gumby ,   This HIM has posted some 18 times in 16 days and wants to continue longer this month but admitted to me that he feels the batteries are wearing down ….. you see him you URGE him ON!!

one final note …. big time q fail on the HW …. yes there was to be homework but not in the traditional sense , will I post it here …. NO! It will be more impactful in person rather than being read  … all will understand … in fact it’s similar to what i spoke to Island Watts Up and Bed Pan on Friday

As the saying goes …. always leave them wanting more……


Sparky Run

3/17/2019 Sparky’s House
Sparky sent out a Slack invitation to everyone to his house for an afternoon run mostly for P200 training so I was asked to do a backblast. The backblast is not so much for skillet credit but to annoy a certain Pax who shall remain nameless but his name rhymes with Mister Jacked. We ran close to 5 miles on a beautiful, warm afternoon with nice scenery and several long, rolling hills. Freight and Sparky ran a little extra as they were going back for the six. Round-up was leading the way. Great to see Allen Tate back out today. He said this was his first run since he was at the hospital a few weeks back with high blood pressure and he was chugging right along.

Crisp Morning in Dallas NC

3/17/2019 Crossroads
15 men. 8 men ran. Round-up ran EC and fast. He said he had some rest from running this week and felt great today. Sister Act and Dr. Seuss ran a fast 5 under 8 minute pace. Broke tried to pull me for 5 miles but I couldn’t catch that guy! I saw Oompa running across the bridge pretty fast. Sparky was delayed at the start as he often is but put in a few miles. Bedpan logged some miles despite hurting a little. 7 men rucked. The ruckers were out in full force this morning with Pizza Man bringing an FNG Dusty Pepper from Stanley now known as F3 Push It. Evidently he also knows Sister Act but maybe he will show again anyway. His F3 name has something to do with some song by some group called Salt and Pepper which was after my time but everyone seemed to agree that it was a good name. A couple of Dukies knowing the FNG is a big Carolina Tarheel fan tried to name him Zion but not on my watch boys!
Word about seeking help if you are down or depressed. Talk to someone, see your doctor. Also a word about being thankful. I have to remind myself to be thankful for America, be thankful for good health and be thankful for my family and so many blessings and thankful for the good friends in F3. Great way to start a Sunday morning!

Convergence at Folsom Saturday, March 30th at 7:00 am.
3rd F Event Friday evening April 12th at 7:00 p.m. at New Covenant Church Gastonia (thanks Hushpuppy) with Tool Time speaking (you gotta love that).
Community Foundation Run Saturday, April 13th with F3 Gastonia pushing the Speed for Need chariots so sign up. Hipaa Q.
Hike at Mount Mitchell on Sunday, May 5th. Gaston Q.

Prayer Requests
Oompa’s mother
Pockets family in the loss of his uncle

The Tyson Challenge

It’s been a rough month personally, with health just sucking.  I wanted Painlab two weeks ago to screw with Whoopee, who I knew I’d  have to step the game up to compete with on Q level, but Montross had it.  I got gassed during that workout, Montross brought it.  I got gassed bad.  Worst ever.  So another 2 weeks of recoup and now let’s start the road back to my standard.  Still too skinny….

I also enjoyed screwing with Shortsale on Slack as he and Whoopee are a lot alike in terms of diligence of Q’ing.  Fun fact: if you piss Shortsale off he responds quickly with a “to hell with it, I’ll kill you” style.  I love it.  I called for Boxing workout earlier in the week as Boxing is the best mix of cardio and muscle building.  While travelling this week I remember reading about the Mike Tyson workout….check this out:  5 mile run, 2000 crunches, 500 push-ups, 500 dips, 500 shrugs, 500 neck bridges…..BEFORE HE STARTED HIS WORKOUTS OF THE DAY.  Let’s rock:

Boxing quick lesson: jab, straight, hook and uppercut.  Flapping your arm is not a punch.  Conviction, and off-hand defense.  Boxing is the sport of kings, I mean, scramble a man’s brains and now you’re talking.

Warm-up:  SSH, Squats, MNC, IW, Merkins, LBC.

Follow the leader: using the steps, follow me:  level 1 is bear crawl, level 2 is lunge, level 3 is crab walk, level 4 is karyoka one way, level 5 is karyoka another way.  Plank for 6.  Warm-up is over.

Tyson Challenge:  easy stuff.  I set a timer for 15 minutes.  15 minutes of PLAY-TIME (shout out to Macho Man Randy Savage).  First level is 20 Squats.  To move to level 2 you owe me 5 burpees.  Level 2 is 20 Merkins.  To move to level 3 you owe me 4 burpees.  Level 3 is 20 Dips.  To move to Level 4 you owe me 3 burpees.  Level 4 is 20 LBC’s.  To move to level 5 you owe me 2 burpees.  Level 5 is neck bridges.  To move to level 5 you owe me 1 burpee.

Repeat.  I put a piece of chalk out and you mark a tally when you complete that circuit.  No rest, just grind.  We had 7 guys, and 21 tally marks, so we caught a lot of guys half-way through the last set.  Hats off to Defib who led the pack after running 8 miles EC.  Tough.

Tyson Circuit:  I played around a bit here, but 1 minute per station, and we had:

Decline Diamond Merkin (yes, this is a thing.  I love it).

Kettlebell Swings (thanks HIPAA)

Wall Squats

Heavy Bag work (I taped a mattress to a pole and let folks tee off.  I miss my heavy bag).



Rope unders (stretched a rope between some chairs, move under each side while throwing an uppercut each side….remember Rocky 4?)

Muscle Work:  Curls to overhead presses and/or tri-cep extension.  3 sets, roughly 10-15 reps of each per set.  Wax-On (FNG) has got some game, watch-out.

Shadow-Box:  same old routine, I call it and you do it.  2- 3 rounds.  Calling this out while doing it is just dreadful, and it’s just what the doctor ordered to get my arse back in good shape.

Mary:  VooDoo carried the torch, along with Watts-Up, and others.  The rest of the Bootcampers join, freaking HIPAA pulls out an exercise I’d like to make love to, TIME.

ANNOUNCEMENTS:  P200 driver needed, I think Broke took it later today.  Monk is leaving us this Summer!  What a bummer.  Not sure I can think of a more foundational lodestone to F3 Gastonia than Monk.  This is like one of our lungs leaving.  Very sad to learn, but so happy for him.   Convergence in 2 weeks at Folsom, Painlab will be there.  Also, Linus and I have been speaking….Gashouse Bootcamp needs number.  It is the premier recruiting event for F3 Gastonia.  First F3 ever we had 35 guys.  It’s a hard thing to figure out, because FNG’s will want to hide sometimes amongst the crew, and also be inspired by the number.  GET THE ATTENDANCE UP.

FNG- Welcome Wax-On.  Great work sir.  VooDoo – get him on the Twitter.

Prayers and Cares:  Honey-do (sp?) was on my mind a lot as he suffered a lot of losses, but still got out there and grinded out Painlab.  Hats off to you sir.  Takes a real HIM to get out here and do this, I hope you found some clarity and fun mixing it up.  Damn tough.  We had other health concerns, I apologize for not recording in more detail.   Just say a prayer to God for the prayers that took place at 8:10 at the Schiele Museum in Gastonia today, and I think God knows what we all are aksing 😉

MOLESKIN – ah, not much here, I love watching Shortsale get mad because he gets physical.  What a great dude, and if you haven’t read his half-marathon backblast do so.  I hope he’s in consideration for Nantan someday.  Roscoe, Stroganoff, Quiche, Defib and VooDoo did EC.  That is so tough, some of them did 8 freaking miles.  Just tremendous, and all of them are as strong of leaders as they are committed to physical excellence.

Painlab is just the best though.  Music, great guys, pumping iron, reminds me of old football locker-rooms and boxing gyms.  Watching HIPAA take lead and be as commensurate with his physical improvement is just the tops. Always an honor to Q, be real y’all.




Road Kill

3 of Gastonia’s finest assembled for another helping of Diablo Sammich. We were in a hurry, so we started with the pledge then took off like…..well we got out of there on time and started to ruck. All had packs and the fellowship was epic. Every 3 minutes we did an exercise ranging from squats, Merkins, low slow squats, upright rows, flutter kicks, overhead presses, and a new exercise we made up on the fly called ROAD KILL. This is a GasHouse original as far as I can tell. Basically it is similar to a burpee but slower. The exercise starts in the standing position with ruck on, pax drop to the ground like a dead animal (choose your own position, preferably on the side and not in the middle of the road), then get back up. We went up Gastone’s hill, out to Union, back up Gastone’s hill again, then back to start for a quick round of exercises to finish up on time.

I have heard some chatter about more ruckers planning to come out after P200-looking forward to that. We’ve got a good solid group coming out here and would love to see it grow. It’s a great leg burn that can involve upper body as much or as little as the Q wants. I will have some 6-8 foot telephone poles out there for fun sometime soon.


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