Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: February 2024 (Page 3 of 16)

No DRP for Blart Today

It was 0625. Everyone was slowly pulling into the parking lot. There’s no sign of former site Q Blart at this point. As I get out Freight approached me and said he thought somebody must’ve stole my truck cause there was no way in hell he thought I was here early. Well I was. Still no Blart. 0630 hits and still no Blart. And just like a covey of quail everyone is off most in the same general direction with a few strays doing their own things. 0715 we’re all arriving back for the Pledge and COT. Where the hell is Blart? Oh well he must’ve take his Little Blue Pills instead. I guess the Site Q Curse is real.

Pledge, Announcements, Praises, and Prayers

Most headed in for coffee and discussion about what the DRP means to us and if we knew of anyone in sports, entertainment, business or politics that exemplified F3’s meaning of the DRP. It was tough but we did come up with a few examples. That’s a shame when you think about it but that’s the world we’re living in right now. All the more reason to keep doing what we’re doing men. Let’s keep pushing the rock and fighting the false narratives this world would have us believe to be truth. Now take your DRP and get after it.

Off the Hip

This morning 8 Great Apes 🦍 emerged from their fart sacks to take on a beat down in the gloom. There was even a wild Stogie lurking in the distance 🦧 doing his own thing.

General Warm up commenced the punishment.

We then moseyed to the senior center doing 10 big boys per light/whenever I said so. I believe we came close to 100 in total. From there we pledged it out and went to the adjacent lot. Dirty 11’s was the call with CDD’s on one end and HR Merkins on the other. After the uppers were smoked, we went to the horse track for more fun. Regular 11’s with Dips on one end and Inverted rows on the other. We moseyed back and had COT.

Announcements: Q school this weekend to better understand the “why” of F3 and how we run our workouts. This is a good opportunity for all new and seasoned PAX. Huck is undergoing a minor procedure that may not require him to have a transplant thank God. BallJoint’s sacrum is healing nicely per X-rays.

Mt Hollywood – Monday 2/26 – “Famous People”

The theme of the queue at Mt Hollywood on 2/26 was “Famous People”

Began at Mt Holly Middle School parking lot at 5:30am with OYO stretching, as well as Don Quixotes, Nolan Ryans, and Mike Tysons

Mosey to Oblinger Dentistry, then James Bonds (5 sets) & LL Cool J’s (5 sets)
Mosey next door to Mt Holly library, 3 sets of 30-second Al Gores, and 3 sets of 20 Freddy Mercurys (count each leg)

Mosey to Truist in downtown Mt Holly, then Bruce Lee’s (5 sets), 3 sets of 5 reps of Tigers (aka suspension merkins) and 12 reps of Dwight Howards (3 sets).

Mosey across street to behind Presbyterian Church parking lot. 5 sets of Mickey Mouse merkins, 5 sets of Blueprints (aka triple bears).

Mosey back to the Mt Holly library, then 5 David Lee Roth burpees, 5 Makhtar Ndiayes.

Mosey to auditorium steps right across street from Mt Holly Middle School, 3 sets of 5 reps of Paula Abdul merkins, 1 set of 5 reps of Rocky Balboa’s. This brought up right up to 6:15am, END.

Mt. Hollyworkout

Had 6 Pax including myself.

Started with a warmup: Goofballs x 15; Toy Soldiers x 15

Started workout with B.L.I.M.P.S

Burpees x 5; Lunges x 10 each leg; Imperial Walkers x 15; Merkins x 20; Squats x 25; Run a lap around Mt. Holly Middle School parking lot.

Next, we moseyed to another parking lot.

Alternating Merkins & Squats and bear crawl to the other side of the lot. Rinse and Repeat

Merkins x 10

Narrow Squats x 20

Bear Crawl to the other side.

Werkins x 10

Regular Squats x 20

Bear Crawl to the other side

Diamond Merkins x 10

Sumo Squats x 20

Bear Crawl to the other side

Hand Release x 10

Squat Jumps x 20

Moseyed to the stairs at the auditorium and did 5 calf raises per step.  Next 5 merkin per step.

Moseyed back to the parking lot.

Shoulder Blaster: Baby arm circles; moroccan night club; chinooks; air presses; seal claps; overhead claps; cherry pickers.


We Did Stuff

Started with the Pledge of Allegiance.  Counted off…

The warm up consisted of a little mosey and a little exercise on our way to the bunker.

At the bunker, we used some newly acquired (for the Yank) blocks for some overly complicated work. (or so YHC was told)

After that, we hid said blocks…. Let’s see if these stay.

Moseyed up to the track for some grinder type work, along with some Dirty calves.

Back to the pull up bar for some hanging knee lifts and other ab work.

On to the Yank for a few dips and Orangeman’s favorite exercise.

Named Jelly Roll’s 2.0.

Did some announcements.

Noted prayer requests and praises.


YHC took us out.


Nothing fancy, just like this BB.  Although there was a fair bit of mumblechatter, but who listens to all that…


Watts Up Powering Down…

Getting Right at Members Only

Seven ruckers and three runners this morning at Members only.  Introduced Get Right .  Be sure not to miss the next several weeks as we go into detail on the 12 important points to Get Right.

Humbled and honored to serve, thank you for the opportunity to lead.


F3 The Sandlot – February 26, 2024

This morning at the Sandlot, I initially counted six of us, but Alma Mater’s arrival made it seven after we realized he had taken a wrong turn. He explained that he had encountered someone riding a bicycle and, instead of recruiting them with an EH (Encouragement to join), he inadvertently frightened them by suggesting he was late for a workout.

Seeing no FNG’s I gave a brief disclaimer followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Two laps around the parking lot at Pelican’s.
Toy Soldiers x 10 IC
Gravel Pickers x 10 IC
Windmill x 5 IC

We headed for a run toward the entrance to Martha Rivers Park. At the entrance there are five light poles, which we stacked the exercise. Of course I called burpees.

  • Lightpole 1: 5 burpees
  • Lightpole 2: 5 burpees, 10 merkins
  • Lightpole 3: 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 squats
  • Lightpole 4: 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 squats, 20 mountain climbers (count one side)
  • Lightpole 5: 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 squats, 20 mountain climbers (count one side), 25 SSH

Next we took a stroll around the  Martha Rivers Parking Lot and ended up near the baseball diamond. There are four entrances, and somehow I missed one looking back at my Strava. So at each entrance to the diamond we would run and perform an ab exercise.

  • First entrance: 20 Flutter Kicks (IC)
  • Second entrance: 20 American Hammers (IC)
  • Third entrance: 10 Parker Peter (IC) and 10 Plank Jacks (IC)

We then headed toward the picnic shelter for some chest work.

  • Round 1: 10 dips (IC), 10 incline merkins, and 10 decline merkins
  • Round 2: 15 dips (IC), 15 incline merkins, and 15 decline merkins

We left Martha Rivers Park and headed toward Riverwood Parkway for sprints at the light poles and an exercise at the starting point.

  • First lightpole: Crunchy Frogs x 20
  • Second lightpole: LBC’s x 20
  • Third lightpole: Mike Tyson’s x 20
  • Fourth lightpole: Oblique crunches

Hunchback has the Q Tuesday (2/27) at Midoriyama. He is bringing the rep count from the convergence if you want to see how you’re doing.
Q School at The Gashouse with JJ and Broke – Saturday, March 2 at 7:00 a.m.
Extinction Run on Saturday, April 20 at Primary Brewery in Charlotte.

Maybelline’s grandfather. He also mentioned some co-workers who had been sick.
Those PAX on the IR or dealing with illness.

*** Great work by all today. I think we ended up with more than 2.5 miles and a lot of calories burned!






We Can All Be Arm Bearers

Read Scripture from Exodus 17:10-12

Talking about Aaron and Hur holding up Moses’s arms so the Israelites could defeat The Amalekites.

When we get tired , injured , hurt or if we are just going through life. We all know it can be tough a lot of the times , it’s such a benefit to have brothers in Christ holding us up. Maybe a word of encouragement or just an old fashion kick in the butt. I know it means the world to me.
So go out there today and hold someone up, cause you never know what they may be going through.



Q School – March 2nd

Speed for Need – April 13th


Prayer Requests-


Hall Family

All Of our families


Pledge 🇺🇸


Westside prayed us out

Not Your Usual Suspects

5 Ruckers at Diablo where YHC took the Q after a bit of a Diablo hiatus.  We hit the Riverwood Plantation loop and then a loop down in South Pines.  2 miles on the nose, stopping 4 times for:

  • 10 x American Hammers w/Ruck (OYO)
  • 10 x Double Crunches w/Ruck (OYO)
  • 10 x Chest Press/Pullovers w/Ruck (OYO)

Last round was 15 of each, and with a little time left, Tube called 10 Windshield Wipers and YHC called 10 Heels to Heaven.

Bandit and Scrat were not there, but likely for different reasons.

Yabba Dabba Doo

The Sandlot 2/19

5 Pax came out in the gloom for some work at the Sandlot.




  • 10 SSH IC
  • Squats x10 IC
  • Moroccans x 20 IC
  • Hillbillies x 20 IC
  • Merkins x 10 IC
  • Run around 3 island to warm up 
  • RoL LoR 15 sec each
  • R & L leg up (quads) 20 sec each
  • On your 6 – inward toe touch, outward, straight on 15 each
  • Count off

Round 1(Suicide sets) 

Start at the lowest island in parking lot near playground, start with an exercise and run suicides to each island up to the 3rd one for second exercise. 

  • Superman pull-ups x 10 at first island
  • Squats x 10
  • Flutters x 30 Count both
  • Burpees x 3
  • Nolan Ryan’s x10 both sides
  • PPM’s x 10 count both 

Round 2

  • Pull-ups x 5 
  • CDD’s x 10

R&R x 4 

Round 3

  • Dips x 20
  • Derkins x 10
  • Flutters x 30
  • LBC’s x 20

R&R AMRAP for 1 minute 

Round 4 (11’s )

Mike Tyson’s 

Lunges(count RH) 

Called an Omaha to get us back in time for Coat



Bubba sparxx


Laina Brannan




Q school @ gashouse March 2nd 

2nd f lunch pita wheel in Belmont 


Thanks for the opportunity to lead! 

-Maybelline 💋


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