Always be EHing!!!

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: May 11, 2023

Nickels and Dimes

Today was my second Q and it was all about 5×10’s. First we got our pledge in, then we took care of business.

WU: SSH, Gravel pickers, R over L/switch, low slow squats.


  • 10 burpees
  • Grab blocks, mosey to horse arena.
  • 10 burpees
  • 5×10 inv row x dips (Pax did 10 rows, ran to opposite side and did 10 dips. This structure would repeat for the next supersets.)
  • 10 burpees
  • 5×10 block swing x durkins
  • 10 burpees
  • 5×10 block squat x step ups each leg
  • Return blocks and mosey back to start
  • 10 burpees

In total we did 50 of each exercise listed which is awesome! The guys killed it. Great work!

We then closed with COT, praying for those spoken and unspoken.

f3 Tequila Sunrise – Cinco de Mayo

We had 10 this morning at Tequila Sunrise. Seeing no FNG’s I gave a brief disclaimer and we took off for a mosey to the Four Square Church parking lot.

Windmill x 10 IC
Imperial Walker x 10 IC
Sun Gods x 10 IC (Left and Right Side)
Seal Jacks x 10 IC
Plank Jacks x 10 IC

With it being Cinco de Mayo, I told the PAX that we would do exercises in increments of five. With that being said we started with a triple nickle.

We performed five hand release merkins, and then ran half way up Elizabeth Street and did 5 bomb jacks. Rinse and repeat five times.

Round 1
Park Drive  and Elizabeth Street – 5 merkins
Elizabeth Street and Eagle Road – 5 merkins
Eagle Road and Vesta Street – 5 merkins
Vesta Street and Park Drive – 5 merkins

Round 2
We added 10 squats to the five merkins.

Round 3
We added 15 American hammers to the five merkins and 10 squats.

Round 4
We finished off with 5 merkins, 10 squats, 15 American hammers and 20 SSH.

After the escalator we headed back to Belmont Central and did another set of exercises.

5 Derkins,
10 Decline Alternating Shoulder Taps
15 Dips
20 Step Ups
Run around the small parking lot.

Happy Hour – Check Slack for details.
Time Laps Race – May 19 at the US National Whitewater Center
2nd F Lunch at The Lodge on May 24.
Bike ride in Forest City on June 3

Continued prayers for my sister Mackenzie
Tiger’s family
We also mentioned the many PAX on the Prayer Channel. Continue to check that out and lift them up.



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