• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 01/15/2023
  • AO: Crossroads
  • QIC: Mayor
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Sarlacc Wirenut, Buckeye, Blart, Quiche, Broke, Gold Digger, Sister Act, Freight, Dr Seuss, Pallbearer, Hunkajunk, Camellia, Slaw, Gumby

After finishing up what I could of the 50 miler, I showed up early to see everyone had hit thier goal and rode off.  To my dismay and chagrin, BOS and Maybelline decided to leave to go to the Coconut Horse even though they were a quarter, one-fourth, .25 miles away from Crossroads.  You hate to see it, but it could’ve been who had the Q.

Runners, ruckers alike take off at various times and various speeds for various distances.

We circle backup where YHC had put in some work to make sure we all said the pledge super slow to prank Dr. Seuss and get under his skin.  Bonus is that it got Freight as well.  Good job guys.

Announcements (during this time there was some other conversation and I was too cranky and cold to deal with it):  Convergence 2/11 at Folsom, 2nd F Lunch 1/25 at Hillbilly’s

Prayers: Slaws M, Gumbys mom, Wirenuts family, Huckleberry, Turtleman, Big Pappy, Recovery for 50 miler guys, Freights M

Pallbearer took us out

QSource (Commitment):  Dr. Seuss, Pallbearer, Hunkajunk, Sister Act, Sarlacc, Quiche, Camellia, Gumby, Blart, Wirenut, Freight, Slaw, Mayor