Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: November 22, 2022

Members Only – QSource “Failure”

Running and rucking took place.

At QSource on 11/13, we discussed “Failure”.    The topic impressed the importance of failure on YHC so strongly, that YHC failed to post the Backblast for a week and a half.

Xmas party Dec 3
Xmas town race (broke)
T Giving ultimate frisbee (freight)
Shirts are up MudGear (downtown & goat)

Breakers stepfather (COVID)
Breakers Daughter in law still looking
Brain help (Tesla)
Gratitude for a great day
Pilgrims M travelling
Guys at marathon


Good crowd for a Monday at what I’m calling Martha’s Sandlot. I rarely make here due to my early morning work schedule so thanks to Flintstone for reaching out multiple times to get it worked in. It’s getting cold so I asked everyone to do their part to help global warming.


You know….some stuff made up on the spot and a few burpees

The Thang:

Only two get the blood flowing fast when it’s cold. Running and burpees so let’s mosey to the park.

In the parking lot partner up for 11’s around the islands. Partner mtn climbers and booyah merkins. Balljoint noticed several pickle pounders out there. Hate to see it.

I told the PAX about my first F3 post on 6/13/15. 21 PAX were there and out of those about 5 are still regulars. As we ran off for the next thing we discussed the birth of Midoriyama and how it existed for about 7 months before it was made official.

Mosey over to the center of the ball fields. Back in the day there were lights on out here. It’s tequila sunrise dark now. At each walkway opening do squats 10, then 20, 30, 40 and bear crawl in between.

Mosey around the ball field stopping to do exercises at each corner. 10 flying squirrels, 20 Freddy Mercury’s, 30 Seal jacks. Thats the most exercise a baseball field will ever see.

Back to the parking lot for some dirty triple nickel. Tiger squats and derkins with a burpee each time you pass the middle line.

Heading  up the road out of the park we did a burpee. Here I told the PAX about my first official Q(7 months of Midoriyama not counted) at Gashouse on 2/6/16. 18 PAX were there. 8 of which are still regulars. This would be my 216th official Q. To my knowledge I have never failed to do a BB.  We talked about how I was looking for excitement or adventure in my life when I found F3. Life just seemed to be dull and uneventful. The workouts and CSAUPS supplement that need for me. I’m currently HC’d for my 16th,17th, 18th, and 19th relay races next year(not including any we have done around here). That is all thanks to Whoopee who brought up doing the first one, the BRR.

Back at the start we knocked out 1.5 minutes worth of ab work.



Announcements-Frisbee 0700 Thanksgiving morning meet at the soccer fields, Christmas Party 12/3 please HC and vote

Prayer Request-Several family members going through struggles


I’m thankful for the men that started this group and the ones that have kept it going. It takes each and every one of us so don’t ever think your presence doesn’t matter. Without you there is no me!

Wobble B4 U Gobble

Good turnout for a cold morning…

Warmups- 5 burpees, 10 Gravel Pickers , 20 Imperial Walkers, 30 SSH

Stretching- plank position , Right foot up  hold, back to normal , left foot up and hold , back to normal . Recover . Right over left touch your toes, Left over right touch your toes.


Mosey to the median in front of school . Modified BO DEREK. 2 Burpees at the bottom then run to median at the top of the roundabout and do 8 V-Ups, Rinse and repeat 10 rounds. I believe some got 10 in. I was able to get 7 and so was at the back of the pack. GREAT WORK MEN 💪🏻!!!

6:10 mosey back to Flag,  22 merkins for the Vets. Finished up strong 🤙🏻!!!

Announcements- Need for speed,  Christmas Town push, Christmas Party …

Prayer Request- My son, Wichita having Baby, Everyone and their families at Thanksgiving!!!


Horrible…..and Confusing

YHC had been looking forward to lead the regions best AO in a good ole beat down. Today was the day. I had my Weinke prepared and was ready to get to work. I walk outside and felt the chill in the air and thought to myself, “my hands ain’t gonna like today.” So, I roll on to Folsom a bit early to stretch and chat before time to clock in. When 5:30 hits, we start.

No FNGs, short disclaimer


SSH, Imperial Walkers, Low slow squats: all x10 IC

Mosey up to the animal shelter to grab a block.


Line up at the base of the adjacent hill. The routine called was 11’s. And these were horrible. Blockees at the bottom of the hill, box jump over the block, then rifle carry the block up the hill for thrusters. Rifle carry your block back down. And yes, you box jump over your block after each blockee! Lots of mumblechatter from the PAX, myself included. This seemed to take longer than I expected, but in all honesty, we finished it fairly quick. Now, Replace blocks and mosey to tennis courts. Line up for burpee suicides. Mosey one court and back for 1 burpee, grab 5 merkins at each turn back. Mosey to the second and back for 2 burpees. Continue until you’ve reached the final court then count it back down to 1. Escalate the burpees but the merkins stay at 5.  This was a battle to get the PAX on track. The chatter here was broad and pronounced. Lots of confusion of the called routine. “Do we escalate the merkins?” “Do we stop after the last court?” “The math part is easy.” We pulled together and finally made it through.  Time is running out, so we mosey back to start.


COT: Wichita M having baby, Sparkys dad, Bedpan traveling, our families, our country, Thanksgiving, Operation Christmas Child program and volunteers

Announcements: Christmas Party Dec 3


Moleskin: As always, it’s an honor to lead you men. I appreciate every one of you guys.

MDub out

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