Pleasantly warm late November morning.

Batflippers left about 15 after to get a couple extra miles in.
Hacksaw was out early for his run too.
Thanks to Chubbs for running with the old fat guy for a few miles this morning.

We had a FNG. After much deliberation, by refusing to name a favorite Disney princess, we learned that he would be going to Ft. Rucker to become a Warrant Officer Candidate (W.O.C. pronounced wock) to learn to fly helicopters for the army.


To all whom shall see these presents, greeting: Know ye that reposing special trust and confidence in the ability of: LOGAN SCHRONCE, I do hereby bestow the F3 name, OTTO-Pilot. (From Airplane).

In case you’re wondering, what is a WOC? Something thrown at a wabbit.

Read Nehemiah 10:28-39 about the vow of the people to obey the Law of God as laid down by Moses.

Don’t let your children intermarry with the pagans. Keep the Sabbath holy. Give your tithes and offerings to not neglect the Temple of our God.

Prayer requests:
Wichita’s new baby
Pillager’s baby on the way
Sister Act’s 2.0
Others not mentioned

F3 Christmas Party

YHC took us out.
Thanks for allowing me to lead.