• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 11/11/2022
  • AO: Downtown
  • QIC: Mayor
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Pallbearer, Gearwrench, EZ Rider, Slaw, Sister Act, Wichita, Maybelline, Westside, Roscoe, Bedpan, JJ, Purple Haze, Spackle, Pockets, Capt Stubing, Nutria

Disclaimer:  Not a professional, but we will not move to fast or too far that you will not be able to keep up.  Work in between will be done with my count or a count of others who are called on.  Work hard for them.

Flagpole for Pledge

Warmup:  SSHx15 IC, Gravel Pickers x10IC, ROL/LOR, MNC x10IC, Arm circles

The Thang:

  • Line up according to Spackle’s direction
  • Run in cadence to FUSE stopping at intersections/locations chosen for ascending work.
  • Exercises:
    5 burpees
    5 burpees, 10 Merkins,
    5 burpees, 10 Merkins, 20 Squats
    5 burpees, 10 Merkins, 20 Squats, 40 SSH

11s at FUSE lot with CDDs and Curb Squats (heels on curb and do a full range squat)

Route 66 with Bobby Hurleys.

Move to the fence for 20 calf raises called by YHC.

Mosey back to start stopping at locations earlier to work the number back down and dropping an exercise at each location.

Questions:  Does Veterans Day have an apostrophe (no). What was it originally called (Armistice Day). Due to government mishaps, it was moved and celebrated in this month until correct (October).  Who signed the bill making it Veterans Day (Dwight. D “Ike” Eisenhower).  What branches of service fought in WWII (USMC, ARMY, NAVY – Air Force was formed after and was the Army Air Corp)

Time was called but Sister Act asked about 22 for vets.  He called them for the finish.

Announcements: Stuffing to Gearwrench for Morons for Beer, Need pushers for Christmastown after Thanksgiving so HC to Broke, can goods to Freight and BOS for DCM, Christmas party 12/3, Ultimate Frisbee Thanksgiving morning at 7 (Midoriyama) so HC to Freight,

Prayers/Praise: EZ’s family, Veterans, Ball Joint at the race

“Perhaps you and I have lived with this miracle too long to be properly appreciative. Freedom is a fragile thing and is never more than one generation away from extinction”
~Ronald Reagan



Principles of F3:

  1. Free of charge (zero cost, never charge for a workout)
  2. Open to all men (no matter the man, you are welcome)
  3. Held outdoors (rain or shine, heat or cold we are out there)
  4. Peer led (led in a rotating fashion by the men who attend)
  5. End with a Circle of Trust (always ends with a COT)

Mission of F3:  Plant, Grow and Serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership.

Motto:  We welcome men of all fitness levels and all physical abilities to our workouts. We have no requirement for membership other than you show up on time to the location and follow what the workout leader has planned. We will not leave any man behind!