Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: November 9, 2022


First Q in a while and it was great!

We all got in the work this morning. Great work guys.

We need stuffin. Bring it to Folsom Saturday
Touchdown beatdown Saturday
Christmas party
Christmas town 5k pushers

Prayer Request
Defib friend
Our government
Wichita wife and family
Purple haze mom
Round up wife

I took us out. I enjoying praying with and for the guys. Make it a habit to pray and talk to the lord daily. It is important that we take things to the lord for His guidance and perspective rather than getting a worldly perspective on our situation. God always has the answer for our good and His glory!!

“Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice. Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.”
‭‭Philippians‬ ‭4‬:‭4‬-‭6‬ ‭ESV‬‬

No Counting Welcome



Led a bunch of great HIM’s in workouts.

Warm Up:

SSH- 20 IC

Squats- 10 IC

LBC – 10 IC

To Martha’s:

*Following Mayor’s lead, Triple Nickel with Merkins and Squats (perfect forms)

*In tribute to Whoopee, Bojangles Biscuit one time around the track

*Dora 1-2-3 (no count, mumblechatter encouraged)  It took Watts Up some time to figure it out.  Instead of counting just focus on form.  Merkin/Squat/SSH.  Merkin, each partner takes 1 lap / Squats, each partner takes 2 laps / SSH, each partner takes 3 laps.  Short Sale must have been rolling in his fartsack.

*A quick round of run and holds:  Partner 1 planks while partner 2 runs and flapjack


*Dora 1 – Homer/Marge while partner runs

*Sprints to the house


Blood drive today at First United Methodist in Belmont, sign ups on slack

Christmas Party on 12/3

Need chair runners for McAdenville 5K Speed for Need


EZ Rider and family

Radars sister

Nutrias Brother in law



Honored to Lead:  This backblast was supposed to be shorter, I’ll work on that next time


Pallbearer’s VQ

Warmups- 15SSH, 15 gravel pickers, 15 merkins , 3 burpees


8 Light poles- counting the bend and the flag pole at the top- 5 merkins, 5 big boys

Parking lot at top- Dirty 11s – 10 LBCs 1 merkin, burpee in the middle

Head back to PL, grab a burpee at each light pole

Plank Position- 2 minute plank

Hopefully not later than 6:10- bottom of parking lot – bear crawl to the flag stopping every 6th line – do 5 big boys , 15 BBs at last line to make 45 total.

Back in the circle- 15 Vups, 15 Leg flutters, 15 LBCs..

Finished with 1 minute plank

Name- O-Rama

Announcements- Christmastown, Thanksgiving frisbee, some marathons/ relays

Prayer Requests – Huck, sickness , everyone’s kids, Pink Floyd’s mom , a few more that have left my mind at the moment. I’ll do better next time

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