Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: November 2, 2022

I could hear him sweat

My turn to host the Coconut Horse on Sunday, October 30th which means the workout and QSource. I checked Strava and realized I haven’t run 5 miles since May. Due to some nagging injuries, doing shorter distances and slower paces. All I know is I can feel the Respect category more than when I was on the underside of that number. How do you get out of that funk? Set a goal – so I let Sargento talk me into running a half marathon – a “thon” as he calls them. So may as well get to training only thing is Mamon is kicking my ass lately. Anyone else in a line of work that gets the government to audit you? This isn’t a political thing as it happens about every 3 years. But leaving the office at 1:30 am one morning trying to reconcile reporting for a presentation has my First F taking a backseat. Tired of hearing me whine? Everyone else around me is too. LFG.

Having the Q forced me to get out of the fartsack instead of hitting snooze and I got to the AO at 0626 to see Maybeline suiting up for a ruck. A modest rain was falling so I had on a rain jacket. Defib rolls in followed by Flintstone. Flintstone is rucking since he already put in his long training run the day before. Defib is wearing shortsleeves figuring he’s alone for a run but I tell him I’m in. We take off. I share with my partner a memory of Tool Time trotting along with me one Sunday morning and upon leaving the parking lot, I realize TT is staying with me. I finally say, “I’m going to be a lot slower than the A Runners, I’m good if you want to catch them.” Bolt as the Nantan Emeritus calls him, swivels that shaved head toward me and says – “you’re with me today, brother!” Unsurprisingly, he didn’t shut up for 45 minutes giving me tips and pointers with each stride. It was obviously a coaching session I’ve not forgotten, and I did run a PB despite hating the effort. Defib shares he’s not going to coach me but in his quiet way did pull me through the course when if left alone I surely would have walked and certainly would have slowed down. Any amount of precipitation the exterior of my rain jacket shielded was significantly offset by the sweat my body produced under the layer of the jacket. Finally arriving at the base, happy Defib didn’t have to practice any life saving techniques on me, the jacket caught the attention of Flintstone and Maybeline, wondering why I wore it. It prompted Defib’s quote of “I could hear him sweating…” and garnering deserved laughter.

QSource covered Schooling with is the head knowledge needed in order to become a leader. I liked DREDD’s example of studying in school to become a lawyer but having to practice his schooling in order to become proficient. Such as it is in anything we do. A certain amount of study/education is required. But a mentor can help as well. That is where I appreciate Defib running alongside, albeit a slower pace than what he is accustom, but willing to provide the pace needed to help me to get on track and push when I otherwise wouldn’t. And thanks to Tool Time too…it takes a village.

Annoucements: Christmastown 5k – need runners, give Broke your HC; Christmas Party. Prayers for our brotherhood. I took us out.

Thanks for the chance to lead.

Tequila Sunrise – October 28, 2022

Only six on a gorgeous Friday morning. Seeing no FNG’s I gave a brief disclaimer and then we started off with the Slaughter Starter. Why not get them ready for when he is on Q next Friday. So 20 burpees out of the gate.

Next we went on a mosey to the parking lot of Four Square Church where we circled up for the warm up.

SSH x 20 IC
Windmill x 10 IC
MNC x 10 IC
Squats x 10 IC

After a quick warm up we headed to the the bottom of Elizabeth Street.

25 merkins
Run 2/3 up Elizabeth and back to starting location.
50 squats
Run 2/3 up Elizabeth and back to starting location.
75 mountain climbers (count one side only)
Run 2/3 up Elizabeth and back to starting location.
100 SSH
Run 2/3 up Elizabeth and back to starting location.

We then took a mosey toward Davis Park.

30 Plank Jacks at the bottom of Park street and 10 American Hammers (count one side) at the top of Park Street.
25 Plank Jacks at the bottom of Park street and 15 American Hammers (count one side) at the top of Park Street.
20 Plank Jacks at the bottom of Park street and 20 American Hammers (count one side) at the top of Park Street.
15 Plank Jacks at the bottom of Park street and 25 American Hammers (count one side) at the top of Park Street.
10 Plank Jacks at the bottom of Park street and 30 American Hammers (count one side) at the top of Park Street.

Headed to the benches at Davis Park for our next exercise.

LAZY 11’s
10 derkins/1 dip

With a few minutes left, we ran back toward COT.

Blood Drive is November 9. Check Slack for details.

Christmas Party is December 3.

Continue to keep my sister in your prayers.

Labyrinth 02-Nov-22 (More Leadership)

Work is below.  Today’s message was on leadership.  Form is strict for a reason.  That is the standard.  I explained how I had to relearn form due to an injury and the difficulty of that and that I had to swallow pride to not shorten or cheat reps just to be with the Pax (see motto below).  It shouldn’t matter if you’re the six and your form is good, but it does because no one wants to be DFL.  Once we can get that out of our minds and do the best work we can do, we will be the best man we can be.  That will make those around us better and leads to more male community leadership.  Dredd spoke on this during his latest venture to the Gashouse.  We are to be held accountable and therefore should hold others accountable to us.  If you let someone get by without doing their best, are you serving them.  The exclamation point on this is that it must be done with love, not just with pride or to be a jerk.  They need to know you’re doing it correctly or to the best of your physical ability

Mission of F3:  Plant, Grow and Serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership.

Motto:  We welcome men of all fitness levels and all physical abilities to our workouts. We have no requirement for membership other than you show up on time to the location and follow what the workout leader has planned. We will not leave any man behind!

Warmup:  SSHx15 IC, Gravel Pickers x10IC, ROL/LOR, MNC x15IC,  Toy Soldiers x10IC


Mosey to ball field/shelter

  • Triple nickel with merkins at the top and squats at the bottom.
  • 11’s across the parking lot with shoulder taps and lunges (one rep per side makes one rep).
  • Partner Dora with Merkins, Squats and LBCs.  Not enough time so we head back with five minutes.
  • Ascending merkins at each street light up to five and then jail break back to the start.





A Slim Shady Fill In

No Show Slim Shady Impromtu Workout

10 side straddle hops
10 mountain climbers
5 burpees
10 moroccan night clubs
10 mountain climbers
5 burpees
10 imperial walkers
10 mountain climbers
4 burpees
30 second wall sit squat
30 second wall hand stand
lap around field
100 inverted merkins
200 jump squats
300 mountain climbers
indian run, last man sprint
do around field
4 points of track, at each point
10-10-10-10 with indian runs from point to point
derkins, big boys, plank jacks, jump squats
Run it in to COT

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