• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 10/23/2022
  • AO: Crossroads
  • QIC: Mayor
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Broke, Sister Act, Def Leppard, Purple Haze, Slaw, Freight, Roundup, Dr Seuss, Gearwrench, Gumby, Gold Digger

Run & Ruck.  Lots of takeaways

Today was a unique Q day for sure and lots of people logged some miles.  I pulled in at 6:05 and there were 8 cars gone.  After our DST discussion at Old School, I thought I had missed my Q start.  Gearwrench showed up and dealing with an ankle issue, I rucked with him.  I saw Freight coming in at the stated start time of 6:30, but he was a tad late and I thought I was going to hear it as we were “supposed” to run together.  At this point I am 0-3.  While rucking down the main road, I see a shimmer and stop to search for the coin.  I then get called a derogatory name for looking (which I found) and then promptly asked to buy coffee as said person who will not be named (see fourth sentence), forgot their wallet.  Said person also found a $20 and did not share in their wealth a few weeks back.
At the COT, Blart was called out as he is dealing with a back issue.
Discussions on not saying the pledge immediately after running was discussed.
I had more fun with my antagonist over the size of the coffee they ordered only after asking them to go first and making it seem like they would pay.
We discussed being silent and looking at SA when he would look down at his phone.  Turns out, we would be silent for 30 minutes as he never looks up.  He said he was not coming back to Q source as he is always made fun of.

Announcements:  Have 2 track commanders with HC on teams coming soon,  Morons for beer on 11/4 at 10 so see Gearwench if interested,  Christmas party  12/3 at Lewis Farm, Ultimate Frisbee is the only workout on Thanksgiving Day ;).
Prayers:  Lots of babies coming from the Pax so babies, Ms and Pax, Gumby’s Mom, Purple Haze’s mom, Nantans elbow.