Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: October 9, 2022


Today was a great day. I really hoped it would be. I sometimes think about “things.” It’s usually when I am off work for a few days and my mind starts to wander and I start dreaming about things that I could be doing better at work or home or with the family. I guess when I slow down enough to consider what is going on around me, I think of ways to make changes hopefully for the better. Although I didn’t have time off to do that, this whole week I was a little excited and nervous about the weekend. Think about all the things that have happened to you over the last few years since you joined F3. For me, it was thankfully early in the forming stages of GasHouse in 2015. Sure we had some guidance and people giving us advice, but we were really just hanging on trying not to let the wheels run off the track as we grew into a region. F3 has been a huge part of my life, and not just from 0530-0615. I’ve met some great guys. I’ve gotten in better shape. I’ve read more books and listened to more podcasts than I ever imagined. In a word…..I have matured. That is a big thing for me and I don’t say that lightly. I could not have done that without a lot of you and most importantly, I could not have done that without Dredd. This is a guy that I have had less than 2 hours of total conversation with in my entire life. Despite this, he has changed my life, possibly more than any other man outside of my family. That really sounds strange when I read that now. His vision for F3 and who he has inspired to be better men can never be understated. Think about that for a minute. When you think of a high impact man, his image needs to consume your thoughts.

I remember running 1 time a few years ago with Tooltime (AKA Bolt) and he got this funny look on his face and said something about how cool it was that we had been a part of building this “thing” in Gastonia. I didn’t want to let it get to my head (don’t think I need any help with that) so I just kind of laughed it off and changed the subject quickly. I know a lot of guys played a role in starting F3 in Gastonia and even more are still playing a role in keeping it going. Just remember, it takes all of us but it probably started with a little spark of a thought from Dredd at the right time with the right people around him and see what F3 has become? Things like this really confirm to me there is a God, there is a plan, and sometimes I need to just hang on and try not to let the wheels run off the track. We have a great group of men with F3 here in GasHouse. Every day you don’t post, you are missing out on that gift and maybe missing an opportunity to be that spark that makes a difference for another guy. That difference might be as simple as sticking with F3 just to exercise or maybe as big as deciding it’s time to make a change in his life for the better. Think if Dredd fartsacked on 1/1/2011? What would you be doing right now? Who would you be right now? More importantly, where would you be headed?

Dread delivered in GasHouse… a big way. It’s not too late to reap the benefits. If you were not there at GasHouse, you missed out. We had a great time and got better. Thanks for helping to keep the wheels on the track.


No Shirt, No Problem!

11 HIM for a chilly morning run. Gearwrench with an 8 miler, Seuss ,Roundup and Wikileaks with also leaving early to get 6 miles in.

  As I was getting out of the truck there was some mumble chatter about short sleeve and long sleeves between Mayor and Slaw and the next thing I know Slaw is ready to go without a shirt on.  See Mayor for details if you’re interested. 2 minutes till time and we are off.  Thanks for the push men. Great work!

YHC with Q source on Accountability.


convergence next Saturday with Lake Wylie @bulldog. All other AO’s are closed.  Speed For Need track commanders needed see Broke. Christmas Party Dec 3 Lewis Farm.

Prayer Request: Purple Haze mom, Gearwrench brother in law,Turtleman, Huck, my mom,Tonka


We ran or rucked then discussed courage with Tesla over mimosas. It was a good morning with great weather and a lot of good discussion. thanks for posting guys. enjoyed the change of scenery from Coconut Horse.


Amoeba Ruck 2022

On a cool fall morning in greater Gastonia teams gathered for the second annual Gashouse Amoeba Ruck-Off!  This time the PAX added weight by filling each sack full of canned goods to donate to Dallas Christian Ministry.

This was the plan…

Teams gathered at First ARP Church on S. Chester St. to finish loading up their canned goods and begin the mumble chatter.  Teams were finalized and instructions with pictures were handed out.  Teams grabbed the information packets, stopped listening to YHC, and began their ruck to six checkpoints before making their way to the end point at Pita Wheel.  At each check point the teams were instructed to take a team selfie, send it to YHC and complete 100 reps of the exercise called out in the instructions.  Once they finished all 6 stops it was time to race back to the finish at The Pita Wheel.  YHC estimated this to be near 8 miles depending on any shortcuts that could be found.

This is how it went…

Under the watchful eyes of the unofficial officials Balljoint and Mayor, the teams got their instruction sheets and began talking their way through their route.   At the same time the teams were talking YHC was pointing out a few details of the ruck.  Next time no packets until its time to launch.   Anyway, off they went to the locations below to get their pictures and reps in.

START = First ARP Church – 317 S. Chester St.

York Chester Middle School – 601 S. Clay St.  100 Decline Merkins

Tony’s Ice Cream – 604 E. Franklin Blvd. 100 Monkey Humpers

West Gastonia Boys & Girls Club – 310 Boyd St.  100 Australian Mountain Climbers

Hollywood Cemetery – 600 N. Broad St. 100 Burpees

Lineberger Park Vietnam Memorial – 632 E. Garrison Blvd. 100 LBCs

R.O.’s Bar-B-Q – 1318 Gaston Ave. 100 Jump Squats

FINISH = Pita Wheel – 110 S. York St.

Pictures started coming in quick as the teams worked their way through each location.  It looked neck and neck as one teams pictures trumped the others.   Nearing the finish line at Pita Wheel it was definitely a tight race.   One team coming from Lineberger Park and the other coming from York Chester Middle School.  It’s anybody’s race!  Who would it be?

Blart, Broke, Def Leppard, Sargento and Slaw?


Breaker Breaker, MInivan, Roscoe and Tesla?

One team came racing into the Pita Wheel ready for a cold beverage at 1:55:18 logging 7.6 miles and earning their victory!

The second team may have been talking when YHC stated the finish line was at Pita Wheel.  And they may have overlooked the written instruction too.  With that said they returned to First ARP Church with an unofficial time of 1:45 logging 6.78 miles.

Both teams put in the work, carried lots of food and earned their victories!

In all, 194.2 lbs. of food were collected plus $60.00 to buy more for Dallas Christian Ministry.

Race supporters Gumby, Orangeman w/ 2.0 Erica and rogue pre marathon runners Flintstone and Virus came to Pita Wheel to witness the anticipated photo finish.

It was a great day.

Till next time!

BOS & Musicbox


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