Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: October 5, 2022

Buttermilk at the Bobby!

So Tesla took the reigns at The Ricky Bobby this morning and buttermilk was served in abundance! Went like this:


SSH – burpees X 5

Chop-Chop (grass drills) X 2

IWs X 20

Chop-chop X 2

Gravel pickers X 20

chop-chop X 2

Tesla Stretches

Mtn. Climbers X 20

Time for some Tesla six shooters:

10 burpees – lap

20 big boys – lap

30 hand release merkins – lap

40 squats – lap

50 CDDs – lap

60 SSH – lap

Get to the middle of the field for escalator 4 corners

Chop-chop X 3 every time in the middle

1st corner – 10 diamond merkins

2nd corner – 10 diamonds, 20 AHs

3rd corner: 10 diamonds, 20 AHs, 30 merkins

4th corner: 10 diamonds, 20 AHs, 30 merkins, 40 CDDs

Time for the Tesla special – Bear Crawl Slalom!

Everyone gets three turns here. Pretty good gut check after what we have done.

Back to COT and finish with a 3 minute plank.


Good work by the crew today, solid fall weather beatdown. Great time of the year to be in the gloom. Lots of things on lots of minds so pray, hard, pray, big, pray long!



The GOAT – September 29, 2022

We had 14 at The GOAT on September 29.

Seeing no FNG’s I gave a brief disclaimer and we took off on a mosey and circled up in the parking lot of First Baptist Church.

SSH x 20 IC
Windmill x 10 IC
Seal Jacks x 20 IC
Imperial Walker x 10 IC
Merkin x 10 IC
Mountain Climbers x 15 IC

Corner #1 at 8th Avenue and 10th Street (10 merkins)
Corner #2 at 8th Avenue and Front Street (10 merkins, 20 plank jacks)
Corner #3 at Front Street and 9th Street(10 merkins, 20 plank jacks, 30 squats)
Corner #4 at 9th Street and 8th Avenue (10 merkins, 20 plank jacks, 30 squats, 40 american hammers)

Took a lap around Cramerton and headed to the backside for the next routine.

There are three light poles. At first light pole (1 bupee), second light pole (2 burpees), and third light pole (3 burpees). Partner up, one pax will run, the other pax will perform the exercises and switch out.
100 Carolina Dry Docks
200 Lunges
300 Flutter Kicks (count one side only)

We only had a few minutes left so we went on a long mosey toward where we started the warm up and returned to COT.

F3 Amoeba Ruck
F3 Lake Wylie / F3 Gastonia Convergence is October 15 at W.A. Bess Elementary.
F3 Lake Wylie has a CSAUP on October 22 at PoopDeck (Bowl and Bounce in Lake Wylie). 13 miles with pain stations. CSAUP can be done  by one person or as a tandem.



Amoxicillin Day 3

Most will have no idea what that title means but if ya know, ya know. Maybe it’s selfish, but I grabbed this Q a few weeks ago to help motivate myself to get up and post. My running has been improving recently so I wanted to do something where we covered a lot of miles and test my cardio a bit. A quick look through some older weinkes gave me what I was looking for.

Warmup – we’re going to cover a lot of ground in this workout so some stretching was in order. Side straddle hops followed by toy soldiers, toe touching, hurdle stretches, etc. We took an extra minute or two to wait for Wirenut as he finished straightening his beard and touching up his lipstick. Now that he was with us, let’s get it on.

Mosey to the flag at the entrance of Folsom. The group got a bit stretched out as I tried to push the pace. I led the PAX in a set of flutter kicks as Ball Joint graciously picked up the six. Pledge to the flag and then a quick mosey to the gazebo area.

We used the triangle-shapped road around the gazebo for 5 rounds of escalating excercises – 10 Big Boys at the first corner, run to the next corner for 20 Merkins, run to the 3rd corner for 30 squats, then run back to the start and repeat. Bat flippers were encouraged to get in an extra round as the normal people finished their rounds. A few got in 6 laps, Round Up may have gotten in 7.

10 count by Spackle to let the six grab their breath. Short mosey to Round Up’s hill. I called an audible because it looked to be really wet and I just wasn’t feeling it. I may have been called names for this but it’s all good. I’ll show them. Continue the mosey around the to the entrance of the splash pad parking lot.

Triple Nickel with Burpees at the top of the hill and Elbow to Knee Crunches at the bottom (count right side only). Again, bat flippers were encouraged to continue for extra rounds as they finished and the usual suspects got in 6 rounds.

Quick mosey back to the flag. Time was up but we got in a quick set of 20 flutter kicks in cadence as we waited on the six.

Good work by all of the PAX today! A few guys were laboring with injuries but no man was left behind. Shout out to all of the guys for picking up the six at both workout stations. Everyone moved the entire time and the guys finishing first kept on pushing with extra reps rather than just waiting around. IMO, that is the way it should be. I think it can be a bit disheartening to the six when they see guys standing around talking when they finish their reps. I will tell you from my personal experience, it makes you feel like you’re holding people back as the six. Get back in there and work! I saw that all over the place today!

Prayer Requests: Huck, the Parker family (Hacksaw’s mom passed), Striper’s brother and his injuries, Medicine Woman’s family, Sarlacc, Hartzell family, Beatle Bailey’s friend Jenna. YHC took us out in prayer.

Inaugural Gastonia-Lake Wylie Inter-Region Convergence (IGLWIRC)

Who: all PAX from the Gastonia and Lake Wylie regions and anywhere else for that matter.

What: the Inaugural Gastonia-Lake Wylie Inter-Region Convergence, or IGLWIRC for short.

When: 7-8am Saturday October 15th

Where: Bulldog AO – Bess Elementary School – 4340 Beaty Road, Gastonia, NC 28056


The time has come to come together. To reach beyond our borders and welcome friends old and new! Mettle will be tested, friendships will be forged!

Bring your game face for the MEGA beatdown. Stick around for on-site 2nd F with coffeerama with plenty of extras.

HC to your Nan’tan so we can get a headcount and prepare accordingly. See you there! AYE!!!

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