Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: September 21, 2022

reptile dysfunction

Six of us started the day right at Labyrinth. We started with a brief disclaimer, review of the mission of F3 (you’re welcome Sargento) then started a warmup that was interrupted by some excellent mature men humor causing me to lose count and just about fall on my face laughing-thanks Roscoe. We got some work done today…..probably just a JV workout compared with others but it did the job this am. We finished with a COT and some group sharing that hopefully sharpened all of us a little. Thanks for showing up and working your butt off guys. You made me better.


Parking Deck Escalator & EMOM

Beautiful weather here in G-town this morning. It’s a great day for an ass whooping let’s do this. No FNGs quick disclaimer. Cover the core principles pledge and quick warmup and stretch. Now we’re off heading to the Parking deck for a escalating /de-escalating ladder workout. Burpees, Bonnie Blaires, HR Merkins, Squats, & LBC were the exercises of choice for all rounds here. We finished pretty strong here so we’re moseying on round the block and back to the pavilion. Here comes the fun we finished up with an EMOM/Tabata  SSH, Merkins, LBC, Squats, and we ended each round with 5 Burpees then a 1min. rest recovery. We started with 30 sec. work 30 sec. rest. We followed with 40sec. work 20sec. rest. We finished with you guessed it 50sec. work 10sec. rest. We finished the last round with about 1min. to recover before COT. Good job fellas. Thanks for the push this morning.




The Bitch is heat and on the Loose

Well I was supposed to have the Q at Midoriyama today but got caught up in multiple wrecks on the way. Rolled in @ 10min. late and found the guys doing some really stupid $h!t. Listening to the mumblechatter I find out that evidently there is a bitch (female dog not derogatory female slang) on the loose and she’s got the hots for Freight. And y’all accused me of pitching woo on the job huh. Thanks Slawbag for picking up the slack for me it was a real beat down for the little bit I was here.






Show Freight your Cans

Love you Guys I’m out.


Everyone showed and just as planned we all scattered like a covey of quail after a shotgun blast. Off we went in all directions doing our own things. Running Walking,Rucking,Whatever. We finished with a word form my devotional.

1Thess. 5:15

See that no one repays evil for evil, but always seek to do good to one and other and to everyone.

Thanks Men Good Day






Running these Streets and Slinging Bags of Rocks

Good day men. Welcome to another addition of Pain and Gains here in the Big D. Pretty much the normal crowd here at Old School so no disclaimer no warnings and no worries maybe.

Quick warmup nothing special and we’re off. We mosey through town stopping at random locations warming up a little more as we go. We head down past Ingles and across the street and the groaning from Mayor begins. He reminded me that last time we were here we went over a minute or so on time. We’re now here in the Valley of the Beast up hill whichever way you look. As we come to a stop I offer the PAX a choice of whatever plyometric movement they wanted at the bottom of the hill and Freight quickly called Seal Jacks. So we’re doing 5 reps of 4 count Seal Jacks here. I then let them choose whatever compound movement they’d like at the top of the hill. Broke quickly chose his patented Perfect Form Hand Release Merkins so we’ll be doing 5 of these at the top of the hill. Kudos to Leppard those were the best Merkins (not CDDs or Leppard Merkins) I’ve ever saw out of him. As we finished this brutal triple nickel we mosey round the corner to head back out of the valley and back towards Ingles we hit an uphill Route 66 at each manhole cover we did Bonnie Blairs. After finishing up moseyed back to the park for a really nasty little Sand Bag Circuit. All of mine are filled with p gravel hence the title. We did Overhead Presses, Merkins, Squats, and Curls all with 55lb. sandbags AMRAP while 1 PAX pulled, dragged, or carried a 90lb. sandbag for 20 meters and back. We did this for three rounds. I left a 55lb. sandbag for those whom didn’t want or think they could handle the big’un. FYI everyone chose the big’un even Seuss. Now that damn bag weighs more than him and he snatched it all around that soccer field what a hammer way to go man. We had just enough time to carry the bags back to the truck and head over for the pledge and COT.

Great Job Men.

Thanks for the Hard Work and Push.





IPC week 2 at Folsom

I look forward to the IPC challenge every year,this is my third year participating.It pushes me past my limits and makes me better every year. When Balljoint announced that every Thursday Folsom would be doing the IPC workout my thoughts were heck yeah 👍. He asked if I would Q week 2 and I gladly agreed. So week 2 of the IPC was an amrap workout for 45 minutes it went like this 5 blockees rifle carry 25 yards 10 I’m not worthy farmer carry back 5 blockees rifle carry 15 goblet squats, farmer carry back 5 blockees rifle carry 20 tricep extension farmer carry back 5 blockees rifle carry 25 KB swings farmer carry 5 blockees rifle carry 30 curls that’s 1 complete round you repeat for 45 minutes getting in as many reps as possible. We had a good crowd some faces you don’t see much at Folsom the IPC draws people out and breaks the normal routine that’s part of what I like about it. Everyone pushed hard and encouraged one another as we went I love that part of F3 your never alone.Gear Wrench pushed out alot of reps with a messed up elbow kudos for pushing through the pain.Wichita had the highest rep count and didn’t even submit it I guess that’s a true HIM move he wasn’t out there pushing for recognition 👍. Special thanks to Balljoint and Gearwrench and Stogie for helping get set up. We made announcements and I Prayed us out and that is all.

Mayor the Runner

Mayor spent last Wednesday morning talking about Def Leppard sandbagging his pace. Fast forward a week and Mr. “I Run Mid-10s” himself is out here going low 9s for 4 miles. Ladies and gentlemen, I don’t know if it’s the shorty shorts, the tank top looking like a sports bra, or simply hard work, but Mayor is a runner! Thanks again for helping me push a little harder!

It was nice to see Mini Blind out there again today. He says he was running about 3 miles on his own before coming to Prison Break and has now done 4 miles both times I’ve seen him. It’s proof that running with others will motivate you to do more!

Sister Act was late while Dr. Seuss and Tippmann left early, but I guess we’ll give them credit.

In other news, bring a few extra bucks with you to the JJ5k. Rumor has it, there is a picture floating around of a certain PAX in a compromising position that we may be able to obtain for an ‘extra donation’ to the JJ5k. I won’t say who this PAX is, but it sounds a lot like Mister Pact.

Announcements: JJ5k on 9/24, Convergence at BullDog on 10/15, IPC at Folsom on Thursday, Amoeba Ruck 10/8, Roadside cleanup TBA

Prayer requests: Striper’s brother and his knee, Huck, Sarlacc’s daughter, Mayor’s family, Lincolnton Middle School family. Pall Bearer took us out.

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