Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: September 9, 2022

No BS, Right To It

If not for this stone known as Hunka Junk showing up in the morn, this sword would be a little more dull.

No BS, right to it

25 Reps throughout as we attempted to hit 1,000 total reps.

Around the Worlds
KB Swings
Lawn Mowers
Calf Raises
Chest Press
Shoulder press/Pull Ups
All this over and over again in 25 reps.


1 minute stretch

Announcements: PT test, Something CSAUP
COT: Chad’s Wife, Father-in-law Sam, David’s wife

Arms and Abs

The temps are starting to get a little cooler for the premier afternoon AO of Gashouse, but it’s still pretty  brutal. Since there is a CSAUP this weekend YHC decided to stay away from leg work and focus on the soccer arms and love handles. Sister Act once again dodged my Q (I guess my workouts are too JV for a rock pusher like him), but 7 PAX were standing around looking for something to do when the time hit. Let’s give them what they want.


Quick warmup, then grab a block and head to the parking lot beside the turd shack.


20 curls, 20 OH Press, 20 tricep extensions

Run across the lot

20 Big Boys (some of us waited a couple rounds too long to move to the grass!!!)

Run back to start

x5 rounds


Partner up

Partner 1 rifle carries while Partner 2 does 2 burpees then runs to catch up and switch

2 laps around the parking lot


20 flutter kicks w/coupon, 20 hammers w/coupon, 20 windshield wipers (hammers with a block are brutal!!!)

Run across the lot

20 Merkins

Run back to start

x5 rounds


Put the blocks up and still a couple of minutes left. Finished up with 10 hip slappers and 1 min. wall sit.



CSAUP this Saturday

Skating 9/17

JJ5K 9/24

Convergence at Bulldog 10/8

Sign ups for Malak Series relays (P200, C200, T200)


Prayer Request

Slaw 2.0


BOS and family in loss of father

Toepick  has co-worker whose mother has cancer

Mayor and family in loss of grandfather


Strong work by the PAX today. Ending up seeing 2 Kotters, Gomer made it to the workout and Toepick made it to the COT. Keep pushing the rock!


Slaw took us out.

I’m Broke

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