• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 06/21/2022
  • AO: Bulldog
  • QIC: Boudin
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Nutria, U-haul, Tube, Time Frame

The weather was perfect for a beat down at Bulldog this morning.  YHC showed up for his first Q and the PAX started to show up. Clock struck 530 am, time to get started.




15 Imperial Walkers IC

10 Gravel Pickers IC

10 Merkins IC

20 Squats OYO

5 Burpees

The PAX brough their kettle bells, so we held them above our heads while walking to each corner of parking lot to complete one of the following sets at a corner.

Set 1

30 SSH

20 Squats

10 Merkins

Set 2

30 Mtn Climbers

20 Lunges

10 Merkins

Set 3

30 Pulsing Squats

20 Shoulder Taps

10 Merkins

Set 4

30 Freddie Mercuries

20 Plank Jacks

10 Merkins

With one round complete, we planked on curb.  Plank walk side to side on curb then perform Merkin when called by Q.

Rinse and repeat first round.  Up next, travel on route 66 with kettle bells

Route 66 with kettle bell swings on the way down.  Kettle bell carry back to the start then Route 66 with Squat with kettle bell.  Farmers carry with kettle bell with one hand then switch to the other hand on the way back to where we warmed up.

Time running low, we bear crawled the length of 3 poles under the awning before finishing up with core work.

25 Flutters

25 LBC

25 Big Boys

Time  6:15 am


Prayer request


I took us out in Prayer.

Thanks for coming out this morning and the opportunity to lead.  SYITG