Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: May 2022 (Page 6 of 12)

Nothing a little gravel won’t cure

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10-imperial walkers
Moroccan night clubs
10-dying cockroaches


10monkey humpers
15calf raises
10lunges per leg
Zombie walk and back
10,10 Calf raises
10 squats


20american hammers
20 Flutterkicks

10shoulder press
10bent rows

Zombie Walk

10monkey humpers
15calf raises
10lunges per leg
Zombie walk and back
10,10 Calf raises
10 squats


20american hammers
20 Flutterkicks

10shoulder press
10bent rows

Zombie Walk

10monkey humpers
15calf raises
10lunges per leg
Zombie walk and back
10,10 Calf raises
10 squats


Announcements: csaup at 7am, 2nd F lunch We’d Sammy’s in Dallas, cover bands at your local pub, jj, kings mnt cover bands,

COT: turtle man stem cell transplant, people in turmoil, end of school year, tubes M, healing, discernment,


Pub 5/19/22

YHC stepped in at last minute to relieve Radar who had to work early – route was Gaston Day to Armstrong to New Hope around Lee and Perry and back down Gaston Day

Starting to feel a little warm in the mornings but otherwise a great day to run.


CSAUP Saturday at Storm 6:30

Memorial day murph at 7am

Rice and Beans sign-up

Handel ice cream this Sunday – Mia Stokes fundraiser





Expectant Fathers: Pilager, Buckeye, Wichita, Buckshot, Wirenut’s daughter

Kids finishing school


Q has lost his mind

It was a warm May afternoon for a Defib beatdown at Midoriryama and YHC was feeling spry.

Warm-up SSH, 5 burpees, Imperial Walkers, 5 burpees and some monkeyhumpers for the 6 coming in hot.


Grab a block a mosey to parking lot for some block Dora work.  Not having put a lot of forethought into the exercises I blurted out what came to mind – 100 overhead press (that sounds about right) 200 kettle bell swings (eh) and 300 ..  300.. what can I think up … 300 squat thrusters.  Immediately the pax were elated and showed their thanks with lots of mumblechatter (at least that’s what I remember.  So if the exercises were going to be easy (right), then lets spice up the running part.  Carry your block the length of the parking lot and do a blockee then return – except with each trip increase by one additional blockee.  At this point I got the sense that not all of the mumblechatter was praise for being such a benevolent Q.  Who knew squat thrusters were so time consuming.  After many rounds of calling for an Omaha I relented – ok change from blockees to curls.  But continue with thrusters.  Many a pax thought I had lost my mind – that it was impossible to complete 300 squat thrusters but after just 25 min the exercises were completed by all.  So having 15 min or so lets take blocks on a road trip across the street for triple nickel with block up the embankment but with Moroccan night clubs at both top and bottom – This took us the the end.  Thankfully


The moral of the story is that you can do more than you think you can if you just get out of your head.



T-shirts should be out soon

CSAUP Saturday at Storm 6:30

Memorial day murph 7am at Martha’s





Freight’s dad

Purple Haze – wife’s sister

Until next time Defib out


Murder Bunny Triangle of Death

With the help of Balljoint we now have permanent blocks at Folsom for anyone to use. So it would be rude for us not to break them in the first morning we have them.  11 HIM gathered for some Thursday Folsom Fun.


20 SSH

10 gravel pickers

10 Moroccan night clubs

Mosey to Animal control fence (AKA Folsom brick yard) grab a block and rifle carry to the tennis courts.

Head into tennis court

Route 66 using the sidelines of the tennis courts, overhead presses carrying the block overhead between lines, 5 merkin penalty if you set the block down

Elevated 4 corners with your block, rifle carry between corners, walking on short sides, slow trot on long sides  

First corner 10 Lunges (5 each leg)

Second corner 10 Lunges, 20 curls

Third 10 lunges, 20 curls, 30 tricep extensions

Fourth 10 lunges, 20 curls, 30 extensions and 40 windshield wipers

Mosey to soccer field with block

Murder Bunny Triangle of death

Triangle of cones roughly 40 yards apart, do one blocky Then Murder bunny with block to second cone, do two blockies. murder bunny to third cone, do three blockys, and so on. We did two laps ending with 7 blockys at final cone.

Rifle carry blocks back to the Brick yard

Mosey to start for the pledge

Mosey to lower picnics shelter

20 Corky Ramano’s

20 LBC’s in cadence

30 Big boys

25 Freddie Mercury’s in cadence

Mosey back to start


CSAUP Saturday

Murph on Memorial Day

Torch Run tomorrow 7am Ranlo

Possible mens retreat in the fall

Prayer requests

Stripers brother

Turtle man


Big Pappy and family

Sister act and family

Sarlacc’s daughter

All the guys in the lineman rodeo

All the F3 babies

Bedpans friend Cody

Our country

The Storm 5/17/22

Big EC crowd this morning, at least 7 or 8.  Also had an FNG join us.  0530 hits, time to go.  Pledge.  Short reminder of the mission of F3, and quick word about the choices we get to make.

Warmup of SSH, a few burpees and some stretching.  Mosey around parking lot and stop at school entrance.

Escalator is called.  10 burpees, 20 hand release merkins, 30 flying squirrels, 40 step ups, 50 lbc.  Take a lap around the parking lot.  See how many rounds we can do.

Just before the end, one more hard thing, sprint to the flag for COT

Another quick word about choice.  The choices we make make us into what we are.  If we work hard and give our all in these workouts, we are more likely to carry that into our day giving our best in all that we do.  We talked also about the fact that some guys don’t have the choice to be out there right now.

Turtleman facing a medical procedure that will keep him isolated from most people the next four weeks.  Whooppee encouraging PAX to write a letter to him.  Leave no man behind.

Announcements: 2nd F lunch Wednesday at Sammy’s Dallas, CSAUP saturday at the Storm – meet at 6:30 7:00 start three hour duration, memorial day Murph at Martha Rivers 7:00

Prayer requests: Turtleman, Huckleberry, Tesla and family, Tiger M and step sons, Oscar planning to launch new business, Serena girlfriend driving to Missouri to be camp counselor for six weeks, graduates

Got to name the FNG!  Welcome Cassidy Brauns! forever to be known as Oscar as in the Grouch.   He has some connections to other Pax.  Get to know him when you meet, really good guy.

YHC took us out

Always an honor


Pass the Rock

Started workout with some :

SSH x 10

Goofballs x 10

Moseyed to Ida Rankin school crossing, and did 5 Burpees at each utility pole until we got to the second school crossing.  Moseyed to the parking lot on the other side of the train tracks.  Grabbed some rocks from a pile of Rip-Rap.  Using the rocks in hand:

Ground Pounder x 10

American Hammer x 10

Blockees x 5

Lunge Walk to the end of the parking lot Rifle Carrying the rock.

Run a lap around the buildings.

Rinse and Repeat x 3

Moseyed back to the Mt. Holly Middle. And stopped Auditorium stairs and did 50 calf raises each leg.

Grizzacalators:  Do  5 Merkins with feet on first step.  Step up to the next step and do 5 Merkins, continue doing 5 Merkins at each step until you get to 25.

Finished with COT

Ground Breaking

First morning at the newest AO in F3 Gastonia, it was great having all these HIMs ready to do werk.
Roadie and myself spent a few minutes trying to find a decent piece of ground to put the flag in.

Warm Up:
Lets Mosey to first Baptist church.
Short Hill that is very steep.
Side step up 25 merkins
nur up 50 Flutters
Side step the other way 75 lbcs
nur up 100 air press.

Mosey back triple nickel bear crawl across the bridge with squats and CDD’s
11s in the park with dips and pull ups.
Two Hammers were doing it right Wire Nut was on a piece of equipment then I look up and Westside has the chains of a swing lifting himself up like a boss.
finished with dirty hookups and walls sits
with a little Mary.

Prayer request
Montrosses Mom, Tonkas wife and kid, turtle Man, Wichitas family with a new baby coming, Wire Nuts M and his daughter having a baby on the way,

The Bed Pan is Full,

Prison Break 5-11-22

Most ran, some walked. Nice to see Deductible make his 2nd post!

Announcements: CSAUP at The Storm 5/21, Murph on Memorial Day @ Martha Rivers Par

Prayers: Striper’s brother, Big Pappy, Huck, each other, Sister Act, Haze’s sister-in-law, all the new babies on the way in our region, Bedpan’s friend Cody, Blueprint, Gump’s family, Montross’s mom

YHC took us out in prayer.

Lot Lizards and Punch Bugs

Humid Morning but this did not stop the pax from getting after it.
We all ran and afterwards we discussed Group.

A Voluntary combination of two or more People.

Speaking of groups as we were walking in to begin a volkswagon group aka Punch Bugs was getting ready for a ride.
this shows there are many groups in the world.
Group types

Most have three types of people

2nd F coming up this Wednesday at Sammys in Dallas

The Bed Pan is Full
Be a Lizard and Not a Leech.

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