Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: May 2022 (Page 3 of 12)

Lot of Work

Had a great work out went something like this:

  • Warm up a few easy excercises
  • Circle around the flag pole on your seats with weights 25 pounds and 10 pounds. Pass them around while everyone does american hammers. You get the gest… 3 round with  various exercises.
  • Then we mosey a while up and down the hills on the other side of the school to the lower parking lot for 3 rounds of tic,tac,toe. Bear crawl out start with 5 hand release merkins then place your piece competing for the glory. Round 2 switch partners two more exercises escalate, round 3  different exercises escalate. You get the picture.
  • Then mosey back to the short hill and do some 11’s Bobby hurley’s and  can not remember the other one… ( old people damn)
  • Anyway great work out few announcements and prayer request.
  • Termite out!

We Just Missed That One…

After a rough & tumble night of tornado warnings, torrential rains, and lightning that could rival a good July 4th celebration I was crossing my fingers that the severe weather would be gone by the time 5:30 rolled around.  Quick check of the weather app and though it was going to be close we should be good.  Driving in my confidence waned but soon the windshield cleared and it looked like my back-up winke would not be necessary.  I arrived first but was soon joined by three other PAX.  I must have missed it but apparently at a recent post Mayor was quite adamant that our own Nantan was very ill prepared because he used the F3 Deck of Pain to lead a workout.  I listened to conflicting stories but it made for excellent mumblechatter!  So much so that we started a whole minute late!  Next was the pledge.

Warm Up: (IC) 1 Burpee / 20 SSH / 2 Burpees / 15 Gravel Pickers / 3 Burpees / 10 Goofballs / 4 Burpees / 5 Abe Vigodas / 5 Burpees

The Thang:  Mosey across the parking lot for Dora 123 around the County Administration Building (Merkins / Squats / LBCs).  Then a fellowship mosey back to the Pavillion for Dirty 11s climbing the stairs up/down across the pavillion (American Hammers / Big Boys).  Finally back to the start for some Dora 321 around the water fountain area (Dying Cockroaches / Flutter Kicks / Shoulder Taps).  We finished up with a short round of Mary.  The mumblechatter continued right til the end and the current reign and length of term for the Nantan was questioned  😮


Announcements:  Memorial Day Murph (Martha Rivers) / F3 Dad’s Needs Qs for June & July (Folsom & Gashouse) see Mayor / PT Test 6/18/22 (Father’s Day Weekend)

Prayer Request:  Angela Duncan oral cancer (PH’s sister-in-law) / Turtleman / Huckleberry / Sargento’s M persistent cough / EZ Rider recovery / the Uvalde, TX shooting victims & families / Put our own personal egos aside and let God’s will win out / Don’t ever skip a chance to give your loved ones a hug and tell them you love them / We all learn how to deal with TRUE struggle / Sarlacc’s 2.0 / Praise report from Tippmann for not getting hurt after being hit by a semi truck recently

As always, it was an honor to lead

Move Over Rover & Let Jimi Take Over!  PH

Bulldog – 5/24/2022


The Pledge

The Warm-up

SSH x 10 then 1 Burpee; Rinse and repeat adding a burpee until we reached 5 rounds

The Thang

Kettlebell Pyramid

  • 5 Merkins
  • 5 Big Boys
  • 10 KB Swings
  • 10Merkins
  • 10 Big Boys
  • 10 KB Swings
  • 15 Merkins
  • 15 Big Boys
  • 10 KB Swings
  • 20 Merkins
  • 20 Big Boys
  • 10 KB Swings
  • 15 Merkins
  • 15 Big Boys
  • 10 KB Swings
  • 10Merkins
  • 10 Big Boys
  • 10 KB Swings
  • 5 Merkins
  • 5 Big Boys
  • 10 KB Swings

3 Rounds

  • 15 Kb squats
  • 15 Dips
  • 15 curls
  • 15 O/H Presses
  • 15 Bench presses

3 Rounds

  • Rocky Balboa – 20
  • Step-ups -10 per leg
  • Squats – 10

Finish off with

  • LBC x 20 I/C
  • Flutters x 20 I/C
  • American Hammers x 20 I/C

Rinse and repeat but this round 15 reps I/C


  • Announcements – The Memorial Day Murph
  • Prayer Request

YHC closed in prayer


Breaker Breaker

Inclement Weather

YHC woke up to heavy thunderstorms and thought this is going to be fun.  Make few changes to the weinke and off to the AO.  Arrived to see Dirt and Watts Up vehicles, so I thought they might be on a run.  Getting close to the start and the PAX started showing up.  With 5:30 approaching fast I jump out the truck and start leading PAX to under the school awning with rain and lightning still in the sky.


Warm up


15 Imperial Walkers IC

10 Merkins IC

10 Gravel Pickers IC

20 Squats OYO

5 Burpees

Mosey to the end of the awning for an escalator.  We used area under awning for the mosey in between sets.  Still lightning.

10 Merkins

20 Big Boys

30 Monkey Humpers

40 Mtn Climbers

10 Burpees to finish set.

Mosey to front of school for larger area to mosey. We did the following excercises with a mosey in between each

25 Big Boys

50 Overhead claps IC

75 Merkins

100 Squats

125 Flutters 4 ct

Next we found wall where we could for 25 Dirty Hook ups then wall sit to rest of the PAX were done for 2 rounds then we moseyed around the parking lot back to the school sign for 20 yard bear crawl.  Train in the background, so 5 burpees for the train then bear crawl back to the sign to finish with some core work.

25 of follow exercises

American Hammers

Flutters count right leg


Reverse Crunch

Heels to heaven


Plank til the end.  Time  6:15am.


Prayer Request


I took us out in prayer.


Thank you men for showing up this morning and the opportunity to lead.  SYITG

The Sword – 5/23/22

Arrived at Ingel’s on looked like everyone was already out on the routes. YHC had to look at watch to make sure wasn’t late. Then Mayor, Stripper, and Titman  got of their cars. Time to get to work!

We ran and some walked (YHC ended up walking due to jacked up Achilles from the crazy CSAUP on Saturday)

Back at COT, YHC gave a short devotion on Mental and Emotional Health.

My Journey Through by Dr. Rob Carman

We all have different journeys we take in life, through bad times and good, but one thing is sure – if the Lord Jesus Christ is with us through the journey, we will make it through. I want to share with you my journey through depression. For many years, I suffered with what is known today as clinical depression. Throughout this, I struggled to understand what was going on and why this had happened to me. When I analyzed each of my steps, cause and effect, throughout this journey, what the Lord highlighted for me was the area of my thought life. I had much to learn about the power of thoughts, and how thoughts can transform your life. Like it says in the foundational Bible verse for this series, Proverbs 23:7, “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.

The Bible makes this concept of the power of our thoughts plain and simple: as a person thinks on the inside, this is who they will become on the outside. Our character becomes the complete sum of all of our thoughts. As the plant springs from and could not exist without the seed, so every act of a person springs from the hidden seeds of thought. A thought is a seed; this seed grows not only into an action but also into an emotion. In fact, if you are in emotional turmoil this can be a great thermometer to indicate that your predominant way of thinking is off center and that negative, harmful thoughts are influencing your life. The soul attracts those desires which it secretly harbors, those things which it loves, and that which it fears. We do not attract the life that we want, but rather that which we are. The soul attracts that which it secretly harbors.

We think that our thoughts can be kept in the secret cave of our mind, but they cannot. We believe, “These are just thoughts, how can they affect my life?” The thoughts of our lives become the habitual patterns of our lives. I encourage you to decide today to do as Paul encourages us in Philippians 4:8, when he tells the Philippians to “Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.” Decide today to live free from negative and harmful thoughts and to replace them with God thoughts.

We all experience some kind of mental or emotional issues, but remember to fight off the negative and harmful thoughts that lead us down the wrong path and replace them with God thoughts! Remember this, “always be on your guard, stand firm in your faith, be courageous, be strong, and do everything in love.” 1 Corinthians 16:13-14


The Pledge


Prayer Requests – there were many!

YHC closed us out in prayer.


Breaker Breaker

Lean on Me

11 PAX showed up for Mental Health Awareness month.

Buddy up, because we all need somebody.

Started with 2 coupons representing carrying others’ burdens with them with multiple stops for various activities with the coupons.

We finished with partner work in 11’s fashion with partner Get-Ups and Booyah Merkins at the old Junior High.

Ran back to the AO just in time for the COT.

Good work, Men

Hold it now

15 strong at Folsom for some Dora, some core work, and some Merkin holds.  Here’s what I remember:

The Thang:

  • 10 x SSH (IC)
  • 10 x Imperial Walkers (IC)
  • 10 x Goofballs (IC)
  • 5 x Burpees (OYO)
  • 10 x Dying Cockroaches (IC)
  • 10 x Scissor Kicks (IC)
  • 10 x Mike Tysons (IC)

Mosey to the first loop, up the road, but far short of the flagpole

Dora 1-2-3

  • 100 x Crab Marches
  • 200 x Superman Pull-ups
  • 300 x Monkey Humpers

Other partner runs a loop that was a little shy of 0.2 miles

Grunting in the pull-ups, grumbling during the Monkey Humpers, YHC figured we were on the right track.  YHC had Wirenut as a partner and didn’t have to do any of the Crab Marches because they were already done upon return from first run.  Good stuff.

  • 5 x Burpees (OYO)
  • 15 x Oblique Crunches L (IC)
  • 15 x Oblique Crunches R (IC)
  • 15 x Crunchy Frogs (IC)
  • 15 x American Hammers (IC)
  • 15 x Flutter Kicks (IC)

And we were off to our next stop.

Mosey to the flagpole for the pledge, then step across the road to that loop for the next dumb idea

New partners, but this time we break the Merkin into 3 positions:

  • Low – From plank position, do the first part of the merkin, but just don’t come up.  Stay there, nose inches from the ground and beards touching it.
  • Mid – From plank position, drop down to where your elbows are around 90 degrees and hold.  Same depth as unnamed PAX doing merkins.
  • High – Standard High Plank

So Partner 1 holds, while Partner 2 runs the loop, which is a little more than 0.1 mile.

  • Round 1
    • Partner 1 – Hold Low
    • Partner 2 – Run
    • Switch
  • Round 2
    • Partner 1 – Hold Mid
    • Partner 2 – Run
    • Switch
  • Round 3
    • Partner 1 – Hold High
    • Partner 2 – Run
    • Switch

Strong push from the PAX on this one.  YHC was paired with Wichita, and he was crushing it.  Shoutout to Bedpan on this one too.  We weren’t done.

  • 5 x Burpees (OYO)
  • 15 x Oblique Crunches L (IC)
  • 15 x Oblique Crunches R (IC)
  • 15 x Crunchy Frogs (IC)
  • 15 x American Hammers (IC)
  • 15 x Flutter Kicks (IC)

Oh look, there’s enough time for 1 more round!  Let’s see which one to pick?

  • Round 4
    • Partner 1 – Hold Low
    • Partner 2 – Run
    • Switch

Time to head back to the flag.  Shout out to Wirenut and Beetle Bailey who brought in the Six without stopping all the way back from the flagpole.



  • Shirt Orders for Midoryama & Tequila Sunrise & Gasmask Hats
  • Memorial Day Murph – Sandlot (Martha Rivers) – 0700

Prayer Requests:

  • Turtleman
  • Huck
  • Kids
  • Ms Expecting
  • Wirenut’s Mom
  • Stiper’s Brother
  • Sarlacc’s Daughter
  • Montross’s Mom
  • Big Pappy’s M
  • Sister Act’s Daughter
  • Injured and traveling PAX

Strong push by all these men.  Had a blast.  Will be back.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead.

Yabba Dabba Doo

Who didn’t prepare?

Some folks believe that if you do a certain type of workout then you didn’t prepare. I disagree. This is what happened…

A dozen HIM decided to get better this morning and after a short disclaimer, we warmed up with a mosey to the front of the school. To our surprise, some crazy students blew up a bunch of balloons and filled up a soccer goal with them in front of the school doors. Hilarious!

The Thang – Four Corners Deck of Death

Yep, when YHC pulled the deck out, some smarty pants suggested that there wasn’t any preparation for todays workout. Hardly! The first card was pulled and we did whatever it said to do (+10 reps if it was a number card) but left behind about 1/4 of the deck. Next, we sprinted down the sidewalk to the next corner and YHC pulled another card. Same thing, do the exercise, leave 1/4 of the deck behind. Sprint to the next corner, pull a card, do the exercise and leave 1/4 of the deck behind. Sprint to the last corner and do what the card says. Sprint to the start and swap the next card puller. Do a rotation of that PAX pulling cards all the way back to the start. Switch pullers, do it again. And again. And again. And again.

Time was running short so we headed back home to the start. We started a round of Bring Sally Up until time ran out and that was that. Thanks for the opportunity to lead men!

Announcements: Memorial Day Murph, PT Test June 18th

Prayer Requests: Turtleman, Huck, Tesla, Kids finishing school exams



Rolled into Crossroads and found a lone PAX getting ready to launch.  Balljoint rolled in next gettin a little EC in, then another, then another and pretty soon we topped out at five.  Off we went and back again at 7:15 but one PAX shy.  Seems Bed Pan decided his allergy driven snot would make for some good running fuel but his stomach did not concur! 🙁  We wrapped it up with the COT and then inside for QSource on LDP.

Annoucements:  F3 Dad’s needs Qs contact Mayor if interested / Memorial Day Murph

Prayers:  Mayor’s same two (? sorry Mayor) / Turtleman / All the PAX having babies / James Goudelock / Freight’s Dad / Purple Haze Sister-in-law oral cancer

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