Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: May 28, 2022

What Does the Blox Say?

YHC saw on Weds morning that EZ Rider needed a substitute Q this weekend at Gashouse (EZ if you’re reading this, hope you are feeling better). It was one of those situations where YHC knew he needed to respond right away and take it, but he didn’t. The next morning, Whoopee put out a similar request for a substitute Q. YHC knew he was due for a Q at the Gashouse prior to seeing EZ’s message and this was a sign that he needed to take it so he jumped on it that time.

SSH IC x 15
Merkins IC x 15
LBCs IC x 15
Imperial Walkers x 15

The Pledge

Boot campers moseyed while the Pain Labbers stayed with Tube.

Mosey to the parking lot near the ball field at First Pres.

YHC asked Linus to pick a number between 1 and 5. He picked 3.

Lunge Walk the length of the parking lot while stopping at every other line for 3 Squats

At the other end, Bear Crawl back on the next row over while stopping at every other line for 3 Merkins.
Prior to the trip back, YHC then let the PAX know that he hated Bear Crawls just so they’d know he disliked this as much as them.

Mosey to the steps for a round of 22’s (think 11’s but increasing/decreasing by 2).

YHC had picked out Big Boys at the top of the steps and let Watts Up choose the exercise for the bottom of the steps. He chose Flutter Kicks.
YHC let Linus decide which exercise to start with 20. While he was thinking, Watts Up and Defib chimed in that 20 Big Boys were preferable for the start.

Once this was done, mosey to the bottom of the hill near the Boy Scout hut. At this point, Linus pointed out what he thought was a fox. In the right light, at the right angle, it did appear to be some sort of animal, but with a further gaze, it was found to just be a couple blocks of wood stacked on each other. “What does the Blox say?”

Partner up for a round of Dora 1-2-3.

100 Merkins
200 Squats
300 LBCs

Throughout the workout, there seemed to be strong mumble chatter amongst the PAX. Linus and I had the exercises at the same time during Dora so we were able to solve the Name/Image/Likeness (NIL) problem in college sports. “I’m partial to women” was said at one point during the exercises. On its own, this could be taken in many different ways, and it made me chuckle. However put in context, this makes more sense given Linus has two daughters and he was concerned how women’s sports would be impacted with this new money/power dynamic in sports and also how female safety on campus would be impacted if athletes felt even more empowered by the new ways to enrich themselves.

Mosey back to the Schiele

Enough time for a couple rounds of Mary led by Defib, Linus, and Short Sale

Murph on Memorial Day, 7am at The Sandlot
New AO – The Down-Lo in Ranlo

Prayer Requests
Watts Up’s M and 2.0 traveling to Missouri
Tube’s M with kidney stone
Bondo’s co-worker’s baby

Prayer to take us out

Until next time…

Quick post script on my thoughts going into this Q. Over the last couple of months, I’ve heard John F. Kennedy’s “To the Moon” speech referenced multiple times on various occasions. One of the points in that speech is that we are going to the moon “not because it is easy, but because it is hard.” I think of F3 and its principles every time I hear that quote. We get up early for boot camps, go on long moseys, and take part in CSAUPs not because they are easy but because they will challenge us in some way. We choose to be leaders in our homes, our churches, and our communities not because it is easy but because it is needed and is best taken on by men with courage and strong moral conviction. I appreciate every man in this region for their encouragement and example as leaders when leadership is needed now more than ever.

same car

UNFORTUNATELY, no rain which means no puddles which sometimes means angry Whoopee Q…..not so angry this am. We started with a disclaimer, pledge and warmup as Hushpuppy rolled in. I ‘splained that I try to have something interesting to discuss during my Q’s but don’t always succeed. Today, I thought, I had something good to share-Stroganoff (y’all remember him, right?) gave me a devotional book a few months ago and although I am way behind, I have gotten back to reading it lately and 1 devotional really stuck with me-April 15th (that is how far I am behind)-It starts off with this:

“If you ever consider divorce, you will always have to consider divorce.” Let that sink in for a minute then keep reading.

We moseyed to the wall for some stepups and Derkins. While doing stepups we continued the discussion. The devotional talks about being married is like owning a car that you NEVER trade in…….as in N.E.V.E.R. Let that sink in about “just” a car. How would you care for that car? Would you keep it up to date with regular maintenance? Would you even consider looking at other cars? How about looking for a “newer model?” Really no reason for that, right? You have your “lifetime” car already so what is the point? Now consider that we are talking about your “lifetime” wife. Get the “D” word out of your vocabulary and how have you done the past few years with your M? I know I could do better, probably better than I am willing to admit in public for sure. Chew on that for awhile and try to remember it when your M does something that gets on your nerves. The author of the book finishes with a challenge: “Forgive. Whatever it is, forgive. Repeatedly, forgive. Forget about “D word” and make your marriage work!”

Being married and having parents that divorced when I was in my 30’s makes this challenge a gut punch at times if I am being honest, and I LOVE MY M. I can’t imagine what it would be like in a bad marriage. Take the time to make yours work. It’s worth it-you know it is. Re-read the concentrica part of Freed to Lead. Make her your queen.

We did some other exercises and finished with COT. At the end we had some really good discussion about “stuff” and if you were there, you know what I’m talking about.

thanks for the book Strogi-ready for you to get back out here soon.


Nothin a girl can’t handle

I role up a little early and who do I see…Watts UP⚡, welcome back! The Hims begin to role in. JJ takes the warm up, then we split.

Painlaber’s meet in the circle, lets begin some work and maybe some Burpees!

Abs / set 1: 50/10 against the clock

crunches, baby makers, heels to heaven, rev crunches, oblique crunches, American hammers, boat hold. Let mosey around the parking lot. R&R

Arms / set 2: 50/10 against the clock

Burpees, curls, o/h press, o/h triceps ext., squat shadow boxing, cdd’s, inside curls. R&R

Now, lets hit the trail, bring your coupon and rifle carry to the down hill, drop your coupon, walk to the next hill and plank, bear crawl up hill. Meet at the benches and do 20 incline pushups OYO, now circle up and lets do 20 squats on 3 count. Mosey back to your coupons and curl them while marching up hill in the snow both ways. It sounds harder than it really was. We break from the trail and continue to rifle carry back to the circle. IT’s time, lets meet up with Gashouse and do Mary.

Meet back up with the other Hims and get some more work in with Mary.

Good work men! I hope you got your money’s worth. Refunds will be given on the 3rd Tuesday of the 4th month following the next leap year.


Line werk at Folsom

This is the first time I’ve Q’d a Saturday in a while so I was determined to deliver a good workout for the hammers at Folsom. I always try to deliver something different in my Q’s and this is what I came up with for today.we would be using 2 different coupons one being an 8’ piece of power pole the other a light duty 8’crossarm. I think the poles weighed around 130lbs a piece and the arms weighed around 40lbs.
Proper warm up:ssh,gravel pickers,squats,merkins,burpees all x10 IC

next mosey to soccer field on the way stop at each pole and do three kraken burpees,pax took turns carrying coupons 2 per pole and 1 per cross arm

soccer field:divided into two teams of 7,teams competed to finish exercises first

exercises:300 burpees 300 merkins 300bigboys,cross arm curls,300squats,12 laps around field, one pax flips pole end over end 30 yards and back then all pax rotate to next exercise until completing all reps .

both teams finished around the same time so we’ll call it a tie 🤷‍♂️.

then we moseyed back to the flag the same way we came taking turns carrying coupons and doing kraken burpees,

then we moseyed to bottom shelter for 4 sets of 5 pull ups,10 monkey humpers,15 dips,20 squats this was about the time SA had to tap out its ok  you vs you🙄.

then we lunge walked from the bottom of the lot to the flag with escalating merkins at every other line 16 total merkins 🥵

Time! Praise the Lord glad to be done 😆

announcements,pledge, I prayed us out

good turnout this am thanks for the support guys it was fun looking forward to the next one 💪🏻

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